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Question. What colour T-shirt would go with this? The topman website says "Orange" but I think that would look retarded. Any suggestions? Help!






Today was meh. I came home at lunch because I felt so utterly tired, and I ended up falling asleep on the floor whilst doing some work. How odd.


Yellow would work with that.

Yellow would work with that.


Cheers, thats what I've been thinking. Annoying though, I ordered it today, and chose the wrong delivery option. So I have a 50/50 chance of it arriving by friday. Fun times.


That top looks like something my gradfather wears. He normally would wear it with a dark amber/ochre yellow. I'm-a call him now and tell him how blinging he looks to the youth, yo.

Wait till the weekend, free listings if starting bid 99p or under :)


Couldn't be bothered, I don't start auctions at 99p anyway, just in case they sell for 99p.


Getting really fucking ticked off with one of my housemates, to the point where I've started sending messages to him, my other housemates are the same, we keep seeing food going missing and he keeps bringing mates round and thinking it's perfectly fine.


He'll hate me soon enough, I fucking hope he grovels, bastard, he's a rich kid and admits it, so why on earth does he feel the need to steal our food?


It wouldn't even matter if he told us when he's needed to borrow it, the rest of us do!


-.- I'm also sick of cleaning the damn place when I'm never around. It's all the mess of one person too!


As funny as suggesting you start a campaign of subtle sabotage against him as retaliation would be, I reckon you should just talk to him before you get really pissed. You have to live with him for a while so you should try and sort it out before you get any real bad blood.

As funny as suggesting you start a campaign of subtle sabotage against him as retaliation would be, I reckon you should just talk to him before you get really pissed. You have to live with him for a while so you should try and sort it out before you get any real bad blood.


I plan to, but with him being such a mummy's boy it seems to just go in one ear and out the other.


It's just irratating, I could put up with the mess if it wasn't for the fact I'm paying so he can eat, it's pointless and it's not even alittle bit of bread of pasta, it's alot of it because he's feeding his fucking friends everytime they are round, which is quite often.


I can't keep an eye while I'm out.


@ Chris the Great - Not to put a downer on your treadmill action but I can walk the same distance in 30mins and run 6 miles in 40. :heh: Ok yes I'm terrible as it seems like I'm gloating but if you keep up the work on the treadmill you'll improve quite a bit but I would suggest some street running as it gives a more realistic environment within which to improve.


Anyways, my day has been ok. At least I'm not thinking of drowning my sorrows like yesterday. Had a single hour lecture, which is a bit of a piss take when I'm spending £7-£8 on train fares to come in to uni. Spent the rest of the day doing bugger all, except from reading a bit more of King Lear (which is annoying me because it is so bloody long).


@ Nightwolf - A padlock works wonders for sorting that kind of thing out, although you shouldn't have to resort to that. Just bill him for the food. He'll soon stop it if you present him with a bill for all of the food he is stealing/misusing. Working when my parents wanted my sister to stop it.


10 days down, only 9 more to go before I finally get a day off! I'm working 9-5.30 during the week and then I have classes at the weekends for 9.30-5 to get a chartered accountant qualification. Classes will usually be every second weekend but for this month it's 2 weekends in a row, then 2 off. Which works ok I guess because it means I have the upcoming bank holiday weekend off and the weekend after my uni graduation formal ball but still, I feel like a bit of a zombie right now.

Getting really fucking ticked off with one of my housemates, to the point where I've started sending messages to him, my other housemates are the same, we keep seeing food going missing and he keeps bringing mates round and thinking it's perfectly fine.


He'll hate me soon enough, I fucking hope he grovels, bastard, he's a rich kid and admits it, so why on earth does he feel the need to steal our food?


It wouldn't even matter if he told us when he's needed to borrow it, the rest of us do!


-.- I'm also sick of cleaning the damn place when I'm never around. It's all the mess of one person too!


I think the problem IS that he is a rich kid. Now, I've never lived away from home, but I know of people who sound like the person you're talking about, and plenty of people who've lived with people like that. The problem with rich people, or people who are given too much monetary support by their parents for too long, is they never learn themselves the value of money or anything, then they don't understand what is wrong when they just take from other people. They're absolute cockbags, and the only way to do anything is to make them feel like the shittest person ever and just to bring them right down, or at least that is what I would do. Get everyone in your house together, have a word, and be a bastard until he cleans his act up. Yeah, it's fucking harsh, but it's the only way he'll learn. The one thing money can't buy you is being liked or approval(well, it can to an extent, but shhh!). Don't do it if he could give back as good as he gets though, or if you don't get the rest of your housemates to do it too. When you first approach, be calm and sensible, explain the problem and ask for the money, give him two chances, then proceed with bastardisation!

Haggis, were it me(well no, I'd never wear a blue cardigan, or cardigans full stop) I'd suggest a white t-shirt with the blue cardy, it's a classic and it works. I can't see you going wrong with it at all, though maybe I'd say a pastel yellow if you're fair haired(as a better alternative, white'd still work). I say this like I'm fashion inclined, I'm not, but I reckon it'd work.


I've been all the way up to Portsmouth for the Open Day today which I really liked, I had to really as I've already sent off my UCAS form. :p


But it was a good day out and I ate LOADS of snacks, I was very hungry for some reason! :D The Psychology coure looks interesting and I liked the feel of the place which is always hard to describe!


One more Open day to go to now and then I;ve seen my 5 Choices. :yay:


Got hit up for cash by some greasy fool that I used to know. Basically hes the ex of one of my "friends" from school -who has fathered her two kids-. He's on the dole and doing shifts for mum and dad at the pub they own. Yeah, and he was asking if I was single and such -ew- He also tried to hit on me when he was seeing said friend. oh and he has the blackest teeth i've ever seen on an early 20something year old.


Stinkin. Rather stay single thanks XD


Day was a bit boring. Planning out some exercise time over the course of this week. My mum showed her concerns earlier, thinks I shouldn't be walking all the way home (2 maybe 3 miles at most). But then she tells me that I need to lose weight and exercise etc. Rawr parents.

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