Fierce_LiNk Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 I just read that, somewhere in the world, a bunch of people are writing and producing American Psycho: The Musical either the world has reached an irreversible state of decline and this is the herald of the End of Days...or this is the best thing I've ever seen in my life. I can't quite decide. I'll just wait for Fight Club on Ice.
gaggle64 Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 I'm still holding out for Die Hard 3: The Opera.
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 I'm still holding out for Die Hard 3: The Opera. Haha, how amazing would that be? And it would still beat the crap out of the rubbish that was Die Hard 4.0. Oh no.
EEVILMURRAY Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 I got to work 20 mins early, having a sit down beforehand. Then I pass out finding out I had a cracking fit. Hitting the floor I seem to have bust a nice gash above my left eye, meaning I've been wearing a plaster all night. They called my mum [no response] then called my dad who picked me up and took me home. I felt better when I got home so walked back to work [my bike was still there] and asked if I could work, but they refused, so I stayed for the quiz with some gringos and lost by half a point. Then I rode home. I'd take a picture but I haven't got the energy at the moment. After wearing a plaster all night, this is what my badass eye looks like now.
jayseven Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 'kin hell. So apparantly I'm allergic to something. Got to the societies fair at 9am, prepared to juggle my face off for six-to-eight hours in an attempt to coax in some new members. Instead my face decides to swell its own way off my head! Within ten minutes my lips and eyelids were swollen and numb, and my tongue and pallet were too big for my mouth. I was freaking out so I went along to the doctor's office -- I never bothered signing up with them when I first got here -- where they were making me wait while my tongue started swelling and numbing more and more... then my nasal passage went numb and I was struggling to breathe through my nose... so I went to reception and said something like "gnurse, by dose... nn-I gand breev broberlee..." and they got the hint that this was a bit urgent. So of course, I'm at home now, having stumbled my way to boots and then home again, like some quasimelaphant boy. Strangely... Er... I think I look more attractive with my lips swollen! lol... Seriously, there were several girls checking me out on the way home for way longer than the usual visual perusal. Of course they could've been oggling the freak. I'll shame the user-image gallery with it whenever i fix my cable problem. As for what I'm allergic to? Not a clue. No idea how soon after you eat something it reacts. Chances are it's something in my cold burger that I took a bite of from last night. I had two bites last night then went straight to bed, didn't sleep as I couldn't breathe very well but was too drowsy to notice anything. Drowsy being alcohol-induced, of course. But I've had those burgers loads of times... Greaaat. Experimentin' tiemlol.
Pookiablo Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Im allergic to dust. Spooky, so am I, I have allergic-conjunctivitus, so dusty areas don't help and can make my eyes go all red and swollen - I look like a vampire or something when it happens - it's the bane of my life as many a time it can just flare up and ruin a good night out Day so far has been average - to be honest I haven't really done very much! Currently pondering over whether I should buy De Blob or Bomberman Blast tomorrow.
Jav_NE Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Today has been pretty sweet. We got to play the new Street Fighter on arcade machines brought in to the office from Japan. It was sweet. They even ordered in lots of pizza for us too as a trest. It was awesome. I've just started playing Little Big Planet and Far Cry 2 as well, but i've chosen to do FC2 first so played that a bit more. I'm feeling a bit sick now though, i might've eaten too much =/
Dyson Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Dooooooooooooood! Shocking news about two friends of mine that I couldn't possibly post even though nobody knows them! Just got to outlet my surprise somewhere that's all. Weeeeee!
MoogleViper Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Spooky, so am I, So am I and thousands of other people. I'm also allergic to dog's fur, pollen and other stuff.
dan-likes-trees Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Finally got a good quiet nice in. Now I can get to work on stuff for another website. Anyone heard of the Boom Boom Satellites. Loving their music at the mo. Yeah!! I downloaded the album after loving the op for xam'd. Good stuffs. My day involved me going ape shit that id been predicted a C in art A2 after getting a healthy B at AS. Eventually it was sorted out and I was predicted B, my teacher told me I wasn't as good as I used to be... Then me and my friend planned a rough intter-railing trip accross Europe after exams next summer. It's going to be so great!! (If anyone knows of any cities that shouldn't be missed then shout) But I really need to get some more money together. Gunna look around for a temp christmas one in town at the weekend... And then we got round to booking a weekend to Paris with a couple of friends in November More costs...
ReZourceman Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 So am I and thousands of other people. I'm also allergic to dog's fur, pollen and other stuff. Why do you keep fucking dead dogs in fields in Spring then?
MoogleViper Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Why do you keep fucking dead dogs in fields in Spring then? It's worth the suffering.
Daft Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Had an interesting couple weeks. I've not been on much which is strange considering my internet was only cut off yesterday (just in time to miss WipeOut HD... great). Enrolled in Uni yesterday. Somehow managed to timetable it so Friday is free. Got payed today. Found out my headphones are being delayed by a month. I hope I get them by my birthday at least. It's driving me a bit nuts. Leaving Zone 2 (otherwise known as 'Up North') again tomorrow for the weekend. If it is half as much fun as last weekend I can't wait. I'm still a bit ill from my fever but I'll live.
