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My only argument here is that you don't come out enough because you can't drive home. I think it's great that you can have an easy life in all the ways listed above (and I do appreciate that when your car breaks, it affects you massively), but I think it's just a shame you don't come for a drink mid-week and walk/taxi/bus home like I'd have to. I think you forget how easy that can be because you've had full control of your travels with a car, and I think you can miss out on other aspects of social life if you tie yourself wholely to a car.
Actually I don't go for a drink mid-week because... I'm not interested in going out drinking during the week. I'm barely interested in going out at the weekend for that matter. And the other week when my car got snowed in, I happily walked to town and to London Road for a meal and a drink. I don't mind walking anywhere I just wouldn't choose to if driving was an option.


Tell me though, how much more often would you come round here if you could drive here? How many times have you only wanted to come over as long as I could drive over and pick you up?


In fact, that goes to you too, Ashley - When you came to visit us, wasn't it handy that I could pick you up from the station? :heh: Note: taxis are on my side of the argument.

Edited by Shorty
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Sure, sure.


Well I've Sorted Shit Out today, and spent my grandparent's xmas money on Batman, Condemned 2 and LOST for the xbox for the total of £28! Strangely the one I'm gonna play first is LOST, then probably get going with Dexter season 4.


Bumped into a few people in town, made some arrangements to see them in the new year, got their Word on coming to my partay, waiting for landlord to come and take some of my hard-earned dosh off my hands.


Now to prepare my new year's resolutions, before the inevitable thread pops up.

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my stupid car is getting woooooooorse god dammit! I got a bit cross because someone basically parked in my way, vroomed off quite quickly (as you do) and its started making the tinnyblowydontknow noise it did when reversing. And letting off the break makes a funny noise.


Why am I getting the feeling this is going to be expensive... =(


Saying all that cars rule all. Specially when you live in a country with barely minimal train and bus services. I'd be quite late to work if I had to get the bus from my house. I'd have to get up an hour earlier, and get home over an hour later than i would by car.

(the very few days you have to sacrifice for MOT/repairs is worth it in my mind)

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my stupid car is getting woooooooorse god dammit! I got a bit cross because someone basically parked in my way, vroomed off quite quickly (as you do) and its started making the tinnyblowydontknow noise it did when reversing. And letting off the break makes a funny noise.


Why am I getting the feeling this is going to be expensive... =(


Hope it's not too expensive. I think the above is why I drive around everywhere with my music on full. The second I turn things off I get extremely paranoid about every single little noise the car's making. Probably not the best thing to do really but I'm sure something will fall off to let me know when something's really wrong.

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Hope it's not too expensive. I think the above is why I drive around everywhere with my music on full. The second I turn things off I get extremely paranoid about every single little noise the car's making. Probably not the best thing to do really but I'm sure something will fall off to let me know when something's really wrong.


If I could I would ignore it but its very very fucking loud (and actually shakes the car). My dad reckons the springs on the brakes are playing up. It usually gets a wee tune up on the service, but that was only in September, so i'm worried its bad =(


BUT in good news I got a lovely lovely CD player fitted in my car! Now I can play music from my ipod.. woooohoo! :grin:


*kicks goafer* :heh:

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Failed MOT. :(


I think I might be better off getting a new car.


Hey, join the club :) *MOT fail High Five*


*High five* Passing MOTs is for losers. Mines failed both of its MOTs.


What did it fail on?


*looks at people car problems, feels smug with crap old functioning car*


I hate you.


Something funny happened today about you actually. I was talking about Theme Fest to two friends (one of which is Spenno back from a 7 month world tour stint ~ I've asked him to come back here) anyway, and I was like "Goaferboy, who is arguably the sanest of the lot of us and really nice and funny" and they went "Wait, so the sanest and nicest of the lot is called "Goaferboy"....?


It was lol.


So yeah Spenno came back and I was very happy to see him.


Work was fucking shit and horrible after time off.


NYE tomorrow, and my N900 should arrive so I'm really looking forward to that. Not really looking forward to anything else though lol. I'll sort out Theme Fest Mein Fuhrer soon actually....thats the next thing I'm looking forward to.

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Is there a way of checking an email for viruses before you open it? I've got an email from a friend at Uni but I haven't spoken to him in ages and it has the title ''How are you?''. I don't trust, but I'm also intrigued.


My day was good, bit of shopping and out for dinner. Feel really rough now though.


NYE. Was meant to be doing Manchester, that's not happening. So it looks like Town. Again. I say again because that's where I was Christmas Eve.

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How bored do you have to be to do that?


You've never worked in retail have you...?


Plus it took about five minutes. It not like it was an accurate representation.


In fact, that goes to you too, Ashley - When you came to visit us, wasn't it handy that I could pick you up from the station? :heh: Note: taxis are on my side of the argument.


You made me get a taxi the first time! :heh:


But it was helpful yes. BUT! I bought you some sweets in return!


Another day at SCS. Did 2, or maybe 3, finances. EXCITING. Although to be fair I also laminated, accepted a delivery (such a faff) and hoovered. EXCITING. Truly. One customer looked like Ted Danson. I was oddly star struck, even though it was just a lookalike.

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Had another seizure today, I grazed my head a shitload. I'm going to try going to work even though I fear they'll send me home.


U aight broheme? Sounds rough.


Hmm...I was going to post about how much I'm loving audiosurf atm, but in light of this, as a wise man once said "It would be like turning up to Sudan in a suit made entirely of food."



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I'm rolling on the laminate floor of our hall to the bridge of Human Of The Year by Regina Spektor.


Other than that, done nothing. Had to be in the living room/area all morning with the dog, which meant I "couldn't do any work" on my computer. So watched more Buffy, played more games, and then generally lay.

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Needs new UJ, mid pipe and rear brake pipe. (Not a problem.)


Failed emissions. (Potentially a massive problem.)


If it helps ease your mind a bit, my old car failed on emissions. They turned a screw and it was fine again. Cost a pittence. What car is it on? Chances are it's just a tuning issue.

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Came home from an amazing 3 days visiting the girlfriend at her house whilst we're on holiday from university.


Met her whole family for first time. Was really scared and worried that I'd fook it up, but I'm pretty sure I came out looking alreeet.


Came home, xbox RROD'd =/, Sky box in my room isn't working for some reason and I've lost FIFA10 box and game and the case for MW2.




Also spent £100 on 2 tickets to see lion king for girlfriend's upcoming birthday. She better appreciate that this has completely destroyed any savings I've made whilst at university so far :)

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Emissions are fucking nightmare ti fail on. Potentially it's a very easy problem to fix. The nightmare comes in that the mechanic could potentially have to take apart the whole engine to find the problem and that doesn't come cheap. My first car failed on emissions and it was cheaper to just get another one than pay for the cost of the labour and what not.

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Once again, been chilling again. Nan went home today, had her over for the Christmas week. Which was nice btw. Had to look after the dog again, she's not too bad very very quiet as such.


Also been on ACII. Current progress: I'm on Memory 8/9. Unlocked 90% of the city you do-up, bought all paintings, bought all armour minus 1 part, bought all swords minus 1. Ok, i only have 25 feathers but i have visited all Assassins Tombs and returned all the seals which means i have the secret armour.


And also, i worked out how much money i have left. I run out of money officially in April/May. Need to get a job before then, hopefully.

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