nightwolf Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Congratulations Now go celebrate! I'm celebrating by doing work aha, oh dear.
Eenuh Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Yayyy, well done on getting the job nightwolf! Money, hooray! =D I'm currently messing around with lots of paint, cause I got told to be more "expressive" and stuff. It's giving... weird results heh. Not used to this at all. =P Also, I'm going out tonight whoo. Going out with sister and her friends to some party thingie that is actually meant for people to go to with workmates after work heh. And there is food. So yay. Though apparently I had told a friend I'd go see a film with her tonight (which only plays tonight in an indie cinema), but I forgot about it and she never asked me about it again, so yeahhhh, not going to that. Think she's annoyed with me heh.
Chris the great Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 going to see games live tonight in newcastle. i very excite!
MoogleViper Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Just been for a 2.5 mile jog. Felt good, but after about 2/3rds of the way I had to walk for a bit as I was knackered. It didn't help that I've only eaten a clementine all day (a fact that I didn't remember until half way round).
Supergrunch Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 'Weird'? We've been saying supergrunch hasn't posted enough lately... *turns on the grunchsignal* *shines pi symbol onto the sky* I respond! Also why isn't weird spelled wierd? At a guess: I before E is a general rule, but it's not something that's forced upon the language irrespective of how it sounds. If you enunciate "weird", has separate phonemes for the "ee" and "ir" parts of the word. It's clear which order they're supposed to be in, so the rule isn't needed. Unlike in say, "receive", where the phoneme is just an "ee" sound and you must check the rule in order to get the spelling. A more accurate version of "i before e" that I've heard is "i before e, except after c, when pronounced [iː]." This works a little better (and excludes weird, which OED claims is pronounced [wɪəd], which is perhaps a little off, but it's definitely not [iː]) but creates more exceptions like friend, which obeys i before e, but is pronounced [ɛ] rather than [iː]. Ultimately though, anything you come up with is probably just going to be a fallible metric, as English spelling is idiosyncratic, with the spelling of words sometimes reflecting arbitrary facts about their etymologies and/or previous pronuciations rather than any kind of phonemic representation. For instance, in the case of weird: Though a nominal form of weird has been around since Old English, e.g. "Hie wyrd forsweop on Grendles gryre" from Beowulf, where the meaning is something a bit like fate, the adjectival form is much more recent, and originally had a similar meaning to the old nominal form. This seems to have first emerged in Middle English, as in "A werde-sister, I wait neuir how" (1400ish), but it seems that it's Shakespeare that really got the usage going, and he (or perhaps the typesetters) spells it as weyard and weyward (some analogy with wayward was obviously going on). I guess the OE form was really just pronounced as one syllable with a dipthong, and with a monopthong for the form werde, but the meter of Shakespeare often suggests the word was bisyllabic - for example, try picking out the four iambs in "The weyward Sisters, hand in hand." The y was later changed to an i with an umlaut, indicating the bisyllabic nature, leading to weïrd, but the diacritic was dropped at some point, and the word often isn't bisyallabic these days. At some point vowel shifting led to the first vowel being pronounced higher in the mouth, more like or [ɪ] than the original [ɛ], giving us today's pronunciation alongside the spelling weird. You can make sense of this in various ways, and it's a fairly sketchy account that probably has some inaccuracies (also it's incomplete - rhotacism, for instance, makes everything more complex), but it demonstrates the somewhat arbitrary nature of English spelling and how it's often unrelated to the phonemic form of words. This is a somewhat recent phenomenon - both OE and ME had more consistent and phonemic spellings, but influences like vowel shifts and import words have lead to the more scatterbrained nature of Modern English spelling. Height and weight.They blow my mind. You even say them differently. Haha yeah, I guess they're exceptions again.... The spelling of those two is more related to the letters following them, the pronunciation of the /ā/ like in "eight". I think the spelling of "height" reflects its older pronunciation. It's the same story here - though both have OE forms (hÃehþo and wiht respectively - very different), various influences have led to different pronuciations