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Found out today that my office is moving to right beside the cinema! Yaaattaaa! Pizza hut and KFC right beside it too. :D


Will not do diet good. :(


Meds are waiting in the fridge... Have to wait for a nurse to come round to assist the first one or whatever, what a pain. I want them nooow.

Eat them, and replace them with smarties and other sugary sweets =]

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Damn forms, I've been simultaneously filling in a scholarship application form and a GP registration form. Annoyingly, I've hit a mental block with the more creative parts of the former, and I need dates I can't get till my doctor's opens on Monday for the latter. What's even more annoying about the medical one is that you can't save what you've already entered. Bah!


EDIT: I want a cat too! :heh:

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I was teaching someone the art of stocking up shelves today, and how to serve behind the bar.

Can't believe I've been doing the same job for about 6 years now. Now I hand it over to someone new so I can be free.

I've been going to the club every thursday for 6 years...it's gonna be wierd not going next week.

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Very boring day. Science was cut short by school pictures, so I got homework in it. Band was average, we just played through a couple songs and joked around a bit. We covered a new topic in math which after a bit of struggling I managed to understand by the end of class. In Computer Science we started working with variables and I just went ahead and wrote the entire program we were working on in a few minutes and then nearly slept through the rest of class. Web Design was just plain boring. We just sat there and the teacher occasionally told us to add or delete a file, I wonder if we're ever actually going to do anything in it besides Dreamweaver basics. We seem to go over the exact same things every class. I've also decided its time to buy a new game or something, to pass the time. I haven't bought anything since mid-summer and all I bought then was F-Zero GX. I'm thinking about Medal of Honor: Heros 2 for the Wii at this point.

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Friend said he was coming to where I live to go to a certain shop and'll give me a lift back to where he lives (and where my new flat is near...ish...same city anywho). Said he'd be there somewhere between 12.30-1. Got there at 1.45. Then once we finished in the shop we went to his house so he could show me round (as its new), then his moms, then mine. Didn't get there til 5.45.


I managed to knock out this flatpack desk. Always hated flatpack things but its kinda stable...it'll do anywho. Then neatened up the place a bit and checked when the next train was and it was about an hour and a half so did more neatening up.


Got home and now im sleepy. Ah well. Self-indulgent day tomorrow.

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got up, took a phone call from job seakers alowence people, had to take a metic ton of my data, and set up a meeting at a job center (not my prefered one) next week for me to go, show them proof of all my accounts, and that i am me, like i say.


with that done i settled down to breakfast, the paper and television. highlite was weapons masters. love it, every episode has been like a decent mythbusters.


then video games, trying to unlock stuff on smash bros, and just get through assassins creed (man thats getting tedious) phone call from dad asking me to help him (do for him) move a marble harth and outher parts of fireplace parifanialia to a clients tommorow, so i'll be going to ashbrook for that, then to newcastle for "5 minets" while hes witha client. im taking a book, DS and magazine, i dont trust him. also have to get to the gym, my shoulders need work.

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u kno what really sucks?

being friends with people that act so flaming depressed all the fecking time and whenever you TRY to help.. especailly whenever YOUVE had a family situation yourself.. and then they PUSH you away and stop speaking to them whenever you NEED their support..


and when you had a misunderstanding with someone and you do want to sort it out but they flippin BLOCK you on msn and dont invite u out anymore (by that i mean they invite greg and not me) so u cant sort it which kinda leaves greg in the middle and everything is VERY awkward


and stupid sensitive people

..i hate depressive sensitive people!


so yeh... RANT OVER

that "good life" thread brought this all up.. wooops

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Had an awful evening. I was having dinner and I got into an argument with my parents and eventually just left the table angrily without finishing. I stayed in my room for a while trying to avoid them. The argument ended up just reminding me of a bunch of shit thats been happening to me recently and I'm just feeling awful right now. Hopefully it will at least seem better by tomorrow.

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I was drinking with my friends from 1:30-11pm today. It was awesome.


I then got home and completed Bioshock. Damn, what a game. Can't believe I didn't do it before. Some of the end game storyline is fucking sweet, too. I pretty much went through the rest of the game from Arcadia (I lost interest at the tree death bit for months) to completing it (saving every Little Sister, awww yeah) in 3 days.

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I'm preparing to leave Birmingham to head off for my master's course. Got my last day of work today which I'm on one hand relieved about and on the other kind of sad about. However, before I can get to work I've got to wait for the landlord to come round. He's taken rent off me claiming I've not paid July's or August's, but I've got myself a bank statement of the year which shows I have. I want my deposit back.

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I didn't bother with college today, I only had one lesson and I feel like shit so I just decided not to go in. My eyes won't stop watering, I'm so full of cold.


I cannot stop listening too "I Kissed a Boy" by Cobra Starship, it's just such an awesome version of the original, it's pretty damn funny and It's gotten me back into their other stuff now too.

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