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My day has not been starting so well. My brother [bell end] has decided to go missing again. He has a delightful habit of starting a job then buckling halfway through... The lowdown, chap hurt his wrist and had an operation, thus a cast. His Facebook status was shit like "Oh I want work, I'm going crazy with this cast!", despite the fact that he did fuck all when his arm was fully functional. Anyways he was offered some work to do, which he did a few days of, but as he always does, goes round his mates houses to fondle their genitalia (male) and doesn't come home, doesn't inform anyone if/when/why he isn't turning up.


First it was anger due to his unattendance. Of course this is his "last chance" [AKA bullshit], but it's soon being replaced with worry, so when he returns the next time will be his last chance. I've sent a few messages to his friends to calm Mummy down.

Found him. pr0 detective work saves the day.


I knew having that Spy File from Funfax when I was a kid would pay off.



EDIT: Also, I think this is the best spam email I have ever had the nerve to open.


Greetings in the name of the lord.


A letter from me to you.Mrs. Deborah Hutchinson, 65yrs old from Switzerland. You might be wondering where I got your contacts from but I have really taken my time in searching thoroughly. You came into my mind as the lord has directed me to and am willing to do so. I have noticed that you are God fearing, courageous, fulfilling and ambitious in life. I want you to know that you have been the chosen one and please, try and do my will because each of my words or statements must not go unfulfilled reaching the unprivileged,orphanages and the needy as you are blessed.


Dear Beloved One, I am the above named person but now undergoing medical treatment in Western Africa. I am married to Mr. Williams Dale Hutchinson, who worked as a world contractor for over a decade before he died. We were married for fifteen years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for two weeks. Before his death he made a vow to use his wealth for the down troddenand, the less privileged in the society. Since his death I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of ($12.000.00 millions us dollars) with a Vault with a bank in Western Africa. Presently, this money is still there.


Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next three months due to cancer problem. Though what disturbs me most is my stroke. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to an individual or better still a God fearing person who will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here in. I want an individual that will use this to fund and provide succor I understand that blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision because I do not have any child and relatives.


I do not want my husband's hard earned money to be misused or spent in the manner in which my late husband did not specify. I do not want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly manner,hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going.


I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Almighty. With God all things are possible. My happiness is that I lived a life worthy of emulation. Whosoever that wants to serve the Almighty must serve him with all his heart and mind and soul and also in truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life.


Please assure me that you will act according to my specification herein. Lastly i want you to also reply me with some vital information of yours such as:


Full Name:


State and Zip Code:


phone number:

occupation etc......


Hoping to hear from you.

Thank you and May the Almighty bless you.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Deborah Hutchinson


I'm the Chosen One fuckers.

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sent of 10 spec letters for jobs, maybe one will reply :p.


really anoyed to come home and get a lecture on having clothes on my flaw, and leaving the middle of toilet roles in the bathroom. its like, my parents leave far more then me, i took 5 of the toilet role middles out of their bathroom earlier this year, and the only reason they dont have clothes on their floor is the washing basket is next to them. also got an earfull for not ironing my clothes, i can't be arsed with ironing. it takes ages.

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I didn't realise Ine was welsh!


... and to think she got you Disneyland tickets!


Haha, she isn't welsh. But the ex misses underscore Link avec un capitalised "N" was. Small world!


Well...technically, they're from her parents as a birthday gift. :D Hurrah for parents.


Also, my Dad just made me a cup of tea. He's not made one for 20 odd years, and then I get overdosed with them within 2 months. Double hurrah!

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yeh I know she isn't welsh you numpty!


but at least we now know why the previous BaLl_&_ChaIn left, if you go round propositioning girls like that!


"Wahay 1 month already... lube up!"




Haha, you've gotta be in eet to win eet. There's no harm in asking, the worst you can get is singleism.

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yeh I know she isn't welsh you numpty!


but at least we now know why the previous BaLl_&_ChaIn left, if you go round propositioning girls like that!


"Wahay 1 month already... lube up!"


Some people eh, tssssk. *shakes head in disapproval at the Flinky*



Today has been okay, nothing happened. I booked train tickets to Paris and played some Little King's Story, now I'm looking for a hotel in Parissss.

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From the sounds of it it will be more like, "Trou faux!"



There was an American man that had an meeting in France. He met a woman and that night they had their own meeting. While they were where having sex, she was yelling, "TROU FAUX,TROU FAUX." He did not know what that meant, but assumed it to be some sort of praise. The next day, he went to play golf with the men he had the meeting with. One of them made a hole in one. He yelled, "TROU FAUX,TROU FAUX !" They looked at him and said, "what do you mean wrong hole?"



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The son of one of my dad's friends is coming to stay for a week whilst he does some work experience nearby. I don't think anyone in my family is particularly thrilled at the prospect, but no one could come up with a decent reason he couldn't stay here, so...


I bought a doughnut from M&S today. It's a cyclical thing, where every few months I'll think, "Man, I could just eat a doughnut!" Afterwards comes the inevitable regret and general sluggishness, followed by a silent vow to never buy one ever again. Until next time, anyway.

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Almost finished the main story on Pokemon Ranger after not playing it for a few months.


I'm on Raikou/Suicune and Entei, and while it's easy to beat the first two without losing any health, the margin for mistake is so low that if you mees it up, you may as well just restart. However, you have to sit through/take part in an AGES long cutscene before hand which just puts me off. And Entei wastes you even if yo ucan trick your way past the first two.


So frustrated.




I made a massive stained glass panel of an irridescent bird. I've never worked in Stained Glass before, so it's quite an experience. It's not finished yet, going back to the workshop place on Friday, will post pics, even if it ends up rubbish.

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Set up my own filter coffee maker in my bedroom (see post your purchases thread), started posting on here again, got my mom to start playing World of Warcraft, almost finished God of War: Chains of Olympus for PSP and I tidied my room ^_^

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I hit level 15 on my new WoW character, beat chapters 1-2 through 2-2 on Resident Evil 5, beat the bulk of GH3's co-op career on Expert with my sister, played some Red Faction Guerilla and to top it off Eddage has very kindly made me a kickass avatar/signature combo. Not a shabby day!

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So yesterday I had my first shift at work. :D All was going well. I made a few mistakes which is understandable but I got the hang of it and managed to sell tickets and food well by the end of it!


The only trouble is my till was £19 short at the end of the day... so I have to fill out a form next time I go in!!!


I was trying my hardest not to mess up!


Afterwards I got a text saying do you want to meet for Bat For Lashes so I rushed down there! didn't even have any dinner and we got it and an epic night was had watching her awesome performance! :grin:


Also today I went to see Harry Potter. I left the film confused. :)

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