ReZourceman Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 I'm not representative of N-E's humour. Quick, somebody, say something dastardly witty! My mate got a new job last week, poking a piece of shit with a twig. So it was his first day today, and he had training, but he got confused, and got the wrong end of the stick.
Pookiablo Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 My mate got a new job last week, poking a piece of shit with a twig. So it was his first day today, and he had training, but he got confused, and got the wrong end of the stick. /facepalm j/k, it was actually quite funny
gaggle64 Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 I'm not representative of N-E's humour. Quick, somebody, say something dastardly witty! Had a conversation with a tree yesterday, about photosynthesis. The tree didn't say anything of course, just stood there, taking it all in.
martinist Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 taking it all in... Like yer ma took all of me in last night spent most of the day watching you tube videos, yes that is the kind of life i lead. I find it quite entertaing to say the least.
Platty Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Lesson of the day: Never just "pop" to Oxford Street after work. Credit crunch my arse. It was packed and horrible. I went in like 3 shops before thinking fuck this and just went home.
EchoDesiato Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 My fridge has decided to randomly turn itself off and on. Fun fun. Besides that my day has been uneventful. Went to classes, studied, explored the internet, and I beat Beyond Good and Evil (very late to the party). Great game. Tomorrow should be good, going to some thing to get to know the lower year students, and after that fun will be had with drinking.
Fierce_LiNk Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Hmm, its been a pretty shitty day, to be honest. I dunno, day started off brightly, I had my breakfast before I left and I felt ok, but got a headache by the time I got home, and realised that it was going to be one of those days. And, I dunno, thinking a lot about a few things, and I just don't know whether I'm coming or going. I think maybe I'm destined to just be a spare part, like its handy if I'm there, but not essential, or I wouldn't be missed if I wasn't there.
Shorty Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 rock band, endless playlist, 58 songs, green grass and high tides, RSI, measly 10G. *curls up in a ball and begins to rock back and forth*
Dyson Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 rock band, endless playlist, 58 songs, green grass and high tides, RSI, measly 10G. *curls up in a ball and begins to rock back and forth* But now you're platinum artists as well, right?
jayseven Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Alright day off. Went and had a jugglesock meeting which lasted far too long BUT involved a cooked meal by one of the committee, which was dang tasty. Chilled with nightwolf a wee bit. She is very annoying and prefers me blind. Now it's far-too-late and I've got far-too-busy-a-day tomorrow; 9am start, 5pmish finish, with a trip to the bank in between, then jugglesock from 6 to 8, then pub probably til last orders. SOME SYMPATHY PLZ. Had a conversation with a tree yesterday, about photosynthesis. The tree didn't say anything of course, just stood there, taking it all in. I made a door laugh yesterday. I tickled its nob. Ok, that's lame but I loved your joke! But now you're platinum artists as well, right? YES! Yes, yes we are, but jesus FUCK was it an arduous task. What was that song? That 10-minute one around 52/58 called? Fuckin'... ARGH. Drums on medium = 5 minutes of non-stop rubbish. We're probably not going to play for a few days.
Dyson Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 YES! Yes, yes we are, but jesus FUCK was it an arduous task. What was that song? That 10-minute one around 52/58 called? Fuckin'... ARGH. Drums on medium = 5 minutes of non-stop rubbish. We're probably not going to play for a few days. Green Grass and High Tides?
Iun Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Very bad bipolar episode right now. Be quite happy to lie under my desk at work and cry. Mental illness sucks.
ReZourceman Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Hmm, its been a pretty shitty day, to be honest. I dunno, day started off brightly, I had my breakfast before I left and I felt ok, but got a headache by the time I got home, and realised that it was going to be one of those days. And, I dunno, thinking a lot about a few things, and I just don't know whether I'm coming or going. I think maybe I'm destined to just be a spare part, like its handy if I'm there, but not essential, or I wouldn't be missed if I wasn't there. Damn dude, sorry to hear that. I don't consider you a spare part. Although....Ive never met you....maybe you're a robot? Can robots have feelings? --------- Pffftthahahahah! Ive just discovered Audio Preview of text comments on YouTube. Try this ; My name is mister robot I gonna fuck your balls.
