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Grrrr! Why in the name of Terrence Trent D'Arby does my dad pop his head round the door, says "Fucking stinks in here." and goes to open the window, mutters that my brother should stop smoking, then buggers off. Prompting me to go and close the window because I didn't want it open?


Why the fuck does it matter to him how it smells in here? I mean, for fuck's sake, he hardly ever comes in here. And why does he have to open the fucking window? I can open it myself if I wanted to fecking open it! :shakehead


It's all so fucking GRAGH!



Spleen vented.

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Grrrr! Why in the name of Terrence Trent D'Arby does my dad pop his head round the door, says "Fucking stinks in here." and goes to open the window, mutters that my brother should stop smoking, then buggers off. Prompting me to go and close the window because I didn't want it open?


Why the fuck does it matter to him how it smells in here? I mean, for fuck's sake, he hardly ever comes in here. And why does he have to open the fucking window? I can open it myself if I wanted to fecking open it! :shakehead


My parents and my sister do the same thing. Although my sister doesn't come in and open the window she just throws insults at me until my foot manages to reach the door and it swings shut.

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Guest Stefkov
Parents don't dare come in my room unless it's to chat nicely to me!

Same for me really, but then half the time my mum gets paranoid over some ickly bitty thing and then I'm annoyed because of it. Happened only a few nights ago..that night I vented a lot feelings built up *ponders*


That was a good day.


Today I had to exams. To top it off I had a nosebleed which wouldn't stop for about 10 minutes.

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Good day today. Psychology was awesome fun as usual, and then last lesson was the best. My teacher rocks, she's pretty young and it's like you can actually talk to her as a human being rather than a teacher. She gets herself into so many funny situations with what she says, I couldn't breath at one point I was laughing so much. I love teachers like that.


Philosophy teacher was off somewhere, so we watched superbad during the lesson. I'd never seen it, and I'm looking forward to watching the rest tonight.


May day on monday = Fun times. Going to Xscape which should be a laugh.

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Hmmm, seems an appropriate thread - had one of the most painful days today, 3rd day of my 4 day exam run, and pretty much messed up completely...got to start revisin for tomorrow's one which will probably be just as annoying. All in all crap day today and probably a few more miserable ones in store!

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Can't a bloke get any privacy in the bog. Today, went to the bog in work and no more than 5 minutes had passed before a woman, yes a woman came in and knocked on the door and demanded i leave the bog as i had been in there too long. Obviously, the first thing i said was oy, what u doing in here get out. But she carried on knocking until i told her to **** off, then she did and i came out.


I did put a complaint in to my boss and then it was discovered there was CCTV in the bogs by the sink so they can see who comes in and leaves and that this particular person was watching the cameras at the time, so that was more complaining made by me. So that is my bitchin done for now in the day.

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I just watched a tv program that critisized Vladimir Putin seriously. You really can´t trust him at all which though I had learned some time ago. I live in Finland so Russia is this country´s adjoining neighbour.


I thank Jesus from this day also because in Him I don´t have to worry about anything that happens in the world because He takes care of His people in every possible situation.

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Yea, he protects all his people? Dare I bring up the big tsunami, terrorist attacks that believed in your previous Jesus but got killed a cruel death?


It doesn't change from person to person, your like any other person on this planet. You get no special treatment or protection.

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I just watched a tv program that critisized Vladimir Putin seriously. You really can´t trust him at all which though I had learned some time ago. I live in Finland so Russia is this country´s adjoining neighbour.


I thank Jesus from this day also because in Him I don´t have to worry about anything that happens in the world because He takes care of His people in every possible situation.


Did you know that the majority of Putin's speech at the recent G9 summit was censored to the public in the west? By our governments? Putin gets a lot of shit and I just think that if you never get two sides to a story, the side you're being fed is probably propaganda.


Woo for conspiracy mood!

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Guest Stefkov

This evening I have mostly been playing GTA4. I told my sister how to use a memory pen, she's an idiot.

I've also looked at a checklist of all that has do have been done and what has to be done in Graphics and Photography. Considering I was 'the furthest behind' a few weeks, maybe months ago. Now, checking off boxes, I only need to get the final piece done for each Unit and some development for Unit 4. Crazy that I finish next week for good. Until I come back for exams, but then I'm gone. Forever.

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This evening I have mostly been playing GTA4. I told my sister how to use a memory pen, she's an idiot.

I've also looked at a checklist of all that has do have been done and what has to be done in Graphics and Photography. Considering I was 'the furthest behind' a few weeks, maybe months ago. Now, checking off boxes, I only need to get the final piece done for each Unit and some development for Unit 4. Crazy that I finish next week for good. Until I come back for exams, but then I'm gone. Forever.


Dude. Same boat.


I just finished my coursework this evening - then next month I finish education as I know it ;_;

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Day was okay. Work was a really short session (yay!) and there was a loudddd thunderstorm during it (well the rain/hail was really loud mostly).

Been working for school, trying to get that crappy animation/video finished. Not even halfway finished, but meh.


Got tons more work to do and it's kinda making me stressy. So to relax a bit I'm now watching episode one of season two of the X-files. Wheeee. And this season even has Dutch subtitles! Even better. X3

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My super awesome and really interesting essay update!