Eenuh Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Today was quite meh again. Spent 8 long hours in the same class, all day long. Tried working on my assignment but since it's still in the beginning stages I didn't get much done. I find it hard to concentrate in school, I work better at home but sadly they won't allow that. So pretty much a wasted day. Was about to go home at 5:30, only to find out the rear tyre on my bicycle was completely flat. Which is suspicious because it was okay this morning and it was in the same spot all day. Luckily dad wasn't too far away to come and pick me up. And now I'm home and tired and bored and just feeling a bit unhappy.
ReZourceman Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Had an interesting couple weeks. I've not been on much which is strange considering my internet was only cut off yesterday (just in time to miss WipeOut HD... great). Enrolled in Uni yesterday. Somehow managed to timetable it so Friday is free. Got payed today. Found out my headphones are being delayed by a month. I hope I get them by my birthday at least. It's driving me a bit nuts. Leaving Zone 2 (otherwise known as 'Up North') again tomorrow for the weekend. If it is half as much fun as last weekend I can't wait. I'm still a bit ill from my fever but I'll live. Awesome, thanks for reminding me! Although I have Sonic now...which I cant wait to play....but will probably do so later, so PS3age now. My media sharing just doesnt work half the annoying....I want to watch....not...downloaded programmes through my TV...
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Dooooooooooooood! Shocking news about two friends of mine that I couldn't possibly post even though nobody knows them! Just got to outlet my surprise somewhere that's all. Weeeeee! Oh my God, I have this shocking news, yeah. So shocking that it'll turn the world upside down, inside out, and orange. But I ain't going to tell you anything. Because I'm a bastard! You need to tell. We do not keep secrets here at KNEE. Actually, can that be a new rule? Any secreters (a person who keeps a secret without telling eveeeeryone) need to be banned, burned, or boned. Anyway, my day was cool. I'm going to be doing a 4 month placement at an All Girl's Church School. Yes, the Muslim Man working at an Christian All Girl's School. Should be interesting, haha.
ReZourceman Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 You need to tell. We do not keep secrets here at KNEE. Actually, can that be a new rule? Any secreters (a person who keeps a secret without telling eveeeeryone) need to be banned, burned, or boned. Fine! Fine! *Sigh* I.....I.....agh. I kissed a girl. I liked iii-iiit.
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Fine! Fine! *Sigh* I.....I.....agh. I kissed a girl. I liked iii-iiit. Song aside, you've been with her a long time, I hope to God you've kissed her already.
Slaggis Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Today was alright I suppose. We had Year 13 Prize Giving, and I got an award for Geography which wasn't expected. First lessons was also awesome, I hardly ever have the chance to have a free with one of my best mates when all her other mates aren't around.
Coolness Bears Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Today was more fun than I thought. Only one lesson, which usually means it's quite a boring day but I started writing an idea for a story. Then I went to the Gymn and for once in my life actually broke a sweat it was dripping onto my glasses!!! This Step Master Machine is EVIL! The last part of the day I laughed so much. Tomorrow is the Sixth Form Dinner.... I hope the food is good.
Raining_again Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Today was balls. I got my first injection, and it was majorly painful. No change in symptoms but it can take months for it to start working afaik. Just major hunger pangs. Killer. Someone I thought was my friend slagged me off (again) and of course I have no right to be annoyed/offended. I don't think that I should have gotten out of my bed today.
Strider Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Today: Had the day off sixth form today as it was my brothers 21st. It started off by going to Lincoln to have breakfast and give presents to him and stuff, my breakfast was Huuuuuuuuuge Once that was out of the way we decided to go to the tropical paradise of Skegness for the day. It turned out to be quite good considering it was Skegness, all nice and sunny it was. Now i'm back home and knackered from all the walking. :P [Random moan] Why do couriers think that if they deliver a parcel one day (and see a note on the door about being at work), do they think that they should attempt to deliver it again the next day at the exact same time, Knowing full well no one will be in. [/Random Moan]
Dan_Dare Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Pretty busy today. Was down at the 'Bureau again doing my volunteering thing. This time I got to do my bit on reception which was far more interesting than what I've done before. After that I went to see Jayseven, Shorty and Nami and hung about for a bit playing castle crashers and Gears of War before coming home for tea Trying to decide what to do with my evening now. Might settle down for a DVD as I feel I ate too much.
spirited away Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Pretty busy today. Was down at the 'Bureau again doing my volunteering thing. This time I got to do my bit on reception which was far more interesting than what I've done before.After that I went to see Jayseven, Shorty and Nami and hung about for a bit playing castle crashers and Gears of War before coming home for tea Trying to decide what to do with my evening now. Might settle down for a DVD as I feel I ate too much. Play some Halo?
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