but the same spelling, really as a result of chance. The height form was pronounced with an [eɪ] for a while (the same vowel Shorty transcribes as /ā/), which fits the spelling better, but analogy with high and Northen English uses led to a different vowel (today realised as [aɪ]), and for a while the two different vowel spellings - Milton for instance, uses highth; "To attaine The highth and depth of thy Eternal wayes," - but the ei spelling was settled on, probably mostly by chance. Weight seems to have gone the other way, starting out with more of an [ɪ] sound, but changing both in spelling and pronunciation through analogy with Old Norse forms with [eɪ] vowels and the verb weigh. So yeah, it's all a tanged mess of etymologies, and not really the sort of thing most linguists tend to look at, as they focus more on generalisations than on specifics. Some people are more interested in this kind of thing though - I did all my research for this post using the etymology section of the OED. One final point: though English has a fairly crazy spelling scheme, it's by no means a total disaster - consistent patterns can be identified, although they change depending on the type of words you look at. Okay, it's not as neat as something like Spanish, but be thankful we haven't got a writing system like Japanese. Note: I've used (very) broad phonetic transcriptions throughout so that I don't have to commit to phonemes, hence the square brackets rather than the slashes. If you don't know the sounds that the IPA symbols represent, Wikipedia has a reasonable guide.
Gizmo Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 I think I now know how my friends feel when I start talking about Physics.
Dan_Dare Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Jesus Fuck, grunch. I mean, I'm fairly confident that I know my words n stuff but that's mental.
MoogleViper Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Looks like I've signed a football contract.
Fierce_LiNk Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Flink, you going to use that Nitro PDF Pro when you write "please see me" at the bottom of the kids' work? pr0 opportunity arisings! Haha, why couldn't I just write that at the bottom of their work with a pen? Or am I missing something? Yeah that's the one. I feel like such a dickhead. Yes I know I'm a slimy twat. And now my head is killing me. Fuck sake. Also the housemate that I kissed before started to act a bit weird around me, as if there was something going on between us. I ignored it at first (if you ignore problems they usually go away) but then she started asking me why I'd kissed her. I can't remember my reply, think it was something along the lines of "it just happened". Although I think she's stopped now. Also why isn't weird spelled wierd? Aw, well, don't beat yourself up about it too much. You were drunk for a start, and she should have stopped it, too. Maybe you can sort things out quietly between you and her so the situation doesn't escalate. So, I'm using that Nitro PDF and editing my form as we speak. The program is a god send! Although, I feel a little bit cheeky editing the form this way. Will the school think "ahh, well done, good initiative!" or will they think "Cheating bastard!"? I also didn't get to sleep til 4 oclock because I kept hearing the neighbours next door and the rain was so loud on my window. So, I didn't wake up til 1. I've noticed that I don't feel as sore today as I thought I would from the gym, but that may be because of the awkward sleep? Maybe tomorrow I'll feel it, heh.
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Haha, why couldn't I just write that at the bottom of their work with a pen? Or am I missing something? Depends if the kids can read your messy handwriting. I recommend making some "see me" stickers, which you can keep until needed.
Fierce_LiNk Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Depends if the kids can read your messy handwriting. Your words hurt me deep, Eevil. I recommend making some "see me" stickers, which you can keep until needed. I have thought about maybe typing up my comments, then simply printing them out and sticking them into the kids books? Haha. When I get my own class, I will try this out. Also, giving out stickers is the best part of being a Primary School teacher. The kids love them, I feel awesome giving them out. Its a win-win! Win squared.
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Your words hurt me deep, Eevil. I didn't mean to give it to you deep [not in this instance], I was just about to factor in a :p but you'd already replied. I have thought about maybe typing up my comments, then simply printing them out and sticking them into the kids books? Haha. When I get my own class, I will try this out. Don't pretend you came up with this genius idea, it's an EEVIL OORIGINAL.
