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Letty, your octopus tattoo looks great. Perhaps it's just that morning after feeling, where you look at something you did the day before and wonder why. It'll go away and really, you should be happy with it as it does look good. So chin up *hugz*



It's been a long few days, been quite busy doing stuff as well as not feeling to great and not eating because of it. Have managed some free time to myself. Went out yesterday and got accosted by a Jehovah's Witness. Why do these people always target me? And why won't they take no for an answer. It was laughable though. The woman started by asking why my eyes are the colour they are or how she was born as she was, before trying to tie it to religion. I wasn't having any of it and just said it's all biological in terms of how things look and are. Basically using science to end the conversation. She didn't care (claimed she didn't know what biology was as she only learnt to read at 40 y.o.). So eventually she let me go. But they really rile me up because they beeline you and won't let you go until you've heard them out. I had to get a train and nearly missed it because of her. Personally, I think it's ignorant but hey-ho.


Anyway, went out and just relaxed and that was yesterday. Today, I went out again. Picked up Wii Sports Resort and a sketchbook. Not overly sure why I picked up the sketchbook but have been thinking of starting drawing again. So think I'll use it just for general drawings and for keeping all my tattoo designs in one place. Just need things to draw in it so if you have any ideas or subjects, hit me up with suggestions. Seriously, my mind is blank.

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Long story short, apart from the lateness (about 5 mins by my reckoning), I did pretty good and have to go back Friday for a few hours as a sort of trial. He's also a fan of Volkwagens, like me and particularly likes Sciroccos (I own one, bonus). He did describe me as "geeky" as well.


Had my trial period thing today. Apparently it went well, the phrase "pole position" was used. So either I did really well, or he wants to rape me. Either way, it's win win.


Hopefully I'll find out whether or not I got the job soon.

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I suck, my tattoo looks crap argh :(


Aww chuck, that sucks - who did it? Maybe think about another artist to do a cover-up?


Long week, well not really I had an awesome time and unfortunetly due to him having commitments with other friends I had to drive back home.


So I had to bail on a friend really, but ideally I'd rather just sit away from the internet, catch up with some how I met your mother, some viva pinata and be an anti-cunt for a few days.


Meh I miss being there already.

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I can't keep up with this thread now I'm working it moves too fast. Can't believe I've been there 3 weeks now it's going so fast. I'm going to Italy for a few days in October now that's cool. I'm annoyed at Blender as he appears to have suggested I'm a thief for having a netbook for sale.

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Gah, why don't people replace the toilet roll if they use it all up? Luckily I noticed before I started pushing the dookie, but still!


The above actually has been the most exciting part of my day :heh:, work was boring as usual, just standing around. Can't believe that this time last week I was in London and gearing up for the meet, been such a crash since then! Although I have been planning some Alton Towers adventuring, which hopefully will all come together nicely!

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Can't believe that this time last week I was in London and gearing up for the meet, been such a crash since then!


You been doing all that "Ooh, this time last week..." stuff? I have.


On my way home from signing on, I thought to myself "I think I was arriving at Euston this time last week."


At 4pm I was thinking "I think I was either standing around near the Portuguese Embassy, lost as fuck, or just got into Hyde Park."


At about 5pm I muttered "Was it 'round this time I met Edd and Moogle outside the hostel? Or was it a bit later?"


What were we doing this time last week? Heading out to Pizza Hut?



That...actually has been my day: Thinking about last Friday. :blank:

Edited by Roostophe
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I think at about this time the Pizza Hut waitress was trying to get me drunk by bringing me extra lager! :heh:


Oh, yeah :laughing:. I was going to take that beer regardless, but then I saw it was Budweiser and I thought "Nah, fuck it. I want my goddamn Pepsi!"

