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haha sorry I'll stop. Gah, my parents are away tomorrow, silly people, they have too many holidays! They are going away the end of august and then again in march next year..


No wonder they are being suck ups. :blank:


I am... not sure I would like spanking. D:


Today has again been boring, heh. Still waiting for my cousin to send more text for the story; she sent one new part but I don't have any inspiration to make a decent sketch for it.

Finally reached the end of season 2 of the X-files. Cliffhangerrrrr! Luckily I have all seasons, haha.


I don't know what I'll do tonight, but I guess it might get kind of boring again.

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haha magic, I've just seen them, I need them! I have a pair of babychams in my size, but for some reason babychams seem to be quite small? So I may have to buy a 6 instead of a 5..0.o


I'm still gutted you can get them for £10 I wants some.

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haha magic, I've just seen them, I need them! I have a pair of babychams in my size, but for some reason babychams seem to be quite small? So I may have to buy a 6 instead of a 5..0.o


I'm still gutted you can get them for £10 I wants some.



i thot they were quite big

i can get away wiht a size 4 in some styles when i normally wear a 5

tho i do have very narrow feet



i love the fact i can get them for that price but sometimes i hate it

cause they are so cheap i keep on buying them

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Yeah, spanking is fucking hot. I wish I had someone to spank right now. God, I had something else to type, but now all I can think about is spanking.




Woke up about 10 mins late, which isn't too bad, but then went downstairs to have a shower...and the water was cold. I tried again, cold.

Sounds like a blessing in disguise.

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Cold showers are a recognised method of curbing sexual desire/frustration.


There, now I've spelt it out and the joke is ruined!


Cold showers increase my frustration! It FUCKS me off. Who was the idiot who came up with the idea of having a cold shower?!


Heey...who says I'm sexually frustrated. Its healthy, dammit.

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my life just got much much better. After about a year I got round to buying a new IDE drive caddy, so my 680GB of media (Including a much missed 60GB of music) is now accessible. I genuinely feel more relaxed just to be able to scroll through my old files and know they are there and useable. ahhhhh...... :)

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Seeing as my sleeping pattern has been in a complete mess for years, I'll let you two in on the secret to my success: the Nintendo DS.


Seriously, its alarm is the most effective I've ever come across. I've only had one again for a few days and it's already saved me from being late to work.


Great, I'll try that tonight. (or most likely early hours of the morning!)



My alarm clock is myself and I naturally wake up at about 6 no matter how much sleep I've had. :) so if I feel I haven't got enough sleep I override that system.


Today I ended up on Brawl for well over 3 hours without realising throwing out the plans I had for today.

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I'm not sexually frustrated though!

I hear what you're sexing Flink, and we probably should stop giving it to you such a hard time. We were only teasing; no knead to get up tight about it.


You breast go and have a shower before your brother uses all the hot, steamy water.

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I hear what you're sexing Flink, and we probably should stop giving it to you such a hard time. We were only teasing; no knead to get up tight about it.


You breast go and have a shower before your brother uses all the hot, steamy water.


I saw you were typing something, and I have to say, it was worth the wait.


Haha. :)

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I hear what you're sexing Flink, and we probably should stop giving it to you such a hard time. We were only teasing; no knead to get up tight about it.


You breast go and have a shower before your brother uses all the hot, steamy water.






had me laughing for a few minutes.:)

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I saw you were typing something, and I have to say, it was worth the wait.

Yeah, sorry about that. I had to have a cold shower halfway through¹.


Speaking of showers, it's been raining heavily all day here. A nuisance for many, I'm sure, but I rather enjoy standing in the rain. It's relaxing to simply let the weather wash over you for a while; the cold reminding you you're alive, the wet washing sleep away, and the buzz of newly fresh air in your lungs.



¹I got something to eat.

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I'm so tired! Got up at 7am for work experience, spent the day cleaning out animals, doing the food etc for things like the Gekko's, Meercats etc. It's bluddy tiring brushing everywhere, then I got back at close to 7pm and went straight to see Hancock.


Just got back, I need sleep, but first have to go and shower because I don't exactly smell of roses. :p

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Guest bluey

run for your lives citizens of the internet!! bluey just woke up after about 3 hours of bad sleep...

and she GROUCHY :nono:

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Work was okay. Quiet (for a weds anyway) which was good because there was only two of us on (and a potwasher) when theres normally three. But as it got busy the manager took away the potwasher to do some remenial work which wasnt needed and the other person on with me was useless.


And im annoyed that on Sunday I saved his dog from running away and/or being run over and he didn't even thank me or anything. In fact the only thing he said to me was "done that e-learning yet?" Meh!

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Guest bluey


i;m being wonderfully childish and playing UK rap supa loud (safe in the knowledge that all my other housemates are already up and ready/gone to work)



*cough* i'll have a nap on the train and be fiiiiiine...






yeah, right.

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