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people from liverpool, are they all stupid and loud or was it just the one i spoke to at work. i was ment to give her health advice, but i was tempted to tell her to go get her face caved in with a hammer.


Unfortunately this is how most of you northerners come across to us southerners. But scouse is indeed particularly annoying.

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My dumb sister has a bad cold, and now she's gonna give it to me. Boo. I've gotta get a swine flu jab. Don't wanna be illll for it. Dammit. :(


Not a good thing to be fair. Still, at least you will be immune from Swine Flu.


Days been good, managed to finally link my Hotmail account to Mozilla Thunderbird. Now i can finally get rid of the Windows Live Mail program.

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Not a good thing to be fair. Still, at least you will be immune from Swine Flu.


I dunno whether they would give me it if I was ill (because of my medical history) and even then I don't think it will give you guaranteed immunity.. Especially if the virus mutates.


I'm just going for it because i'm high risk and all that shiz. Get it and hope for the best kinda thing. I might as well seen as i'll be one of the first in the queue.




Grumble grumble grumble - I have a really itchy arm, and without realising i've scratched it and I'm bleeding. Nice. And its still fucking itchy RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWRR. :sad::sad:


i thought i escaped this now that my skin is in remission - looks like its coming back with a vengeance. And when I go to the skin doctor she's gonna put me back on chemo meds again like she said she would when it reappears. ;___;

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Grumble grumble grumble - I have a really itchy arm, and without realising i've scratched it and I'm bleeding. Nice. And its still fucking itchy RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWRR. :sad::sad:


i thought i escaped this now that my skin is in remission - looks like its coming back with a vengeance. And when I go to the skin doctor she's gonna put me back on chemo meds again like she said she would when it reappears. ;___;


*gives Raining a massive hug* :sad: that sucks, I mean it's instinctive to scratch when you get an itch but then for skin to then start bleeding once you've scratched it... must be really annoying. :/

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*gives Raining a massive hug* :sad: that sucks, I mean it's instinctive to scratch when you get an itch but then for skin to then start bleeding once you've scratched it... must be really annoying. :/


my skin itches so much I can't actually feel the "pain" of it bleeding. I've seen blood drops on the floor and only then noticed blood pouring down my arm/leg many times in the past. I used to have to bandage my arms to stop me from tearing my skin apart...


Thought I was over this crap. Seriously annoyed. :sad:

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my skin itches so much I can't actually feel the "pain" of it bleeding. I've seen blood drops on the floor and only then noticed blood pouring down my arm/leg many times in the past. I used to have to bandage my arms to stop me from tearing my skin apart...


Thought I was over this crap. Seriously annoyed. :sad:


Agh! Hope it goes away again soon. =( *massive mega hugs for you*

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*facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm*


Lost my hearing aid


*facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm*


It's either in a cab or outside the front of my house. IN THE POURING RAIN.


*facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm*


Girl I like at work (I have narrowed it down to one) helped me fail a Daily Star crossword today. I think she likes me. Tried to facebook stalk her but apparantly she's not on it. Went to a mate's 'surprise' party, but I missed the 'surprise' bit. Girl there who has sent me such texting classics as "can I sleep at your house? x", "I miss you x" and "I still miss you x" was a flirt, but too OTT for me to make any moves. Got soaked walking home so called a cab, then... yeah. Deaf. So now I'm going to blitz the rest of the USAvsUK ultimate fighter season tonight, then probably burn through the old season or something. Alex Reid is a shit UFC fighter. Didn't make it past the first episode.


Tomorrow I should probably go to the hospital and see why the fuck they never sent me an appointment to fix my other, very broken hearing aid.


*facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm*


Oh - R_A - I'll hug your most itching bits to subside the pain for as long as I can. Turns out I'm very subsceptable to chilblains, and combined with my own psoriasis, allergies and excezma, I do genuinely feel your sorrow. Trust me - alcohol really, really, really helps.


P.S. Facepalm!

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Saw the ex on a date. He's not better than me. Still annoying. I feel lonely now. I need to work out how to get a girl.


Inglorious Basterds was also a bit of a let down for me. Bad one.



That confused the hell out of me I was like Ellmeisters gay? I thought you meant he's not better as in he is as sad as me. My brain must have read it in that sense as I have so many repressed homosexual feelings for you.


Shame about the film I will see it soon.


And shit I need to get ready for work!

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That confused the hell out of me I was like Ellmeisters gay? I thought you meant he's not better as in he is as sad as me. My brain must have read it in that sense as I have so many repressed homosexual feelings for you.


Shame about the film I will see it soon.


