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My day was a bit meh. Spent all morning watching the OC when I should have been reading Shakespeare. Then I had to get on over to Dundee for my buddy thing but had to waste an hour and a half in town with nothing to do. Did find a Snes in Cash Converters so when I get money I'll go back in and buy it with a couple of games.


Buddy thing was ok. A few more people. Mainly girls although we did get a nigerian guy who was studying accounting/finance. I had to stop myself from laughing at that. All I could think of was the Nigerian scammers you get on the net and other places. But he was a nice guy. Had a little chat with him on the way out of the union but it was short as I had to sprint about a mile from the union to the station in 5 minutes. Made it though. It seems all that long distance running over the summer did a lot of good.


And I swear to god that the two girls who are taking my buddy group were eyeing me up. They're both attractive enough but they're both older so it's probably a no go. I'll just have to keep an eye on them and see if they continue doing it. If so I may use the greatest pick up line ever (those in the know will know what it is :wink:)


had to sign onto the dole today, which is humiliating. took £13 of that and bought elder scroles IV: oblivion on the PS3.


been at that a bit today, felt bad for spending the money so listed some stuff on amazone. (okami for the wii is up there if any ones interested) then went for an eye exam, which i hate. so much waiting, then they tell me i have an aftercare for my contact lenses tommorow ARGH! still, sooner i go, sooner i get noew lenses, and i love putting new lenses in so its all good.


then i went to the gym with a mate. worked hard, sweated heavily and did my usual round on the weights. my shoulders are improving, though still pitfully weak comapired to my triceps, beceps and now, even my pecks. ended the seshion with a protine shake.


For those who don't know, i'll be living at Letty's for a few weeks starting tomorrow. I've transfered all my stuff into the "sun room" of her house and set it all up. This is temporary, till we move out in a few weeks.






Right, as of today all my non-uni friends are back (or starting) at their respective unis, and I'm not going back until a week tomorrow... oh well. I suppose I have a few bits to do before then, but I can't wait to get back.

Dude. I am so fucking baked. Supaaaa noodels!!

Fuck me that's a good idea. I think I've found my new favoutrite club in Bouyrnemouth, £1.50 on ALL drinks, holy shit, pint of Strongbow, £1.50, aso fucking win!


Edit: shit bard I fucking love you -I've made myself some bacons uper noodles and they're fucking perfect.. Good shout! Pics to follow tomorrow maybe?

For those who don't know, i'll be living at Letty's for a few weeks starting tomorrow.


Thought you had your new place sorted.


Fuck me that's a good idea. I think I've found my new favoutrite club in Bouyrnemouth, £1.50 on ALL drinks, holy shit, pint of Strongbow, £1.50, aso fucking win!


Smuggle in cans, even cheaper.


Better clubs in Bournemouth anyway, check out consensual kink.


Back to uni today and need to pass ten mins now before going to get free stuff!!! Just got my timetable and it's sooo messy but it hasn't freaked me out, I can kinda pick and choose bits to do (I'm a big looser, I'll try and do a bit of everything) and might get to work with my friends which would be awesome!! Hopefully!! - Right free stuff, home and chill some :yay:


one of my students made me a pizza!!

we were swapping recipes last week and i jokingly suggested a pizza party lesson ~ she obviously liked the idea! ^___^ so awesome.


Woke up about 10, had breakfast (toast), watched some crap my step dad was watching, post came, and in that post was my Provisional Driving License :D :D :D Woo!!1




jordo, shame on you, you'll need your own generator for all that powerage! :heh:




I've had a shitty night and a shitty day. All day i've been ravenously hungry, thanks to a really wonderful side effect of my meds. I lay in bed last night and my whole body was seizing which is making it near on impossible to sleep. Whether its due to the injury or not i'm unsure. Or maybe I've overdone the painkillers, I've been living on them since last week :blank:






Having a day off work was okay, I just sat around playing the Sims for most of the day =) I'm almost looking forward to being back at work. Almost.

Thought you had your new place sorted.


HBOS are screwing him over atm, so he's moving in with me until its sorted!



In other news, my friend's lovely dog died yesterday. He was really old and unwell though, and he was totally loved and looked after throughout his life :) His favourite colour was pink too.


Also, today I've eaten: Bacon roll, chips, pancake, the crumble part from the top of an apple crumble, and half a pomegranite! wtf!!

