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I just ate a grape the wrong way and it felt like it was stuck up my nose. I was on my way walking out of the kitchen and sneezed and some of the grape had been! 0___0


Anyway my days thus 3 (not sure what that means)


Last Sunday I went to my friends house which was totally cool as it was the last time I got to see him before he goes on holiday for 2 weeks. :) Plus I got to take his Xbox 360 home for while he is away! :D


Then Monday was great as I bought 27 Dresses and while working at this Charity shop someone had donated us a balloon bom with a balloon still inside and water went EVERYWHERE!!! which was a good laugh! ^___^ and I got a free Coke Cup from macdonalds.


Then Eenuh went away and I hope she has an awesome time. :awesome: Also on Tuesday I played a lot of Mass Effect and Portal and general 360.


Back to today and my friend came over which was okay. We took it in turns to see who could die in the craziestway in GTA 4 then watched the Mummy 3....


Then he left and so I finished season 2 of How I met your Mother which is Sweet, and have started season 3. :yay:


Tomorrow Cruel reality will hit me in the head again as I'm having a talk with the head of the sixth form and have to sort out some job applications and personal statement!

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I keep knocking my ear piercing, and its getting a lump like my nose did, GAH!


I had to spend over an hour with my physcho gran from the depths of hell (its her birthday today)


This year, she bought my sister and myself a pen for our birthday. Kates had her name on it (actually spelt Katie but nevermind..) She said she couldn't find a hannah one (probably looking for Hanna - she can't spell names for shit) so she wrote my name on the box of a cheap ass pen she bought.


Wonder whose the favourite.. :indeed:

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Jayseven: If you want to meet up in Newport at the end of August, lets do eeet.


Man, my day has been weird. I've been worried about being fired from my job, as telesales/customer service workers have a very short shelf life. However, my agency have rang me up to tell me the opposite...my boss wants to take me on full time, permanently, forever!


Ahh! Any other time of the year, this would be wicked. However, I'm only going to be there for another 2 or 3 weeks. So, I dunno what to do. I think I might speak to him tomorrow, and give in my two weeks notice. That way, he won't put me on his books...but it might mean they fire me two weeks too early?


Stupid, badly timed events!

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Just been to the pub with my mate. He goes to uni in Scotland so it's hard to find times when we're both in Sheffield. This eve was most awesome, however- e talked of the great issues of our times: how good The Dark Knight is, and the state of modern rock, and how much !!! kick ass.


truly a meetings of minds.


quite drunk. rwar!

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I think I might speak to him tomorrow, and give in my two weeks notice. That way, he won't put me on his books...but it might mean they fire me two weeks too early?

Why, because you're a valued employee? They can't fire you out of spite; it would be unfair dismissal. Besides, the straighter you are with them the more likely they are to offer you further work should you become available again.

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I had a delightful night at work tonight, working behind bar as the pub quiz roared. I'm stunned to say I actually enjoyed myself.


I've also started work on my Space Marine Sinister Six. Today I stuck on the four arms which would make up Doc Ock. I'll post a picture tomorrow.

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I've also started work on my Space Marine Sinister Six. Today I stuck on the four arms which would make up Doc Ock. I'll post a picture tomorrow.

Bollocks to it, here's one now.



From left to right:

Electro, Vulture, Scorpion, Doc Ock, Sandman, Mysterio.


Naturally you can see I've done nothing with Electro and the Vulture, because I'm working on Doc Ock and Mysterio primarily. Sandman is practically done compared to the others.

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Bollocks to it, here's one now.



From left to right:

Electro, Vulture, Scorpion, Doc Ock, Sandman, Mysterio.


Naturally you can see I've done nothing with Electro and the Vulture, because I'm working on Doc Ock and Mysterio primarily. Sandman is practically done compared to the others.


Why the crumpet is Scorpion in place of Kraven?!


At least Hobgoblin, man! *distressed*

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Guest Stefkov

What's going on with all these thread name changes.

Apart from that question today I didn't have breakfast, then had sausage and chips for brunner. Then some microwave chips for a snack.

I've had nothing good to eat today...so hungry.

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Well i finally saw The Dark Knight today, after some Riley's and stuff. Got rather drunk rather quick thanks to the ridiculously easy drinking beverage that is double-vodka-red-bull. Currently going through the 19-page batman thread, pretty certain nobody else has mentioned what I want to mention.


Gonna see Wall-E at some point, and also gonna have a bbq on the beach once the weather gets nicer. Yeh.




Jayseven: If you want to meet up in Newport at the end of August, lets do eeet.


Indeedy! I will let you know what dates I'm dotting about over there.

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Guest Jordan

Well... I'm going to be poor the next few months. As well as my normal bills and mortgage for the new flat these are the games i've already pre ordered and when they're coming out... and below the ones I want depending on reviews:



5th - SPORE



10th - Little Big Planet

24th - Fable II



Mirrors Edge

Sonic Unleashed

7th - Gears of War 2

21st - Tomb Raider: Underworld

28th - Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts



Resistance 2


Mercs 2 - 05 Sept

Samba de Amigo - 19th Sept

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 19th Sept

Crysis Warhead - 26th Sept

Project Origin - Oct

Far Cry 2 - 24th Oct

Need For Speed Underworld - Nov

Prince of Persia - Nov

Saints Row 2 - 7th Nov


Oh god my wallet.

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