Guest bluey Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 BUA-HAHAHAHAAA!! i am such a fiendish fiend!! my lightbulb blew... and since it's one of those stupid 32" circular ones there werent any spare in the guesthouse's cupboard... so i NICKED the one from the hallway!! nya-HA! *cough* in other news~ today i got called into HQ halfway through my shift in ginza... they wouldnt say WHY i was being summoned for a meeting though O_o i assumed it was a follow up from the last meeting where i got signed of for the weekend - you know, just to make sure i was still going to work and hadnt jumped infront of a train.. i was half right... they were glad to see i was still in one piece and intending on staying on with the company... but apparently one of my school's bosses has formally complained about me!!! she's saying that i'm not very energetic at work. this is bullshit. i'm energetic for FOUR hours straight while i teach kids classes... then for another 2 hours through adult classes... just because i dont wanna jump around singing while i'm in the staffroom and not infront of customers?! i put on a pretty damn good show for customers and work really hard... i'm not there to entertain the staff too so i'm gunna talk to her on saturday ~ but if she still wants me out... (yeah she's trying to have me moved! thats the harshest reaction a school boss can take O_O!!) then my shift will just get changed to a substitute day or something... the only way it can really get worse for me is if they give me like, 4 kids classes in a row instead... that'd be HELLISH O_O i dont mind too much either way... just a little pissed off that she's literally trying to have me removed 'cause she doesnt like me! but! going out tonight ~ gunna chillax with friends meeh!!
rokhed00 Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Yay, just got confirmation of my invite to a very exclusive haloween party.
Ellmeister Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 A girl walks into a bar and asks for a double entendre, so he gave her one. My poor attempt at a joke ): Anywho, looking forward to weekend, could be weird could be great.
Ashley Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Urgh. Getting to uni for a one hour seminar at 9 seems a bit pointless. Oh well. Doing laundry (which of course now means I'll have 'laundry day' stuck in my head all day) and research. Bleeding library revoked my net access again due to overuse and I tried to explain it happened a lot last year with no reason and was thoroughly checked out but no. He had to go through everything and come to the same conclusion half an hour later -_-
nightwolf Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Me annoying? Damnit jay screw seeing you anymore :'( pssh. I'm knackered, I really couldn't sleep, jay's couch is comfy but not two nights a week, had about half an hour sleep at home, but flatmates were being noisy as they were getting ready for the classes. Not particularly looking forward to jugglesock this week, as nice as everybody is, it's a real effort to engage in conversation when the mind is elsewhere! In abit of a bad mood, I'm abit sick of thinking about the same things, gah. I'm also going to shout at dan for calling me :P, he needs to be careful, 5minutes earlier and I would have been in a lecture!
ReZourceman Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Super lolz afternoon. Rang my friend, and told him a slew of jokes I had heard/made up. He was waiting in the barber, so was relaying the jokes to the people in there. Loving it. Advertising my shit, you know? Nearly had without a doubt what would have the been the most funny fail ever, but proved my ninja skills in the end - I jumped up to go down stairs and basically ran (why run? I do these things) anyway, and the bedroom door was half closed, (or half open? Glass half full etc) anyway and I like ran to it, and put my hand out and gave it a little tap, but the tap was misjudged and I nearly ran into. Had to dive my body back and used my super ninja-ness (and other hand) to slam that bitch about thus allowing me a brisk escape. I decided to casually stroll down the stairs portion. The watched The Usual Suspects. Very good. Was going to do some prank calls and YewTewb tha shiz' but Im not feeling it. I am now going to attempt to push ahead with some writing for a project....I hope I have the dedication to see this project through (unlike my 100s of other projects I never finish)
rokhed00 Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Had a lovely lunch with a new friend today, it's great when you meet someone off the internet and they are just as nice in person.
Supergrunch Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Had my first linguistics lecture today, and then the lecturer didn't turn up for the second, so we decided to leave. (yes, all 5 of us ) First was quite cool though.
ReZourceman Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Had a lovely lunch with a new friend today, it's great when you meet someone off the internet and they are just as nice in person. I wouldn't know what that feels like.
Supergrunch Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 ive got a sore throat Mm, that sucks. I've had freshers' flu for the past 2 or 3 days.
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