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Well yesterday I went bowling in the morning. I gave my room a much needed uber-tidy for about three hours. I then went on N-Europe, my mum and dad had gone out for the night so I had to look after my sister. I talked to Shadow and Franklin for about an hour then we started to record an N-E podcast plagued with technical difficulties. The conference recording stopped half way through. The voices kept going silent. I had a power cut and had to navigate the house with a Buzz Lightyear alarm clock at about 10PM. Then Cube tried to get in but we settled on the fact that his microphone had been chewed by a room mate.



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Had this really nasty, painful rash developing all week, which hasn't helped my depression one little bit, and after reading the leaflet that came with my antidepressants find out one of the possible side effects is a rash. Talk about ironic, the things that were supposed to cure my depression gave me a reason to be more depressed.

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today excellent, in fact that whole week has been absolutely fantastic!

I am really sinking my teeth into my new job and am loving it. I have made it to the gym 4 times and am already feeling better, fantastic new phone, 30 rock back on the air after a break, american gladiators, celebrity apprentice and today I am off to a friend to have a roast. fantastic.


only down side of the week is that I am coming down with a cold and i got a parking ticket.

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Today has been suprisingly not shit as it was my first day back at work I thought it would be naff. Not long after we opened I turned round and went "We have a pigeon! No we have many pigeons!" four of them had walked in, that was fun getting them out. Some customer came in and got the last one and acted all manly. I ain't touching no skanky pigeons. Then later a colleague's stalker came in. Fun. And I have Wednesday off, nice suprise.


Actually, the not good things;


1. Regional manager. Decided the acting manager (and will be assistant) has to go to Redditch and is apparently not letting the new manager coming in until he leaves, even though he doesn't want to. Plus its stupid anyway, he should show her the ins and outs of this store. If he sticks like this come first week of Feb hes screwer, as acting manager is on holiday and I will have left by then. Nobody to run the shop.


2. Housemate. Came back at the place is a mess, hes just not tidying anything up and leaving lights on and stuff -_-

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Another day spent revising geography. I've learnt another case study which will be a big help. I've got my 2 modules tomorrow, which I'm panicking about. :(


Good luck =]


Law resit tommorrow. Bring it on!

Today has consisted of revision and work and sleep. Not too bad.


Can't wait for tomorrow mr coolness :D:D:D:D:D

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Another day spent revising geography. I've learnt another case study which will be a big help. I've got my 2 modules tomorrow, which I'm panicking about. :(


Good luck!!


Law resit tommorrow. Bring it on!


Also good luck! You sound pretty up for it!! :heh:


I've had another lazy day...it is Sunday to be fair. I played some Phantom Hourglass and I've listened to a HELL of a lot of Justice. I just downloaded two new live sets as well! Tomorrow I need to sort my Uni course out. I'm switching from Japanese to anthropology.

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Good luck =]


Law resit tommorrow. Bring it on!

Today has consisted of revision and work and sleep. Not too bad.


Can't wait for tomorrow mr coolness :D:D:D:D:D


Neither can i! :grin::heart:




I've had a great day really relaxing and generally awesome. :grin: I'm extremely happy! :yay:

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Not bad, was my Dad's birthday so he got CoD4 from me and my sister and I watched him for a bit before installing it on my own PC and playing that too :D


But I've finally gotten down to doing some Music Technology work.


Oh, by the way, got an offer from my ideal Uni of Portsmouth :D


240 UCAS Points..I'll be amazed if I get that though :(

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Guest Stefkov
Oh, by the way, got an offer from my ideal Uni of Portsmouth :D


240 UCAS Points..I'll be amazed if I get that though :(

240? That's just 2 A's. Or 2 B's and an E. Or even 3 C's.

If you get that at the end of this year then you add on whatever you got last year for AS. If you get any of those results then adding whatever last year you will have done it.

260 points for me so I could technically do it with 3C's. But it will be just scraping by. Shit better get some work done...

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240? That's just 2 A's. Or 2 B's and an E. Or even 3 C's.

If you get that at the end of this year then you add on whatever you got last year for AS. If you get any of those results then adding whatever last year you will have done it.

260 points for me so I could technically do it with 3C's. But it will be just scraping by. Shit better get some work done...



I got 130 last year, so it's possible. I'm just not great at coursework. I won't get higher than a C in anything so I need to guarantee that they all become a C or whatever.

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Guest Stefkov
I got 130 last year, so it's possible. I'm just not great at coursework. I won't get higher than a C in anything so I need to guarantee that they all become a C or whatever.

I didn't think I was that good at coursework till I realised half way into this year that I got an A in my Computing coursework. If I hadn't got that my Computing grade would have made me cry.

If in tommorows resit can get me a higher mark I can be looking at maybe a B in Computing bringing my last year total to 180. Which means it'd be easier for me to get a good mark with this years computing exam.


I was meant to be revising but I didn't, I just looked at cameras all day.

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Today was good:


I went on the bus and got undercharged because the busdriver misheard me :D Then I played Kameo, and gh3. Then I smashed up my old phone with a hammer, and it was really interesting to see inside.


Then my mum made milkshakes :D

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Been feeling awfully tired, just under the weather I guess. Played some MP2 for the first time in a while, reckon I'm on the final stretch. No idea what I'll be doing at college tomorrow, that part of the course seems to be somewhat in limbo. Got the washing done at least. Man I need to get organised. Checked the weather hoping for some blue-sky forecasts. Flood warnings and sleet. Yippee.

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Not bad, was my Dad's birthday so he got CoD4 from me and my sister and I watched him for a bit before installing it on my own PC and playing that too :D


But I've finally gotten down to doing some Music Technology work.


Oh, by the way, got an offer from my ideal Uni of Portsmouth :D


240 UCAS Points..I'll be amazed if I get that though :(


I got a mate at portsmouth.. if you end up there then i can pay a visit :)

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my day was fine until right NOW..

i'm off to get a chest x-ray >__<

bluey no likey hospital place *bleh*


hey! the x-ray was fun!! the radiologist was really chatty and i learned a lot about the ultra scan machine!! ^___^ hehe

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Haven't been on the internets much lately (even missed my own birthday thread, including the bizarre arguments about what my name means) as I've been moving house and it's taking longer that i'd like to get the 'net up and running. I'll probably pop in now and again, might be at least a month before i'm regularly browsing again though :(

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