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^ lol. Rick Astley. Don't try and deny it. We all have a soft spot for Rick and that song. :P


Anyway, not done much today. Went out for a look around town just to get away from the spectacular scene my mother was making at home. But got bored and annoyed because it was busy (why? The only reason I can think of for it being busy is that it's indoors.)


And I've now been left at home on my own to look after things. So I now have one of my cats trying to be friendly to me while I'm typing this. Little bugger. Not supposed to be on the table. But he's funny. He's following the cursor around the screen trying to catch it.

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I felt really annoyed last night for no reason. So I went to sleep early at about 11. :) Woke up early this morning and did some work for school and personal statement and didn't end up having breakfast until 12!


I then went out shopping and that took up most of the rest of the day I got back in about an hour and had some lunch oh and I bought some CDs. :D

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Not such a good day for me :(


Went back to work for former employer today after spending the last year abroad but not enjoying it at the moment. It's just so god-awfully boring, but more importantly, many of my friends are no longer there. Plus to make matters worse, I have something wrong with my eyes and as a result, my right eye is very swollen and red - not something I wanted customers and colleagues gawking at. But oh well, such is life!


But alas, oh well,

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When I was at college I just downloaded firefox and installed it myself :heh: I'm guessing your IT department is smart enough to prevent that, but not smart enough to put on more than one browser...


My friend said his brother managed to install it somehow. But the division is very strict about anyone besides IT installing software. And here lies the problem. Basically the teacher is saying to them: Could you install this software for use since you won't let use do it, it would be really helpful to our class. And they're saying: No, we're too lazy to do it. And so I emailed them trying to make a point, and they basically said: We don't care about this, fuck off.


When I checked my email this morning I got a couple more emails from this guy that looked like they had been written when he was drunk. Lol.


After reading the departments mission statement, I think in 5 or so replies to me, the guy pretty much went against half of it.

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Guest Stefkov

I remember seeing something on the news about some giant young wooden girl parading around Liverpool or something. Is that part of the same thing?


Today I've been reading all of the papers I've got for Uni finding out what's going on. Went on the website and there's tons of info so now I'm sound.

Next on the agenda; bank account, passport size photos and a haircut.


Also Goodsmile have released an English website. Pretty cool stuff.

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Hmm, didn't really do much for most of the day.

Though in the afternoon I finally saw my friends again, after not seeing them for the entire summer. We went for a drink and a chat, which had some silences because apparently nothing has been happening in our lives, heh. Then we decided to go see a film, but we arrived kinda late and apparently there's not much playing at the moment (apart from the few good ones we had already seen). So we saw 'Get Smart', which was kinda meh.


Anyway, was just nice to see them again, even if we didn't do much. =)

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My friend said his brother managed to install it somehow. But the division is very strict about anyone besides IT installing software. And here lies the problem. Basically the teacher is saying to them: Could you install this software for use since you won't let use do it, it would be really helpful to our class. And they're saying: No, we're too lazy to do it. And so I emailed them trying to make a point, and they basically said: We don't care about this, fuck off.


When I checked my email this morning I got a couple more emails from this guy that looked like they had been written when he was drunk. Lol.


After reading the departments mission statement, I think in 5 or so replies to me, the guy pretty much went against half of it.


Firefox Portable + Pen Drive = win?

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Haha, worse then my old school ,who had right click blocked.


I mean seriously, the people who didn't know ctrl-c and shit were always like 'omg why innit working plz help lolzzzz.'


Rez says lolz etc


I was like omgnowai etc at first and then i got the joke, blow low ash, low blow. Anyways, weddings are tiring, spent 11 hours at one today =|


And found out a couple who are friends of mine have set a date for theirs, i gawked at the person who told me and burst out laughing.

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