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My mood keeps going up and down and it's really starting to annoy me. I just want to be happy but it seems it just won't work. Booooh. So now I'm drinking wine; had three glasses of white wine and have a 4th waiting. Hooray. =P


Parents all of a sudden decided to get a new car to replace mom's old Ford Ka. They started thinking about it a few days ago and actually bought it today because we could get a big discount on it (won't be getting it until next week)... I honestly wonder where they get the money from. We just had a new kitchen placed, yesterday we got new curtains (though they said it's cheap ones), we still haven't had the bill for my surgery and hospital stay... Did they win the lottery without telling us? X3

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Been spending the day trying to get over the remains of what I caught in Ibiza, and with only a cough left it should hopefully be gone soon. Now I can't sleep, due to my Wisdom teeth slowly coming through and making my gums bleed from time to time, which is so freaking painful. Though, just got an hilarious voicemail from Razz, which stopped me thinking about the pain for a minute, as has/is watching numerous amounts of romantic comedies to pass the time.

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yesterday was great. i first went to leeds to look my uni acomadation building and then went and looked around the city. cant wait to go, my bodies building up with excitement.


i then came home and went to see a oddsocks production of King Richard the 3rd which was hilerious.


and finaly then came home and accepted the contract for my acomdation, hopefully the £4400 will be worth it.

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I suck, my tattoo looks crap argh :(


Thats bad that you have stopped liking your tattoo after a day.


Letty, your octopus tattoo looks great. Perhaps it's just that morning after feeling, where you look at something you did the day before and wonder why. It'll go away and really, you should be happy with it as it does look good. So chin up *hugz*



Aww chuck, that sucks - who did it? Maybe think about another artist to do a cover-up?



Meh I miss being there already.


What's wrong with the tattoo Letty? It looks good to me.


It's worth mentioning, worse comes to worse, black in is the easiest to have lasered off, especially on the arm.


Could be worse:




Damn it! Nethy. on my account. Pest.



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Gah >.< my day is starting out annoyingly:


I ordered something from ebuyer recently, selected free delivery and it arrived before 12am the next day.


I ordered something else from ebuyer, it was about 7.50pm but I decided in a fit of stupidity that I wanted it next day, so I paid... well, a lot of money for next day delivery. What I didn't realise was that I picked next business day instead of Saturday delivery - which is the same price anyway. So now I'm not getting my new graphics card until Monday, which is probably when it would've arrived with free delivery anyway.


I hate these little moments of regret! There's nothing I could possibly do about this, even if I phoned up, it's too late, already at sorting office with a big "Next Business Day NOT SATURDAY LOLNOOB" sticker on it. If only I had paid a little more attention last night. And you know what I realise from this?


Shit, I am a seriously impatient person.

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Work enjoy pissing on my rights as a worker. Since I've taken their opportunity to scam me on my wages, they've taken to fucking me over on breaks. Working a [scheduled] 6 hour shift 5-11 [which ended up being 5-midnight] I'm entitled to a break. I decided to nip off to Sainsbury's. Apparently a manhunt had been launched to find me as it had gotten a little busy in my absence, all was fine when I left. What amazes me is they always notice when I disappear for more than a minute, but never seem bothered when either of my coworkers go out for one of their many cigarrette breaks.


The bitch landlady tried having a go at me:

"Where were you?"


"Why'd you go there?"

"For some sweets."

"You can't just up and leave wah wah"

"Should I tell you when I have my break"

"You can't have your break now"

Pure bit of beatdown here: "You said I can't take my break until I've worked 4 hours" [Was 9:30]

"That's it, you're not starting at 5 again"


I love using peoples' words against them. I'm glad I'm not starting at 5 anymore, it's a massive pain.

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Blah, workmen even on a saturday, at 8am! I wanted a lie in damnit.


Lots of stuff to do today, might as well have a productive day.


- Set-up xbox

- clean dishes

- wash clothes

- buy food

- unpack kitchen crap

- call mum


The last one is just because I can, she saw the harry potter film last night - bless her. I don't think my dad really liked it mind you.


Bah at missing parents.

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