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Dyson getz 10,000th post?


My day = pub lunch, Incredible Hulk, ex-girlfriend suddenly declaring she was in MY FRIGGIN CITY and wanted to meet up, which ruined my day. Fuckfuckfuckityfuck. I hate women. I mean, when I went to Leeds I gave her like a month's warning to keep out of the way and whatnot, but she can out-of-the-blue text me saying "Hi I'm in sheffield, what are you doing?"... I mean WHAT!? Just "shopping"?! a) There's the same shops in Leeds and b) The shops she likes plus the timing meant that I was likely to bump into her, which really made me anxious and paranoid. I went out in my least-attractive t-shirt, hadn't washed my hair in ages etc, etc, etc. MORE excuses! I have two french-canadian friends who are going home in 12 hours time and it was supposed to be a nice, chilled, enjoyable last day with them but NO. RUINED.


THEN like three hours later, after the movie, I had to send another text. BLEGH. Why do I have this self-destructive instinct to say more than I need to? Especially when I know that I won't get a similar ratio of sharing in return? Is it just me, or all men? Is it just her, or all women?


What I hate most about it is just the whole my-head-can't-stop-theorising thing, with all the what-ifs, if-onlys, but-thens, maybes and perhaps. Trying to figure out her game-plan, then realising she probably has none because as far as I can tell women are... a long list of unreasonable accusations.



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The whole above post embodies all (and more) of the factors why I am, and will be living the celibate life for the foreseeable future.


My day: I woke up at 7pm (yes, so if I was a normal person, the time I am posting this at, would roughly equate to the time most people have their tea), played a bunch of half-life and portal, and then lay in bed listening to podcasts, mostly about stuff that barely interests me, and then out of sheer boredom, something possessed me to watch the Street Fighter 2 movie. Now watching Castle of Cagliostro and praying that a flaming aircraft engine comes out of the sky and decimates my room while I'm asleep. Donnie Darko style.


On the plus side, my sleeping schedule has ensured minimal contact with other members of the species.

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Because most customers are stupid :D


But the point in them is that one person can deal with 4 customers at once, before you ask "Why they don't just use regular tills?"



I do the self scan tills at ASDA, Worst. Job. Ever. I always refuse to do night shifts due to the fact that there are some dodgy, heavy smoking, alcoholic staff working that late.

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Dyson getz 10,000th post?


My day = pub lunch, Incredible Hulk, ex-girlfriend suddenly declaring she was in MY FRIGGIN CITY and wanted to meet up, which ruined my day. Fuckfuckfuckityfuck. I hate women. I mean, when I went to Leeds I gave her like a month's warning to keep out of the way and whatnot, but she can out-of-the-blue text me saying "Hi I'm in sheffield, what are you doing?"... I mean WHAT!? Just "shopping"?! a) There's the same shops in Leeds and b) The shops she likes plus the timing meant that I was likely to bump into her, which really made me anxious and paranoid. I went out in my least-attractive t-shirt, hadn't washed my hair in ages etc, etc, etc. MORE excuses! I have two french-canadian friends who are going home in 12 hours time and it was supposed to be a nice, chilled, enjoyable last day with them but NO. RUINED.


THEN like three hours later, after the movie, I had to send another text. BLEGH. Why do I have this self-destructive instinct to say more than I need to? Especially when I know that I won't get a similar ratio of sharing in return? Is it just me, or all men? Is it just her, or all women?


What I hate most about it is just the whole my-head-can't-stop-theorising thing, with all the what-ifs, if-onlys, but-thens, maybes and perhaps. Trying to figure out her game-plan, then realising she probably has none because as far as I can tell women are... a long list of unreasonable accusations.




Jesus christ Jay you need to calm down! :blank:

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What I hate most about it is just the whole my-head-can't-stop-theorising thing, with all the what-ifs, if-onlys, but-thens, maybes and perhaps


I hate that..i'm always like that! Gets on my nerves...


Yeah Nightwolf is right, try to remain calm dude! :)

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Dyson getz 10,000th post?


My day = pub lunch, Incredible Hulk, ex-girlfriend suddenly declaring she was in MY FRIGGIN CITY and wanted to meet up, which ruined my day. Fuckfuckfuckityfuck. I hate women. I mean, when I went to Leeds I gave her like a month's warning to keep out of the way and whatnot, but she can out-of-the-blue text me saying "Hi I'm in sheffield, what are you doing?"... I mean WHAT!? Just "shopping"?! a) There's the same shops in Leeds and b) The shops she likes plus the timing meant that I was likely to bump into her, which really made me anxious and paranoid. I went out in my least-attractive t-shirt, hadn't washed my hair in ages etc, etc, etc. MORE excuses! I have two french-canadian friends who are going home in 12 hours time and it was supposed to be a nice, chilled, enjoyable last day with them but NO. RUINED.


THEN like three hours later, after the movie, I had to send another text. BLEGH. Why do I have this self-destructive instinct to say more than I need to? Especially when I know that I won't get a similar ratio of sharing in return? Is it just me, or all men? Is it just her, or all women?


What I hate most about it is just the whole my-head-can't-stop-theorising thing, with all the what-ifs, if-onlys, but-thens, maybes and perhaps. Trying to figure out her game-plan, then realising she probably has none because as far as I can tell women are... a long list of unreasonable accusations.




If you don't want to meet up with her just say so and spend the time with your canadian friends.

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I was at the London International Music Show today at the ExCel.


They weren't partnered with Digital Village this year so now overly awesome discounts !_!


