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Woohoo im going back on Wikipedia reference-linkmethotrexate but this time for my arthritis (rather than my skin which it didn't help). hopefully should make it a lot better ^^;


Downside is that I have to get blood taken every two weeks for 6 weeks, then monthly... Grr.


That's good to hear Raining :D I really hope that it helps you, this is the one that you were on before with less side-effects yes? - I remember from when we talked about it before - sounds like it's for the best in any case :) well apart from the more regular blood tests part. :sad: *hugs*

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Nice to know that you can get an emergency doctors appointment when needed :nono: Bloody waste of time that was. Went to the doctors to see about my leg. Was asked if it would be an emergency appointment which it would be given how short notice it was and was told that all doctors are fully booked for the next week. Really, the whole week? And how many of those appointments will be for old people who've got it into their head that they have swine flu or something? Bloody disgraceful. All I was told was that if I phone tomorrow morning at 8.30am they might be able to do something. Key word being might as they said that it's fully booked.


Now my health issue may not be life threatening, nothing else has flared up so I'd take it as maybe a viral infection, but seriously it's nice to know that when you need help, you won't get it. So I don't know what to do. Regardless of what happens, I'll have to wait anyway to see someone so think my best bet just now are some painkillers and some anti-histamine stuff if I can find where it is.

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That's good to hear Raining :D I really hope that it helps you, this is the one that you were on before with less side-effects yes? - I remember from when we talked about it before - sounds like it's for the best in any case :) well apart from the more regular blood tests part. :sad: *hugs*


Methotrexate is renown for its side effects (well it is essentially chemotherapy) But I'll be on a lower dose (10mg rather than 17.5mg) so it's all good.


You can usually gauge the potency by the start dose. Bog standard shit like brufen/paracetamol is 500mg - of which you can take 2. Methotrexate has a base dose of 2.5mg


Just worried that my veins will be needled to fuck again. Beh >_<


edit: gp - you aren't actually allowed to enter the doctors building if you have swine flu :heh:

go to your emergency service tonight and someone will look at it.

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Last night at Daddies pub was most refreshing. Some random dick came in, I could see he was drunk as he stood next to me at the bar, he didn't get served but disappeared behind me, I assumed to chat to a friend. Next thing I know he's started a fight with a random customer. People start trying to get him out and away but he started hitting them, thus they in turn got pissed off and hit him. Suffice to say he got the shit kicked out of him. Bits of blood littered the floor. I tried to stop one bloke from getting involved again and he got well aggressive with me. I shall get Daddy to give him a stern word.


We called the police, but by the time they got there he'd gone. We have a police station about 100 metres away, but it never seems functional.

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Just had a stand-off with a bee/wasp that won't leave my room, and was hiding behind the curtain.


Being mildly afraid/disgusted by insects, I couldn't face it head-on, instead climbing onto my tall bed, and whacking my curtain and spraying raid in the general direction. It then buzzed from wherever it was, and I hastily climbed down the ladder from my bed, and heard for the next 5 solidminutes, what sounded like...something spraying the bee with a water pistol or something. Lots of spraying/scratching noises and buzzing. It was horrific. Not heard any buzzing for a good 5 mins. So I can rest at ease.




First 'day" at my art school, really was just a registration thing, first proper day tomorrow. Met up with the people I knew before who are doing it with me, and briefly spoke to some new people, but I think I'll get to know people tomorrow onwards when we're actually in class.

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Today I got ID'd to buy Hannah Montana The Movie. The guy in the store was literally NOT letting me buy the DVD unless I could prove I was 18.


It was the most Bizarre and Surreal experience. I don't think he spoke much english as I was shouting at him that it is a U which means IT IS SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE TO WATCH/BUY. THE DVD CONTAINS NO MATERIAL LIKE TO CAUSE HARM OR OFFEND!


He was having none of it so my friend had to show him his ID. gah!


Also on the way home my friend tried to carry 2 boxes of canned coked we hadn't made it far out of Sainsburies when BAM! all over the floor, Cans exploded and rolled away. We took our mess to the side and were laughing at the same time when this extremely old irish woman comes up to us thinking we are on drugs angrily saying "Have you two lost the plot!!!?" grumbling a few more words and hobbling on her way which was highly unecessary!

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Exactly what my friend said. :p But the guy had no clue about anything or what was going on.


Also your never too old there is this oldman who goes to my cinema to watch children's movies all the time. Which admittedly I thought was creepy but now I aspire to be this man. He is probably just some lonely oldman who likes watching movies.


People (including me) need to judge less. :)

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Maybe he was trying to prevent the crime to humanity that is Hannah Montana from being sold...


Spent far too many hours on Maya today, but making progress at least.


And I love my friend but I hate how she gets everything handed to her with little effort. She's just gotten a job in charge of Front's Alt Girls which, by the description, is pretty easy going, £17,000/year, she has no overheads as she lives with her nan and pays no rent (as the mortgage is paid and apparently she's so old she doesn't get bills or something...) and her parents are rich. Plus her uni course give her a shit load of money just because words are jumbled to her (yes, dyslexia is a serious issue but I don't think it really needs a new computer every few years). But still, nothing worth having comes easy eh?


Also, is facebook playing up for anyone? Apparently the last thing to happen was five hours ago...

Edited by Ashley
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Maybe he was trying to prevent the crime to humanity that is Hannah Montana from being sold...


Spent far too many hours on Maya today, but making progress at least.


And I love my friend but I hate how she gets everything handed to her with little effort. She's just gotten a job in charge of Front's Alt Girls which, by the description, is pretty easy going, £17,000/year, she has no overheads as she lives with her nan and pays no rent (as the mortgage is paid and apparently she's so old she doesn't get bills or something...) and her parents are rich. Plus her uni course give her a shit load of money just because words are jumbled to her (yes, dyslexia is a serious issue but I don't think it really needs a new computer every few years). But still, nothing worth having comes easy eh?


Also, is facebook playing up for anyone? Apparently the last thing to happen was five hours ago...


There's always going to be somebody who has it easy, my cousin for example, my uncle is worth millions, so my cousin sits around effectively waiting for the money. My cousin can build computers blindfolded, he could make his OWN company, yet he hardly does anything, useless boy.


Not that its the same as your friend, but still.


Good day! I worked with mum, pretty easy work too, opening mail, sorting invoices and statements, inputting, copying, faxing, making tea. Its nice to get some money in and I get to practically sit on the net all day anyway.



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Just watching the 9/11 documentary on C4 atm and wow, probably the most sickening thing i've ever seen, especially as the entire thing is just recorded videos peoples have taken.


I was almost sick when i saw that second plane go into the tower.


I know I'm watching too, and I'm completely harrowed. I feel so sick. I know people use the word a lot and as such it has become desensitised, but it is horrific.

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Off to the doctors again today. They magically managed to get me an appointment today even though I was told that they were fully booked all week. :nono: Anyway, hopefully it means I can get something to improve my leg and hope that it's nothing more than either a bacterial or viral infection. So that should be fun :p Might go and wander around the town after seeing as from tomorrow onwards, it's back to Uni.

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