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to be fair it'll probably take 3 weeks to download, so I'll be up for that :) I may indeed be echoing everyon VM fan ever... but shame it got cancelled.


Well if you do that I may as well bring the DVD, that way you can watch the Season four pitch and stuff too.


Day has been alright. Got my programme advisor meeting booked. Research done. Did what I needed in town. Just tidying up my room. Although I dunno how I feel about going out tonight if these storm warnings are correct. Definatly won't be joining the smokers thats for sure.


Oh and I was looking out my window and someone in the house opposite was just pulling up their trousers. Nice to see someone's arse mid-afternoon.


And hey look, my last.fm is finally working after like six months.


lols a hot girl is sleeping in my bed. what shall I do?!?


(granted, its my housemate...)

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Guest Stefkov

I found out at half 10 that my Coursework had to be in, officially, for the end of break time which was 11:40.

Luckily I only had 1 more 80 page thing to print. Got that printed, got some headers for each section printed and then handed it in.

I feel somewhat lighter.

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School was the usual meh. I'll never like Graphic Design and I hope I pass it this semester so I can drop it next year. >.<;


Anyway, seems our toilets won't flush anymore. We've had this problem before that it just wouldn't work well and would take three or four times to flush through (or using the plunger to get it to work again).

But now it's completely broken. Won't do anything anymore. So basically we can't go to the toilet anymore. D:


No idea how dad'll get it fixed. He doesn't want to call someone as it's going to be expensive as they'll have to break open the front garden to get to the septic tank thing or something. So he's planning to do it himself, while he just got a week off from work cause he hurt his back and can't move well. Yeah...

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Day has been good so far, only trouble is my foot which is slightly swollen towards the toe end, will most likely see a Doctor again about it on Tuesday/Wednesday when i get some time to do so.


Told work that the tablets i am on causes me to get angry and more agitated quicker than usual of which they didn't believe me until i shouted at someone in a tone of voice they never heard before.


Completed much of the work that i had to complete, just a few more things to complete and i will be happy work-wise.


Tonight, i am off out for a pint or two

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I've had a good day! :D


Today was a history day in Camden to listen to some lectures on Civil Rights!


For lunch i strolled around Camden and saw the parts which had been burnt down and having eating my sandwiches i was still hungry so got a pizza slice from a near by stall. :grin:


It's the first time i'd been to Camden! :)


Tonight i'm revising for psychology as i have an exam tomorrow!

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Long and tiring =P Was at college untill 4 30, not a single free in all that time either. Then came home and did quite a bit of homework for three lessons, including a brief experiment write up and another drawing and more notes for art. Also organised all my work. Pleased I have done it now though, especially as it means I am finally drawing to a close on the art project I am doing :) It has been dragging out for quite a long time now and if I am lucky I should have it done in a week or so :D

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87 viewing General Chit Chat? What madness is this?!

Today has been another mainly unproductive one, bar the work I did this morning before sleeping at 4ish. Again unmotivated to go into uni as I said, I might go pub in a bit as a mate's back in the area, so why not. Totally gotta do my stats tomorrow, or DIE/fail life.

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87 viewing General Chit Chat? What madness is this?!

Today has been another mainly unproductive one, bar the work I did this morning before sleeping at 4ish. Again unmotivated to go into uni as I said, I might go pub in a bit as a mate's back in the area, so why not. Totally gotta do my stats tomorrow, or DIE/fail life.

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Im about to go out and im not feeling it, which is annoying as I want to because whenever I'm not I just have a meh night. I dunno. My friend is constantly taling about his new boyfriend which is pissing me off, and im not in the mood to drink or anything and my housemate just doesnt believe im wearing something smart because I want to, she insists I want someone in particular. I dunno if I can be bothered with...youth?


Ah well. We'll be going soon and im sure as soon as im a crappy club i'll feel much better -_-


(My 'try and be optimistic' stage didn't last long)

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Im about to go out and im not feeling it, which is annoying as I want to because whenever I'm not I just have a meh night. I dunno. My friend is constantly taling about his new boyfriend which is pissing me off, and im not in the mood to drink or anything and my housemate just doesnt believe im wearing something smart because I want to, she insists I want someone in particular. I dunno if I can be bothered with...youth?


Ah well. We'll be going soon and im sure as soon as im a crappy club i'll feel much better -_-


(My 'try and be optimistic' stage didn't last long)



youth takes too much time and effort. mentally i think i missed all the years between 14 and 40 (i'm 23 currently). living on my on makes it much easier ot be aged, so i can do whatever lame thing i feel like doing.


for example i have been making muffins recently, and experiementing with different flavours. no 23 year old make should be doing that

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Guest Stefkov

I had dinner early tonight so I've been snacking up to now.

Apart from that tonight has been really, really boring. Which is wierd since I've finished Army of Two and started it again on the next difficulty, I've played Animal Crossing for a good 2 hours just fishing, hitting rock for money trick, wondering if I can bury a shovel without another one (no I can't I realise after trying...) etc. Yet it has felt like a boring night. Internet is being a knob aswell.

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I'm the same, Tom. In fact I seem to remember back in the Cube-Europe days some people thought I was a 40-year-old or something¹. I'd rather do lame things on my own than pretend to have fun.


The NHS sent me another GP patient survey today. It's voluntary, but this is the third letter they've sent me in as many weeks, so I might have to fill it in anyway just to stop them wasting paper. The thing is, I've never been to my GP so I don't really have anything to contribute.



¹In case any of you thought this, I'm going on 22.

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for example i have been making muffins recently, and experiementing with different flavours. no 23 year old make should be doing that

That sounds awesome... I think I've only tried muffins once, but they worked really well.


Being a teenager is overrated - I'd much rather have a geeky discussion than go to a club/bar. In fact, I've managed many geeky discussions in clubs/bars. :heh:

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So I've been lying in bed, wide awake, for the past two hours. I guess that whole 'reset' thing didn't work after all.


My visions a bit shaky, which is worrying. Nevertheless, I'd much rather do something productive than lie about unable to sleep for hours on end. Unfortunately I'm more than likely to simply end up dossing about on the internet until sunrise.

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My morning consists of making strawberry jelly ^.^ which should be set in the afternoon and we have ice cream in.


Other than that I'm going to the hairdressers after my driving lesson to pick up the tenner they owe me >_>, then I might come back and buy something.

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Guest Jordan

I'm sick of useless Database Admins.

Why the fuck do i have to do YOUR job as well as mine?!



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Guest Stefkov

My dad comes rushing in the room, in a sleepy state I'm thinking shit I'm late to go to college. It was just after 9...So now I'm awake. I need to phone up a Uni to book an interview before I go to college, there's no other time. I need to wait for a phone call I don't know when is coming so I can't have a shower until someone gets home.


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