Slaggis Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 (edited) *Sigh*. Was looking forward to tonight, but instead it looks like it's going to be another night of boredom (Not counting Eastenders, Obviously). Went to the cinema with Razz only to find that the film had sold out. Decided we were just going to go for a drink instead, but alas I didn't bother bringing my I.D. Fail. Listening to The Waitress is suddenly oddly soothing. Edit: Eastenders isn't on tonight is it? Today fails. Edited November 25, 2009 by Slaggis
bluey Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 fraaaaack... i'm ill. like, proper ill. like - OH GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT LUMP IN ON YOUR NECK?! hospital appointments, ENT hospital specialists, ultrasound tomorrow, two strong courses of antibiotics and colourful jumping-jellybean-looking painkillers ill. i've had a swollen neck for 2 weeks now, it's getting bigger and the lump has gotten harder. it's only one side which has stumped doctors and my friends who are really into house MD, so some ENT specialists are gunna ultrasound it tomorrow to check for.... for whatever the fuck it could be.
chairdriver Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 ^ I'm doing that, whilst crying "YES!" Someone's just asked me to write the script for a 2 hour radio show discussing Bjork and her influences, and who she has influenced, and to potentially speak on the radio station. It's for Oxide, the student-run radio station. I'm literally jumping with so many forms of joy. Literally my favourite subject to talk/write about. Yes, I'm going to play Hunter, Vertebrae by Vertebrae and The Modern Things. Yes, I'm going to mention Antony and Dirty Projectors. Yes, I'm going to discuss the video to All Is Full Of Love.
Raining_again Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 fraaaaack...i'm ill. like, proper ill. like - OH GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT LUMP IN ON YOUR NECK?! hospital appointments, ENT hospital specialists, ultrasound tomorrow, two strong courses of antibiotics and colourful jumping-jellybean-looking painkillers ill. i've had a swollen neck for 2 weeks now, it's getting bigger and the lump has gotten harder. it's only one side which has stumped doctors and my friends who are really into house MD, so some ENT specialists are gunna ultrasound it tomorrow to check for.... for whatever the fuck it could be. aw bluester that sucks. Good luck with the ultrasound tomorrow! Let us know how it goes! *mega-goodluck-hugs*
jayseven Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Supergrunch pwns us all. So my dad gave me £40 today, so I spent £30 on some great food that should last me a good week, plumping me up a bit for the troubles ahead. Council sent me a letter asking for £250 that they claim to have paid me in unnecessary housing benefits. I guess I just add it to the pile of lols. I also treated myself to a £5.99 Swann smoking kit - comes with about 500 filters, 700 rizlas, two lighters, smoking tin and a rolling maching. So cool. Also spent more time with housemates tonight. Played some Borderlands co-op but they didn't like it much, and the cramped screen annoyed. Gears of War 2 on insane... well we seem to get through about 3 checkpoints each time we give it a go. Currently Carmine is running off and getting killed. Very annoying. So! Finishing my cider (tis nice to be rich when you want to celebrate), and then going to watch some Sons of Anarchy through my shitty laptop speakers as I have no headphones (been borrowing them from a housemate and he wants them back)... so yeah. Work at 10.30. boo.
nightwolf Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 10:30 am or in an hour? Crazy business. House is abit awkard, everybody is collectively annoyed at our housemate, other housemate is annoyed at her boyfriend..things are alittle tense. Eeep! I'm just trying to stay out the way, I think it doesn't help that I've had a good day and I have somewhere to live in July whereas other people don't..hmm.
Paj! Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 ^ I'm doing that, whilst crying "YES!" Someone's just asked me to write the script for a 2 hour radio show discussing Bjork and her influences, and who she has influenced, and to potentially speak on the radio station. It's for Oxide, the student-run radio station. I'm literally jumping with so many forms of joy. Literally my favourite subject to talk/write about. Yes, I'm going to play Hunter, Vertebrae by Vertebrae and The Modern Things. Yes, I'm going to mention Antony and Dirty Projectors. Yes, I'm going to discuss the video to All Is Full Of Love. Can I read it/contribute/correct your spelling? Remember Bjork herself has influences. Don't forget to mention her background in punk/ the fact that the singer from The Slits had her singing style before she made it synonymous with herself.
