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I had alots of girls looking at me today. :awesome:


Yeah, I was fiddling with a guitar in my local shop, and this tiny girl kept staring at me during her lesson...it was uncomfortable...she was about 15...so I left discreetly.


In other news, gave my acoustic in for repair, cause it's action is too high down the neck. Then I came home and started reading Wuthering Heights again.

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The trouble with all my creative ventures, be it story writing or music composition, is that I always exhaust all my good ideas in my first effort. When I come to writing something else, I become completely stumped until I find some inspiration.

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My day was Great! :D I saw waiting for Godot, which i really enjoyed. :)


The only problem was the Long Journey home where i had nothing to do except sit alone with my thoughts...


omtg! You saw waiting for godot! Awesome... Please, tell me way more. I'm doing that play for my essay. had you read the play before? What did you think it was about?

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Not bad. Work was meh, as normal.


But found out funny news (someone I know has ghonorrhea, which serves him right really), some good/bad news (manager is being transferred but now means I don't have a day off til mid-December) and some really good news (my friends have had their second child so im a non-bio uncle again :D).

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omtg! You saw waiting for godot! Awesome... Please, tell me way more. I'm doing that play for my essay. had you read the play before? What did you think it was about?


Woah! I'm doing the play for my coursework! I haven't read it all yet! we are only half way through but the play gives you more of an idea of what it's about, as on the surface it looks like nothing. :) A typical piece from the Theatre of the absurd. :D



What is your essay about?

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i got in the house btw everyone =D


Shit, my plan failed... :(


Ahem!. Anyway, I rang Orange to get my PAC number to change networks, and they offered me an awesome deal if I stayed.

Free really good phone (that I wanted - the Samsung G600) + 500 minutes + unlimited texts for £21.50 a month!

Excellent... : peace:

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My evening was pretty good. Curled up on the sofa with housemate and watched some stuff on TV (Rouge Traders had a song by Spoon on, was suprised). Then just played Endless Ocean a bit to get past the introductory thing.


As I gotta be up earlier than planned tomorrow to hand work keys over I am going to just end up playing that.

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Hmmm. Decided Im going to write a book. Is it naive of me to think it/they will be awesome?


Heh i´ve been tossing around the idea of writing a book can´t decide on what to write :Þ


It ain´t naive to think your book will be awesome, it just means you have faith in your writing skillz

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Woah! I'm doing the play for my coursework! I haven't read it all yet! we are only half way through but the play gives you more of an idea of what it's about, as on the surface it looks like nothing. :) A typical piece from the Theatre of the absurd. :D



What is your essay about?


my essay's on the role of repetition in the play. Yours?

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