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I think it was four matches today. It's not as exciting without Kim Clijsters any more though!


True, I haven't watched tennis much anymore since she quit, I really liked her. I still like Henin but for some reason I've never liked her that much off the field (she's a great player though).



Anyway, DH was cool and I just bought myself the complete X-files series. Finally! =D

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Guest Stefkov

I've been listening to the same song for the past hour. It's all background noise but it's so adictive to listen to.

Apart from that I redid my essay thing that got corrupted earlier in the day. Did nothing. This weekend will be funsies.

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I'm fucking useless, I've done no work, and I really feel like crying because of it. :( I can't understand why I am struggling so much with this damn introduction. I might take some time off and bug you all to do some questionnaires for me, as I'm gonna have to get on that soon too dammit.

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Just got back form a little get together a mate had. Somehow ended up getting my hair straightened and it looked like how it usually does when I proper comb it and not just rush job it in the morning.


But on the up-side, it stayed ok-looking even after using my rucksack as a pillow on the floor for the night.

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Watched six episodes of Veronica Mars last night :P Before that; played lots of card games, and learned how to make my usual pasta dish into something truly awesome thanks to my pal from brighton.


Today = ducks, maybe snow, chili vodka and the pub, if there's any luck left in the world...

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Watched six episodes of Veronica Mars last night :P Before that; played lots of card games, and learned how to make my usual pasta dish into something truly awesome thanks to my pal from brighton.


Today = ducks, maybe snow, chili vodka and the pub, if there's any luck left in the world...


truely awesome include adding a teeny bit of w33d to it? lol

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Stayed up till 5 trying to fix this PC. Then once I was close it restarted by itself and wouldn't load so was forced to system restore.


Needless to say I bricked it at first cause I thought all my data and files would of been gone and annoying to replace, but there where still there thankfully.


Just finished fixing some files and downloading Windows Service Pack 2 so I can download Live Messenger again, or maybe get an older version till the Pack is done...

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Most of my day was spent at some contemporary art exhibit for/with school. Was boring and felt like a big waste of time. Only thing kind of interesting was the slowest car crash ever; two cars being made to crash into each other at about 1.5 cm an hour. You can't see them move but you can hear the metal and glass break and deform.



Anyway, apart from that boring part, some good news.

I might've sold my very first card ever on RedBubble! Yay!

I say "might" cause I got a note from the person who bought it, but it's not showing up in my sales yet, so I'm not sure. But I hope this is the first of many to follow (mostly because I don't get any money until I earned a certain amount XD ).



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Watched six episodes of Veronica Mars last night :P Before that; played lots of card games, and learned how to make my usual pasta dish into something truly awesome thanks to my pal from brighton.


Today = ducks, maybe snow, chili vodka and the pub, if there's any luck left in the world...


People don't play enough card games anymore! What were you playing?

I've woken up, still got 1300 words to go out of my target 4000 for my work, not done any today either, got up late(12.30ish, not that much later than usual) due to not sleeping on thursday night, watched a load of stuff on tv, then came down here and proceeded to internet myself up, whilst eating toast and my sister's homemade marmalade, she did quite well for her first go actually. I'm currently still trying to book tickets to birmingham, though trains are confusing :confused:

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Just got up a hour ago, played abit of dmc4 and finding out that i need to wait another week for my computer to get fixed.


Another week now? God I would be so lost if that happened to me.


Also I had a dream that 60.68 million people on earth had died because there was red mist beginning to cover the earth and anyone who go in it/breathed it died. Then I was on a tram with wildo as the driver and we went through a wall, then 2 of my teeth came out only to be replaced with new ones. Then dog/polar bear hybrids started attacking and I grabbed a sword and went to fight them. I remember India was wiped out and it was growing in the UK but the mist stopped before where me and wildo went through the wall. I think my mum had died cause she wasn't there, I think my dad was there and my sister seen me and my sword ready to go out and fight. Then it ended with me walking up to the monsters.


It was a fun dream. I'm sure there was more N-Ers but can't remember it all. Also someone got sucked out the tram through a 1cm gap in the door. It was gory.

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