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Spend most of my day pretending not too be hungover in attempt to get rid of it.

It did not work.

Yesterday was spent on hanging with my friends, playing brawl and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. I will never drink vodka again.

Fucking never again...

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Spent the evening at the pub, then went to a mates party which was a good laugh. Left the party after a while and went to another pub. I can't believe I was getting served I mean I hardly look 18. It was rather odd...I'm not complaining, just wondering.

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I haven't really done anything in weeks. These summer holidays are a bit boring.


Got my 18th birthday party today! Pirate themed!

Then my actual birthday tomorrow!

So excited!!!!!!!


Pirate themed? PIRATE THEMED!!!!!



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Is this the slowest day ever on the internet or what? I keep coming back here after an hour and finding little has changed. Kotaku has had the same first news post since 9pm last night and nobody is bidding on my ebay sales. It's almost as though the internet is saying "for fuck's sake, go outside, sort those things you need to sort, buy some food, come home and read a damn book. I'm trying to nap."


Well, if the internet says so...

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Is this the slowest day ever on the internet or what? I keep coming back here after an hour and finding little has changed. Kotaku has had the same first news post since 9pm last night and nobody is bidding on my ebay sales. It's almost as though the internet is saying "for fuck's sake, go outside, sort those things you need to sort, buy some food, come home and read a damn book. I'm trying to nap."


Well, if the internet says so...


dude. Sunday. all the news sites and blogs have gone home

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Sundays are always slow days.



I don't seem to be very lucky with my Okami game. I keep getting errors with the Wiimote, saying it can't communicate, even though the batteries I put in there are freshly recharged. And then right now the game froze up on me!

So now I've lost almost all the progress I made today. Merf. =(


Ah well, off to work in half an hour, even though there won't be much to do I think (tomorrow being a holiday and all... except for me as I'll be working then).


Edit: actually going to work right now already, hooray. :indeed:

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Guest bluey

And just like that, the smallest of things brings on the crushing reality that she live on the other side of the planet and our relationship is mediated through a fucking box. I cant express how happy i am about seeing her when she arrives but I really don't know what I'm going to do when she has to leave again. The idea of having to do another 4 months before I see her again is really getting to me and then another 4 months 3 months after I go down for xmas.

it was really the smallest of things, but i really do understand why you got upset... believe me, not being able to just give you a hug while you're sad in front of me near enough kills me... :sad: but...


The time she's gone isn't worth thinking about. You wait at the bus stop to catch a bus, not time how long it takes to arrive. ((<-- i'm a BUS??! :shakehead ))


If you can't stop thinking then turn your thoughts to something positive. What are you going to do when she gets back? Are there things you can be doing on your own that you know wouldn't interest her? Is there some kind of surprise you can ready for her arrival? genius, aimless! NB: i like expensive things. gold, jewels, ponies, etc... :heh:


In the end these months... they're nothing. Sure they're annoying, but you don't have to do anything; they'll run their course unaided. And when they're over bluey is yours again. Forever. Now that's a long time!

Q-F-absolute-T *nods*

i love you (jamba, not aimless... although aimless is supa kewl~) and i can't wait to be with you again.. for real... but aimless is right, these months? nothing... and we really dont have to do anything.. ^__^ we're just... working. we're awesome together and i love this. i was on the other side of the world before this morning and we were still good amazing. 4 and a half months (now) is the longest time.. it's already past :smile:and seriously. i'm yours already.


and in other, less gushy news... (sorry guys~)

i have a new housemate!! :grin:

her name is mariko ~ she just moved in, and lo and behold she loves ghibli movies too O_o!! me, her and my other friend (from 2 doors down~) masa are all going to ikebukuro tomorrow to watch the new ghibli movie "ponyo on the cliff by the sea" i can't WAIT! (i love ikebukuro~) unfortunately i only have 3500 yen to spend tomorrow >___> i forgot the banks wont be open! duuh. it's BANK holiday after all

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Pirate themed? PIRATE THEMED!!!!!




Ewww Pirates = so lame. My work had a pirates do on Friday, it was sooooo awesome. (Me and a few mates went as MIB in protest) I must admit there was a Jack Sparrow dude (it was specifically POTC themed) and he was pretty good, like impression and such. There was a mini play etc.








By this point I was well gone.



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Awww at bluey and Jamba. You guys will pull through this. It may all seem like a long wait now, but it'll be over before you know it, and then you two can be back together! =D



Like I thought, there wasn't much to do at work. Only was there for two hours, with no one else in the building but me and my mother. Kind of weird, but cool at the same time. =P


I also had a bit of a mini driving lesson, haha. Mom put me behind the wheel of her car on the car park (?) at work and kinda tried to teach me how to start and stop the car and just, drive around a tiny bit. Tried switching gears too at one point but there wasn't really enough room to drive that much, plus the concept of all that gears stuff still confuses me. XD


Anyway, dad is now going to prepare some meat on the BBQ, even though it's fucking cold and wet and cloudy outside. So we'll be eating it inside the house. Fun. =P

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Went to a ford dealership today with mum around 12, sat in two ka's (apprently there's like several different versions, which I never realised, but ho-hum..)


The first, the plastic bumper one, well to say that if I was driving it and my knee would knock the steering wheel gives you a guess of how small the original ka is, the bigger ka was too pricey unfortunetly. But I get to go for a test drive next week.


Da's insistant in getting me a brand new car, when I want the fiesta down the road for 1250 >_>.


Went to town, got mum some more bits and bobs for her outfit for my cousins wedding next saturday, I'm not going because I dislike half my relatives and none have been arsed to get into contact with me (the exception was my 18th birthday where my stupidly rich uncle, who is spending 13k for the wedding, JUST for the food I might add...god forbid how much this wedding actually is.., I suppose I should be nice because he sent me 50quid, but how 50quid makes up for all those years beats me..)


Anyway, I managed to con her to buy me a black pair of jeans, a baggy pair of jeans and a bra. Wahey ^_^, now I'm home and have watched 5 episodes of cardcaptor, I loves it ^_^, I'm screwed when I finish this though, because I still have no idea what to watch, although it has to all be on youtube, at least until I can get downloading on my desktop.




ps. Jamba don't worry about 3/4months, it sounds like alot but bluey is awesome and I'm sure time will go fast for the both of you ^_^!

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Is this the slowest day ever on the internet or what? I keep coming back here after an hour and finding little has changed. Kotaku has had the same first news post since 9pm last night and nobody is bidding on my ebay sales. It's almost as though the internet is saying "for fuck's sake, go outside, sort those things you need to sort, buy some food, come home and read a damn book. I'm trying to nap."


Well, if the internet says so...


I find its always slower on weekends. You would think with more people being off work/school(during the school year) more people would be online but...


Anyway, day hasn't been that great. My Mom's in a bad mood now and the rest of us have no idea why. It should be fine in a few days though. I went for a long bike-ride down my favorite route today which was fun. Didn't really do much I guess.

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Work was quieter than expected and went reasonably okay. Plus I got my payslip from Friday. Seems I got paid for that E-learning thing which took less time than I presumed (didn't think I'd get it for a few weeks) and my £90 (from three weeks thus far) tax back. So a nice healthy payslip.


Going to watch 'The Pixar Story' and get an earlish night (I hope).


I cannot believe my eyes / How the world’s filled with filth and lies *wants dvd NOW*

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