And shit I need to get ready for work!


I read it exactly the same way when I looked at my inbox earlier but it does make sense once you read the whole thing :)


I was thinking he's gonna spike my drink one night at the SU bar at Reading and have some n-e fun on my ass (we secretly love each other).

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I'm currently in Spain, sitting in a cafe with dad's laptop, with a view on the sea and beach. It's freaking hot here (I'm melting away as I sit here), but that is expected from this country.


Haven't really been doing much lately. Usually fill my days by reading (currently reading the Northern Lights trilogy), playing some Kirby, reading the newspaper and working on a project. I want to swim but because of problems the pool has been non-swimmable. Hopefully today I can finally go in it though.


Also, I saw a snake yesterdayyyy. We see lizards alllllll the time, but snakes are a bit more rare, so was cool to see one. =D

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Sorry to hear about all that RA :(


And Smellmeister I hear capturing them in a large net works well. Give it a try.


Yesterday was okay. Shennanigans on the trains. Two Virgin trains to Euston were cancelled and a new one was set up for 12:10, mine was with a different operator so off we went. Then got to Coventry and they said "this train has been cancelled" so we were carted onto what was the 12:10 from Brum which by now had four trains worth of people on. Still, it got me there sooner.


Kinda fixed friend's nan's laptop, or at least I installed a new partition and she can access her files. She's gonna buy a new one anyway.


Interview was okay. Once again in a pub, once again could barely hear him. Don't think I'll go for the job. Spoke to my father to stop him moaning (he gets annoyed if I don't occassionally update him on my life, but never makes any effort to ring me and ask me) and mentioned I may not do my course and all this and he said "you're smarter than retail". Thanks, I'm not actually planning to do it for my whole life ne? I just need some figuring out time.


Train back was as long and boring as usual. Did all the Sudokus in the Metro and came up with a film idea to keep my mind occupado.

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Sorry to hear about all that RA :(


And Smellmeister I hear capturing them in a large net works well. Give it a try.


Yesterday was okay. Shennanigans on the trains. Two Virgin trains to Euston were cancelled and a new one was set up for 12:10, mine was with a different operator so off we went. Then got to Coventry and they said "this train has been cancelled" so we were carted onto what was the 12:10 from Brum which by now had four trains worth of people on. Still, it got me there sooner.


Kinda fixed friend's nan's laptop, or at least I installed a new partition and she can access her files. She's gonna buy a new one anyway.


Interview was okay. Once again in a pub, once again could barely hear him. Don't think I'll go for the job. Spoke to my father to stop him moaning (he gets annoyed if I don't occassionally update him on my life, but never makes any effort to ring me and ask me) and mentioned I may not do my course and all this and he said "you're smarter than retail". Thanks, I'm not actually planning to do it for my whole life ne? I just need some figuring out time.


Train back was as long and boring as usual. Did all the Sudokus in the Metro and came up with a film idea to keep my mind occupado.

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Haven't really been doing much lately. Usually fill my days by reading (currently reading the Northern Lights trilogy)


Also, I saw a snake yesterdayyyy.


Aka His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman? if so then those are excellent reads :) the last books I ever bothered to read infact but yeah, the trilogy gets much better as you progress through it, very enjoyable indeed.


Also, snaaaaaaaake ftw. :D

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Aka His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman? if so then those are excellent reads :) the last books I ever bothered to read infact but yeah, the trilogy gets much better as you progress through it, very enjoyable indeed.


Also, snaaaaaaaake ftw. :D


Well I don't know what the original name is haha. It's the one that the Golden Compass film is based on. It's just called the "Northern Lights Trilogy" on the front cover (in Dutch). =P


And yes, Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!! =D

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Well I don't know what the original name is haha. It's the one that the Golden Compass film is based on. It's just called the "Northern Lights Trilogy" on the front cover (in Dutch). =P


And yes, Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!! =D


Yeah that'll be the one, they were books first and all three were labeled His Dark Materials trilogy but then after the film came along they re-branded them... originally the first book was called Northern Lights which is a much better title than Golden Compass imo, regardless though the content is - mostly - the same and they remain excellent reads to this day. :D


Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake! :P

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9/10 day.


City, beach, eat, beach, city, shop, rinse and repeat. Though the weather hasn't been too great, the sooner it improves again the better. Still can't wait for summer.

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Very bored at the moment, sitting at home waiting for a package to be delivered.


Also just had my sister on the phone. She'd just bought something off ebay and sent the money. The guy emailed her back saying there was a block on her paypal payment which couldnt be removed until she left positive feedback for him. Rediculous.

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