Well The water’s trickle is no longer heard. The leaves are still, and the wind elsewhere--- Excuse me. My fairytale was planned in 517 words. My write-up, my re-imagination of the world has taken me nearly 800 words to word 26 of my plan... I have a 3k wordlimit, and 1,300 words worth of quotes to work with too. 15 hours remaining! Where are my x-files for distraction?

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My day has been been great and crap.


On the great side:


Saw Fandangle live last night, brilliant gig!


Got very, very drunk


Bought a Fandangle T-Shirt, their CD and one of the support bands CDs


Kissed one of my mates mates. Nice girl, no idea if we'll ever meet again though (don't live anywhere near each other).


On the bad side:


Lost the CDs and T-Shirt


Threw up this morning. A lot.


Vaulted a wall last night and sprained my ankle. I can barely walk! The ground was higher on the other side, so it kind of caught me by surprise :blush:


Ah well, the good stuff still outweighs the bad. Manchester tomorrow night for my mates 21st! Gonna be interesting with my foot in the state it's in!


And the footnote: The NHS suck. They're being cheap and refusing to give me crutches! Got 2 choices now, either don't go to Manchester tomorrow or hobble around doped up on pain meds :hmm: (Everyone who knows me knows it's a no-brainer :p If i can physically walk then i'll be there)

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My day has been been great and crap.


On the great side:


Saw Fandangle live last night, brilliant gig!


Got very, very drunk


Bought a Fandangle T-Shirt, their CD and one of the support bands CDs


Kissed one of my mates mates. Nice girl, no idea if we'll ever meet again though (don't live anywhere near each other).


On the bad side:


Lost the CDs and T-Shirt


Threw up this morning. A lot.


Vaulted a wall last night and sprained my ankle. I can barely walk! The ground was higher on the other side, so it kind of caught me by surprise :blush:


Ah well, the good stuff still outweighs the bad. Manchester tomorrow night for my mates 21st! Gonna be interesting with my foot in the state it's in!


And the footnote: The NHS suck. They're being cheap and refusing to give me crutches! Got 2 choices now, either don't go to Manchester tomorrow or hobble around doped up on pain meds :hmm: (Everyone who knows me knows it's a no-brainer :p If i can physically walk then i'll be there)


: peace:


Saw them live in Aldershot on their first stop of their tour. Amazing stuff. I too bought the CD and havn't been able to stop listening to it since.


Must see them again!


Glad I'm not the only one to have heard of them :P





Today, I voted.

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Pretty basic day for, was mostly spend at the computer and over at Beggilax´s house.


When he was about to drive me home I looked up outside and saw the northern lights.

Now living here all my life has made a bit used to the Northern Lights but tonight it was just so beautiful that we just stood there looking at it stunned over how spectacular it looked.

And on my way home I realized that I had never really appreciated the northern lights.

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Awesome, Mundi :)


It's now time for my seriously vital Essay report thing. The time is... ten to fivam.


Done 2,418 words for the story. I'm supposed to have a 3,000 word limit, but I think I can go up to 3,600, which gives me 1,200 for the commentary. I already have 1,300 worth of quotes, so in total it's going to be over 5,000 words when I'm done adding quotes.


I'm fairly proud of my fairy tale. Once I've handed it in I may well actually work on making it a vaguely longer story, or whatever.


And my x-files still hasn't downloaded. 17mb! That's all that needs to download to complete 3 episodes! How long does it freaking have to take!


Only gotten through two litres of the BOOST power drink stuff. Got another two though. Just in case. etc. Bit zombie-hyper.

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Pretty basic day for, was mostly spend at the computer and over at Beggilax´s house.


When he was about to drive me home I looked up outside and saw the northern lights.

Now living here all my life has made a bit used to the Northern Lights but tonight it was just so beautiful that we just stood there looking at it stunned over how spectacular it looked.

And on my way home I realized that I had never really appreciated the northern lights.


Oh man you're so lucky. The Northern Lights is one of those things I still hope to see before I die, though it's not going to be easy.

You should take some pictures/video of it for us poor continental people who can never see it. ='3


Anyway, woke up almost two hours ago and am now about to start on more school work. While watching more X-files. Whoo!

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Woooft. We went out to Karbon last night and met the Rangers footballer DaMarcus Beasley. What a legend he was, talking to us for ages. He didn't get pissed of which is more than I can say for Aiden McGeady who we met in Bamboo ages ago.


My new claim to fame: I offered Beasley a drink and he said no. Leg-end.


(I think I'm still pretty drunk)

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Good day today. Psychology was awesome fun as usual, and then last lesson was the best. My teacher rocks, she's pretty young and it's like you can actually talk to her as a human being rather than a teacher. She gets herself into so many funny situations with what she says, I couldn't breath at one point I was laughing so much. I love teachers like that.


Philosophy teacher was off somewhere, so we watched superbad during the lesson. I'd never seen it, and I'm looking forward to watching the rest tonight.


May day on monday = Fun times. Going to Xscape which should be a laugh.


Xscape?! i wouldnt bother :P its poo! expensive clubs that are always empty! With rubbish mucsic too. Oh and every other person is a group of chavs!

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