Roostophe Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Today, I received a replacement hard drive for my laptop (under warranty, so free, yay.), only for this hard drive to have a problem of its own. But at least the other hard drive problems aren't there anymore. You better continue to help me, Dell. This is the ONLY time I'm buying a product from you! Also, in the act of "What Am I Doing With My Life, Part 26.", I've just been perusing my local college's website for subjects and go back into education. Yeah, I got sick of jobsearching. As I'm 20, would I be classed as an 'Adult Learner'? I'm definitely not in the 14-19s category. I've applied for a 'Japanese for Beginners' course that I saw earlier in the year (but I should tell them I'm not a complete beginner; I know Hiragana and Katakana!). But I'm not sure about whether to do a Media subject. My brother did Media Studies in 6th Form and he said it was brilliant. But I'm just unsure if I actually can apply for the adult media lessons and/or if I actually fancy them. That's just me thinking out aloud, but fucking hell I need to know more...
jayseven Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 nightwolf; yeah am Villan; you're not a mature student just yet. Depends on the course you want to study as well as your previous qualifications. When you say you know katakana and hirigana, what do you mean? Like, really, really well? Even so, start with the beginner's stage to at least get to grips with the form of the course. As for media; what draws you to it? Are you expecting to sit around watching adverts and movies all day? Even while this may be true for some courses, if you want to get something out of it, you should at least know what. Do you want to work in media? In what capacity? Is there not an advisor to discuss these things with?
Roostophe Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Villan; you're not a mature student just yet. Depends on the course you want to study as well as your previous qualifications. When you say you know katakana and hirigana, what do you mean? Like, really, really well? Even so, start with the beginner's stage to at least get to grips with the form of the course. I didn't think I could be classed as a 'mature' student, but I really didn't think I could be classed as a 14-19 either. I'm just clueless about all this. Well, I wouldn't say really, really, well; I know the majority of characters. But I'd imagine that what I already know of Japanese would mean I would have somewhat of an advantage. But, still, best to go with Beginner, I'd agree. As for media; what draws you to it? Are you expecting to sit around watching adverts and movies all day? Even while this may be true for some courses, if you want to get something out of it, you should at least know what. Do you want to work in media? In what capacity? Is there not an advisor to discuss these things with? This is why I'm unsure about doing it. I have next to no idea what it's about. I just need to know a lot more about these courses. Like I said, I was just thinking out aloud because I really don't know. I do need to think about that one for the time being.
nightwolf Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 My friend does a digital media course which includes things like web design, adobe software stuff, filming, bit of everything. I can imagine its similar. She found its helped her define what she wants to persue in her career, but a friend of mine does multimedia and has found it to be the biggest waste of his time (partly because our university is a piece of shit.) Having a language is a great start, alot of jobs I'm looking at find languages a massive bonus! I don't think I know one course that gets to sit and watch movies/adverts all day and finds it enjoyable, you have to analyse them so much it becomes awful!
Ashley Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 This would be when a decent memory gland would be handy as I did do A-level media. I think it was more basic (a lot more basic). Just learning about theories/ideas/techniques/whatever rather than really thinking about it. This may be of help. Its a decent enough subject at A-level, but personally I find digging in deep more interesting but obviously thats university level. As for adult learner, I know anyone over 21 is classed as a mature learner in Uni. I'm guessing if they say 14-19 than anyone over that is a mature learner. But I know you can do them, I've met a few people who did college courses prior to coming to uni and certainly were over 19. But there can be a clear theory/practical divide so check to see exactly what it is they offer. In completely random news my dreams as of late have been odd; Saturday - I was a serial killer Sunday - I had a lot of pets I was trying to clean all at once Monday - Someone gave birth to an alive-again baby that looked like Charles Charles did in Pushing Daises (decomposed body slightly covered by bandages) Tuesday - Someone I used to know accused me of somehow causing her break up; got so angry that she had a heart attack
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