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Ear pain is fail, I hope you get better soon eevil =)


I've just took my first dose of methotrexate, just waiting for the side effects to come. 10mg seems such a high base dose.. (last time I was given 2.5mg base dose)


Feeling a bit rubbish in general, don't feel like my life has a lot of meaning or direction. Suppose we all get like that sometimes!

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I need to make a doctor's appointment sharpish. I have this thing where while eating and I chew, it suddenly hurts my left ear, like my eardrum is about to burst. It doesn't happen everytime I eat, but when it does I have to stick my finger in my ear or "close" it.


I had that when I had a nasty ear infection a few summers ago, was horrible!


Drove 1 hour 45 mins to an away game today, got lost about 5 times so got there about half way through the first half (it's okay though, I'm shit so wouldn't have started :heh:). Got about 20 mins up front at the end, but by that time everyone was tired and I didn't get one decent pass into me which is very frustrating!


Drive home only took 45 mins, would've been quicker but I made 2 wrong turns. Oh and I had to go in the hedge to fish the ball out and got stung on my leg, arm, finger and back, fucking nettles!

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I've just took my first dose of methotrexate, just waiting for the side effects to come. 10mg seems such a high base dose.. (last time I was given 2.5mg base dose)


Feeling a bit rubbish in general, don't feel like my life has a lot of meaning or direction. Suppose we all get like that sometimes!

=( *lotsa hugs for yooooo*

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So if the average male walking speed is 3.5mph, then how far do I walk at work? I did a six hour shift, with two 15-minute breaks. Let's estimate that I spent a total of 30 mins standing around doing nothing (it's very busy), then that works out to around 18 miles, including the walk to the station and back. Yesterday I did an 8 hour shift, which is closing in to a marathon.


Of course, the flaw is I don't know my walking speed. if it's 2mph (a big difference) then I've still done a marathon in two work shifts.


The week starting the 21st I'm working 36 hours. So my question to you - how far will I have gotten by xmas? London? Paris? TEH MOOOOOOOON?!

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So if the average male walking speed is 3.5mph, then how far do I walk at work? I did a six hour shift, with two 15-minute breaks. Let's estimate that I spent a total of 30 mins standing around doing nothing (it's very busy), then that works out to around 18 miles, including the walk to the station and back. Yesterday I did an 8 hour shift, which is closing in to a marathon.


Of course, the flaw is I don't know my walking speed. if it's 2mph (a big difference) then I've still done a marathon in two work shifts.


The week starting the 21st I'm working 36 hours. So my question to you - how far will I have gotten by xmas? London? Paris? TEH MOOOOOOOON?!


Get a stepometer thingy and find out!

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Ear pain is fail, I hope you get better soon eevil =)


I've just took my first dose of methotrexate, just waiting for the side effects to come. 10mg seems such a high base dose.. (last time I was given 2.5mg base dose)


Feeling a bit rubbish in general, don't feel like my life has a lot of meaning or direction. Suppose we all get like that sometimes!


*fixes it with ham*

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Thank god I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning. Sucks that it's early but I really need to go. Leg was getting better but today it suddenly started playing up. Has been painful to walk around the house, giving me lower back pain as a result. Couldn't go out because of it either. Rather annoying. Took half an hour to change the dressing on it which is a show of how bad it is. Hopefully I can get some painkillers or something for it because the anti-biotics are doing the job. Oh and first proper day of Uni tomorrow so that should be fun :indeed:

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Lovely weekend; fun, frolics and alot of exercise. I also just dyed my hair darker brown, it possibly looks a bit gothic but I am loving. Oh, my brother and dad went on a hot air balloon flight without me (they booked it ages ago and I couldn't afford it then) I was kind of gutted, but I'll do it one day!

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Just got back from the hospital for a check-up on my leg. Why do these things always take hourssss? =P

But yeah had an x-ray taken and the doctor said the bone seems to be healing well, though to me it still looked exactly the same as last time heh. It's gonna take ages before it's fully healed I think. Still can't do sports like jogging; have to stick to things like cycling and swimming (I hate swimming so won't be doing that). Boooh. Another appointment in 6 months, hope the bone will have healed up by then! =)

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Went out to meet friends. But as I'm 17 and they've changed the laws, I now can't get in anywhere, so we had ice cream in a cafe.


Then I waited with my friends as they queued to get into a club. Then I left when they were going in.


Fun being 17.


your only 17? wow. Your age and Danny-the-boy-dane's age always surprises me for no real reason! :)


Or as Coolness would say... "Pikachu Pedo-Meter!" :p that was a truly epic moment at the meet. :)




I genuinely thought it was called that until people were giving me strange looks. :D




my life that's always a bag of fun I rarely divulge on the forums but I'm in a write about my life in the vain attempt someone will care mood! :)




I shall begin this particular tale on Thursday. Having broken free from the Shackles of work I decided to venture out to my friends house for a day of filming random things. This didn't actually happen and we ended up watching the one eyed monster and playing the Fifa 10 demo. In the evening we went out and played Pool at this place in my home town that I didn't know existed! Shows how much I make it out my house, aye? :p


I managed to get a Macdonalds employee to think I was a bit unhinged as well! I went up to the desk and said...


Me: "Can I have a Chicken Nugget Meal Please?"


Her: Yes sure, what drink would you like?


Me: Do you have any Fanta?


Her: yes.


*enters it on the keypad*


Me: Cool, I'll have the Sprite then


Cue a completely lost and confused look! :grin: She thought it was a good laugh and hopefully cheered up her day. When she brought out the food I also applauded her! turning her face an even brighter red.




The next morning, Friday I woke up to my dads worried voice saying Call me it is URGENT. I rang back immediately and my parents had been worrying were I'd been all evening!


Firstly I was meant to be going to my other friends house the next day but he could no longer have me over and thus wanted to come to mine instead. hassle.... which is why my parents had been trying to get hold of me intially.


Of course I didn't have my phone on! So they rang my friend and got this drunken garble at the other end of the line like "SADHSDADHALDsldsldlglglf" and my mum was like What? DO YOU KNOW WHERE NICHOLAS IS? and they were like I don't wwhoo Nicholas is.


My mum begins to panic thinking my friend had had too much to drink or taken drugs or something and left me dying in a hole somewhere.


So if we flip back to Friday Morning and Dad on the Phone to me He was like "Did your friend have a lot to drink last night?"


I was like no... the only drink he had was a coke from KFC...


And Dad was like but we rang and we got this bizzare person at the end of the phone.


Turns out that they have this number on the phone with my friends name on it but it just goes to this strange man... so perhaps it was an old number.. or we rang our cousins! :grin:


What makes it better is they were worrying all that time and I was literally 10 minutes away from the house. So that was a bit crazy.


Eventually my other friend came over on Friday and we watched Wanted.




Moving onto Saturday I watched some stuff (House, Heroes) and had a generally relaxing day. Also got a letter from Uni about sorting my books out etc. So I have to get those!




I played a lot of Half Life 2. :grin: then my friend I haven't seen for ages came over and we had a chat/chinese takeaway and played Articulate!




I went to the Dentist today my teeth are perfect, my gums need some work. Also sorted out more stuff for Uni!




Ooh Ooh I didn't tell you the best part!




Though I'm trying not to get excited.

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