Hehe, my girlfriends dad partly runs that! I was gonna go (free tix!) but i had to revise =[[



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I didn't realise men thought like that as much as Jay seems to. Hmph.


Probs better not to panic yourself (I know its easy to say and not so easy to do) and just chill out with your friends.



I've been downing anti inflammatories today because my ear has swollen like a bastard thanks to this rook piercing. The whole side of my head feels like its going to fall off. But on the plus side, its getting a whole lot better today, on and off rather than constant pain. =)


My mother started nagging me, OMG ITS INFECTED OMGGGG... I've had it for less than 48 hours, infections take a whole lot longer to develop and get this painful. I've just had a needle forced through the thickest part of my ear woman, there's bound to be a little trauma.


Parents :indeed:

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Day is basically splt in two; pre-work and work. Pre-work has been alright. Gave my dad the courtesy of face time. Then had a meal with grandparents and mom and its been quite nice. One of those rare times I enjoy familyness.


Work is going to be okay. Busy as fuck and in a way hellish, but I shall get through and I shall remain positive. Still not sure if im finishing 9 (well, thats when kitchen closes so like 10-10.30 by the time its clean) or then switching to bar and finishing at midnight or whenever but ah well.

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Not done much today, sat doing a strand test for about 6hours haha and finally made it turn the colour I wanted only to start on my own hair (eek).


Now wondering if i can use the indoor aerial I need for my old telly for my new one otherwise no tv for meee

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my mum has just left after coming to stay for the weekend. It was nice (she bought me loads of jelly beans) but she spent a long time fussing at me about 'throwing my life away'... which it would be fair to say got a bit annoying/depressing.

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Cheers for the sensible and sane replies, guys. I solved the problem by staying up 'til 7am watching Bleach. Then went to bed foolishly, and entered an era of panic at 12:15 when my mate called me, left me a text saying "we're leaving in 30 mins" - meaning him and the canadians were leaving for good... so me and Shorty were all OMG GOTTA GET TO THE STATION NOW! and we made it in a record 14 minutes, or something... only to discover the mate meant leaving their house... so shorty and I spent 30mins dossing about.


Then we spent 20 mins waiting for the train to open its doors. If you knew that you only had 20 minutes to talk with people before you'd never see them again, what would you say? It just felt... anti-climatic? But hey! Now I'm awake to finish Bleach, get pissed and eat a pot noodle. As for ex-girlfriend trouble? Pft. Just got two facebook messages from brighton gurlz so bring on teh home trip!

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Cheers for the sensible and sane replies, guys. I solved the problem by staying up 'til 7am watching Bleach. Then went to bed foolishly, and entered an era of panic at 12:15 when my mate called me, left me a text saying "we're leaving in 30 mins" - meaning him and the canadians were leaving for good... so me and Shorty were all OMG GOTTA GET TO THE STATION NOW! and we made it in a record 14 minutes, or something... only to discover the mate meant leaving their house... so shorty and I spent 30mins dossing about.


Then we spent 20 mins waiting for the train to open its doors. If you knew that you only had 20 minutes to talk with people before you'd never see them again, what would you say? It just felt... anti-climatic? But hey! Now I'm awake to finish Bleach, get pissed and eat a pot noodle. As for ex-girlfriend trouble? Pft. Just got two facebook messages from brighton gurlz so bring on teh home trip!


So you aren't planning to meet up again then?

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Cheers for the sensible and sane replies, guys. I solved the problem by staying up 'til 7am watching Bleach. Then went to bed foolishly, and entered an era of panic at 12:15 when my mate called me, left me a text saying "we're leaving in 30 mins" - meaning him and the canadians were leaving for good... so me and Shorty were all OMG GOTTA GET TO THE STATION NOW! and we made it in a record 14 minutes, or something... only to discover the mate meant leaving their house... so shorty and I spent 30mins dossing about.


Then we spent 20 mins waiting for the train to open its doors. If you knew that you only had 20 minutes to talk with people before you'd never see them again, what would you say? It just felt... anti-climatic? But hey! Now I'm awake to finish Bleach, get pissed and eat a pot noodle. As for ex-girlfriend trouble? Pft. Just got two facebook messages from brighton gurlz so bring on teh home trip!


See that's what happens when you panic :heh:


Least it wasn't a major disaster anyway!

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My DS and my phone has broken. I feel like I've lost an arm or something.


Today has been utter shit. Waking up with a splitting headache, breaking my valuables, falling down stairs, papercutting my hand to pieces and then coming home after work realising I have to revise crap loads now for my law exam which I'm dreading.


What a beautiful day (8)...

That song is one so I felt like quoting it =[

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My DS and my phone has broken. I feel like I've lost an arm or something.


Today has been utter shit. Waking up with a splitting headache, breaking my valuables, falling down stairs, papercutting my hand to pieces and then coming home after work realising I have to revise crap loads now for my law exam which I'm dreading.


What a beautiful day (8)...

That song is one so I felt like quoting it =[




I'd ring to offer comfort bout your phone is dead. Law is hard but i know you can do it!


*throws motivation to ell*


My day equals



Epic Breakfast/lunch

GF leaving = :(


Doctor who!



heroes << predicted

Bed <<<< ll

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My weekend......


Friday went out for a "few" beers with work, got a little drunk. Went and met my girlfriend who had travelled up from Devon that day and we got a curry which was well needed after all the beer.


Saturday we went to my girlfriends nieces christening, which was a long old day but we had a laugh.


Sunday we had a lay in, then just messed around all day before I had to take her to paddington to get the train back to Devon :(


However, I go down there on wednesday for her festival and won't be back till monday. Then the week after she is back in London with me for good! yayness! :D

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