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Finally finished painting my dragon which I bought before Christmas. We've been through alot together over these long days. The varnish and flash haven't mixed well.




That looks awesome dude. Definitely the best I've seen of yours. :D


Comedy Rainbow took way longer than I estimated. I think its the worst episode. I dunno. I can never really gauge when I've made them because all the jokes are old to my by then. Not that anyone else finds it funny anyway.




Anyway be sure to check it out guys because there is a competition. (Its not up yet anyway)


Might watch Star Trek in a bit. No, definitely going to watch it. :D


I've been asleep most of today. Either that or working on my ut3.


Its not been very exciting, although I'm finally talking to an old friend at uni, which is nice, forgot what a nice chap he is. Shame the guy I actually liked is such a tit.


What a waste eh?


Really sorry to hear that Coolness :(




(okay perhaps Munchlax shouldn't look so happy given the context but best I could find :heh:)

Posted (edited)

Sorry to hear about your sisters loss Coolness.


In other news, i found out in a few weeks or earlier i shall have no money at all. My JSA shall be directly given to my parents and what is left shall be used to pay my phone bill of £20 and the Sky Bill of £15. Isn't that awesome guys!!!!*


*By the way, this comment is sarcastic. I think it is basically a bunch of crap to be fair. They did this last time to attempt to stop me going out with my mates. This time, they intend to do this again.

Edited by Jimbob
Sorry to hear about your sisters loss Coolness.


In other news, i found out in a few weeks or earlier i shall have no money at all. My JSA shall be directly given to my parents and what is left shall be used to pay my phone bill of £20 and the Sky Bill of £15. Isn't that awesome guys!!!!*


*By the way, this comment is sarcastic. I think it is basically a bunch of crap to be fair. They did this last time to attempt to stop me going out with my mates. This time, they intend to do this again.


...why have you let them have your JSA?

In other news, i found out in a few weeks or earlier i shall have no money at all. My JSA shall be directly given to my parents and what is left shall be used to pay my phone bill of £20 and the Sky Bill of £15. Isn't that awesome guys!!!!*


*By the way, this comment is sarcastic. I think it is basically a bunch of crap to be fair. They did this last time to attempt to stop me going out with my mates. This time, they intend to do this again.


my parents did the same to me. this was how the conversation went:


me: I'd be happy to give you some of my dole as rent. £10 a week sound fair.

Dad: We won't ask you do do that son, you can chip in when your earning.

me: really, i don't mind, i want to pull my own weight.

dad: no, its ok. fancy the pub in a couple of hours


fast forward two hours to pub.


dad: your mother and I have disscussed this dole situation, we will want some money after all.

me: like i say, I'm happy to give you £20 of every instalment.

dad: were going to want a bit more then that son.

short silence in which both my parents stare at me strangly-

me: well why dont you tell me how much then?

mam: £40 a fortnight

me: but that like, half my dole!

mam: Its not alot of money.

me: you say that, but its HALF of my income. look, I'll meet you half way, £30.

mam: thats not enough.

me: i won't budge on this.

mam: you know, i only give myself £30 spending money a week, i don't think its fair you get more spending money then me when i work.

me: so you dont even need the money?

dad: no, we don't

me: mum, do you count the wine you buy in the supermarket in that £30 spendign money?

mam: *flash of rage* i EARN my money, what i do with it's my own bussiness.

me: im just saying, you spend more then £30 on luxaries.

mam: FINE! I can't be bothered to argue, £30 it is.


this led to me running up my overdraft t0 over £1100, and my mother no longer being invited to the pub.


Did some work today, but nearly enough. Then Chair came round and we went out to a friend from college's birthday, who Chair knew from primary school. It was an enjoyable night out, but a strange collision of worlds. When a friend of mine turned up at the pub/bar/huge colloseum that serves drinks at the bequest of another mutual friend who I also go to college with. Dunno why, but it felt so jarring to see her there. I associate her with a totally seperate...part of me? Or something.