Aaaaand, my things from alleycat metalwear finally arrived!! *dance*


Today was a little boring. Spent the morning watching independance day, and then the afternoon was spent in a psychology lessons which was massive amounts of fun as usual. We actually ended up staying 10 minutes overtime, we were having that much fun. I love my teacher so much, she's just so approachable.


Tomorrow I'm off out to the cinema with a mate of mine, and then staying around another mates house with her which should be a good laugh. People wouldn't stop accusing us of "going on a date" today, which effed us off slightly. Apparently "You both like each other, it's obvious". I do wish people would learn to not interfere.


Well, today's been pretty meh. For some reason, I didn't get up til half 12...I dunno what happened. Then, cleaned most of the kitchen. One of my housemates came home, and what did she say? "Why didn't you clean the rest of it?"




Fucking gratitude for you!


Ahh, fuck it. Played some WiiSports, then a bit of guitar, and now I'm gonna go out for some food tonight.


The cheek of it though. And I hoovered the fucking living room. I'm gonna sit on my Welsh arse next time and do fack all. Bastards.

HBOS are screwing him over atm, so he's moving in with me until its sorted!


I refuse to stand by and let you bad mouth my employer without me. :heh:


Today was rather gravy. Went to Chessington (the World of Adventures) and the weather was good. Journey back was lame though. 1 hour and 10 minutes there...2 and half hours back. Major sigh. But meh, s'all good baby.


Claire said "So where does the M25 stop at?" :bowdown:


Oh yeah, and this guy was totally awesome on the way back, but I can't be bothered to explain yet, Im knackered. Might turn it into a thread later actually. Yes...its worthy of a ReZthread.


Another quite day for me. Got up, ate breakfast and continued my watch through of the entirity of the OC (about 89 episodes to go). Went to uni for a lecture, where I some how managed to pick the only row in the lecture theatre where most of the seats were broken. Found a seat but was left on my own. A bit stupid of me but I wasn't exactly about to get up and move. Was comfortable. :)


Then I had a lab safety thing for two hours. So booooooring! It went over all of the emergency precedures, PPE and how to use a microscope. I know all about those so it was really a waste of time. Did finally get round to speaking to someone other than the voices in my head. Worked together through the thing and she seemed nice. For the life of me, though, I can't remember her name. We didn't introduce ourselves because we had name tags but I wasn't really paying attention. Talking to much. Should do it more often. But I know I won't. Also heard Don't Stop Believin' by Journey blaring out of Gamestation so I popped in to have a listen.


Today was a pretty nice day, probably because I didn't have any classes to go to. =P


Slept until 10 am, which was really nice to get to do. Could've stayed in bed longer but I went out with my sister to make an appointment at some weird gym type place. It's not really a gym but you do exercises in a weird infra-red cabin and there's a dietitian. Or something.


Anyway, met up with friends in school (who did have a class) and then three of us had a stroll over the funfair, but everything was still closed. Had a drink, one friend left so it was just me and another friend. We ate some "smoutebollen" (basically balls of dough deep fried and sprinkled with lots of powdered sugar), though afterwards I realised I don't like them too much. And we ended up being covered in the sugar, heh.


We went on three thrill rides on the fair, which was really fun. I laughed so much, especially since my friend screamed in a funny way and she often just kept her eyes closed and screamed 'noooooo, help!' when the people asked if we all wanted more. XD

Was fun, though sadly a bit expensive (€4 per ride, boooh).


And now Desperate Housewives, yay!


Today was pretty cool. Went to the cinema after school, saw Tropic Thunder which surprisingly isn't as bad as you'd expect. Then I had a good game of football, and I shall now relax and play a bit of Wario Land.

I missed today at uni, it's only freshers... but everyone got given their timetable and I don't know where I need to be on Monday!!

10:15 in CWG/11 for a lecture on 3d and animation.


Today I got my timetable :p. Looks alright I guess. I hope we finally start doing some work. Cannot wait for it to start.


Just got back from my Sixth Form dinner. :) Much more fun than I thought it would be. Drink people are hilarious. Spent most my time at a guy who was trying to eat the flowers. :grin:


Also the food was really Nice. :D Bit worn out now but also full of life. I can't decide whether I need sleep or not!

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