Nice for Chair to meet my friends though, for the first (proper) time. (He'd met a few of the non-essentials before).


Promised myself wouldn't go to the club they were planning to go to, as I have loads to do tomorrow. But did. But it was fine. I drank enough to enjoy myself, but will feel fine tomoz. :)


P.S Hour long walk home cause you can't get money out for taxi because you forgot your pin no. (bizarrely. I then remembered it once I got more tipsy), and then the machine told you that it would refuse any more attempts and that I need to phone the bank is no fun.

I'm fucking hungover from last night too. I didn't even have much to drink. Eurrrrgh.


at least you dont have to look after a baby now though :heh:

Chair came round and we went out to a friend from college's birthday, who Chair knew from primary school. It was an enjoyable night out, but a strange collision of worlds. When a friend of mine turned up at the pub/bar/huge colloseum that serves drinks at the bequest of another mutual friend who I also go to college with. Dunno why, but it felt so jarring to see her there. I associate her with a totally seperate...part of me? Or something.



This happened to me! Jayseven's birthday party t'other day went all kinds of strange when my neighbor and lifetime family friend from across the street turned up with her boyfriend. Turns out her boyfriend was at uni with our dear cider fan.

Small world. Smaller world coincidence though: turns out she also went to uni in Edinburgh with one of the girls on my Masters. Proper strange.


And as a final note of weird: Jess is infamously indistinguishable from her twin May. As a family, we've known them since before I can recall and none of us can ever tell them apart. Imagine my surprise when her boyfriend is also an identical twin and was utterly indistinguishable from his brother, save for a kind of errol flyn inspired dash of facial hair.


Today just feels like a joke, actually 2010 just feels like crap. I hate januarys.


My friend has already started talking about her birthday, which is great, nice that we can hang out again like last year..but she's talking about having 5+ sleeping over..


Which basically means a sleepless night for me..which I really don't want tbh.


So something I was reallllly looking forward to, I'm kinda dreading now, its bad enough when her boyfriend stays over for two weeks with his loud booming voice at 3am.


I'm probably just grumpy today tbh, but it kinda made me feel even worse. BLEH day. ignore all this.


Ahhh headache! Like a really annoying one. I feel all tired and like I have absolutely no energy, plus for some reason my neck hurts. Hope I'm not getting ill.


And of course today is the day we're having the family dinner with dad's side of the family. They're coming over here in half an hour, so my parents are stressing out, preparing all these little food thingies. I'm happy that at least for the main meal we're going to a restaurant. But yeah, not looking forward to lots of noise all night. Just really wanna crawl in bed.


Plus my parents didn't make any food thingie without meat. Half of the things seem to include bacon, which I loathe. The other half has shrimp stuff. Which I hate as well. =(



*decides today is "Let's moan and be grumpy" day!*

Ah jesus christ. So sorry Coolness.


Sorry to hear about you and your sister's loss, Coolness. I hope you're both ok.


That's really heart-wrenching Coolness. You all have my wishes.


Really sorry to hear about that Coolness


Sorry to hear about your sisters loss Coolness.


Tis bullshit Coolness, much condolences slamming your way.


Than you everyone. :)


Really sorry to hear that Coolness :(




(okay perhaps Munchlax shouldn't look so happy given the context but best I could find :heh:)


That is a really sweet picture and I love Snorlax + Munchlax. :smile:


My day today has been spent revising for my exams and waiting for my friend to get back to Bangor! :D Also Bayonetta!


I couldn't get to sleep until 6AM this morning (granted I was awake till 5 doing work) because of these loud motherfucking Greek bastards that live across the hallway.


Playing their music ridiculously loud and shouting like a bunch of bitches.


I dunno what to do.


If I knock on their door and ask for them to turn it down I know I'll end up losing it and doing something stupid.


So I might just print out a letter that looks like it's from the landlord saying shut the fuck up (but in landlord style writing), slap a logo on it and pop it in their postbox.

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