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Bugger, I made a hash of my first post. What is going on with my language skiiiilllls?!


I sent a reply to the text saying I hope that you and your sister get better, something along those lines.


Then, I re-read the message, and there was no "try" in the sentence.


"hey, its not been good today, my sister took an overdose to kill herself" <--- That sentence again. There is no try. But, the first time around, I thought it said she tried to take an overdose.


She just sent a reply to me a second ago...her sister did die. :(

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Bugger, I made a hash of my first post. What is going on with my language skiiiilllls?!


I sent a reply to the text saying I hope that you and your sister get better, something along those lines.


Then, I re-read the message, and there was no "try" in the sentence.


"hey, its not been good today, my sister took an overdose to kill herself" <--- That sentence again. There is no try. But, the first time around, I thought it said she tried to take an overdose.


She just sent a reply to me a second ago...her sister did die. :(


............oh god.

that pretty much left me speechless :S

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............oh god.

that pretty much left me speechless :S


Yeeees. :(


Luckily, my second reply was barely a minute after the other one, so I think I managed to rectify it. And, she was on the phone anyway, so luckily didn't read the message, burst into tears, and then read my other one.


She said it was ok, and her and the family are just trying to cope. But...fuck.

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edit: first person to post that freakin lazytown song i've had in my head since i started baking LOSES. forever. :yay:

Better version coming.

Urgh! The fucking American one... the voices don't fit at all!

Now this is what we're talking about!


UK Version!



But we all know it comes down to this. The amazing remix, which I'm very tempted to make into a custom ringtone.

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I love both her expressions at the 'Turn around bitch!' bit. Expecting a wonderful surprise.

What can be more wonderful than putting yo' ass on a nigga, grinding on his dick to make it a little bigger?


[i love his arm gestures too, I'm trying to incorporate it into my daily life]

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my mate was 45 mins late picking me up. seriosuly, wtf? he lives 5 mins away. a txt would have been nice. i forgive him though, hes just so nice you cant be mad.


got riddick for the ps3, stupidly good price at £17.99 been shiving the fuck outa bastards. this makes me happy.


went to my mates, watched eastern promise and peep show, had a pizza. good times.


also realised im a huge failure, which put a dampner on things to a certain extent.

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my mate was 45 mins late picking me up. seriosuly, wtf? he lives 5 mins away. a txt would have been nice.


Coulda been worse, last night me and my bro were hanging around for about an hour or so at the bus station while waiting for various people to arrive, then as soon as they got there near enough everyone seemed to go off again in different directions >< regrouped a few mins late though.


Anyway once things got going it wasn't so bad, there was some sort of funfair around - rides looked pretty rubbish though tbf - and some sort of fireworks display going on somewhere, there was basically a group of us just walking around the streets near the sea-front drinking various alcoholic beverages, most were drinking from energy drink bottles, Idk why though because it's kinda obvious what was in it :heh: because I wasn't too sure / bothered about the laws of where you can drink though I just drank mine out of a plastic cup thinking "well w/e as long as I don't act too drunk I'm not gonna get stopped" and that theory proved correct, there were too many people around for everyone to be policed in any case.


Then there was apparently a 'beach party' going on which turned out to be a kind of gathering near a load of big rocks on the beach - these things are never planned well and reminded me why I don't usually bother going out and doing these sort of things :indeed: - but was ok, met a load of random people who I probably won't meet again, most of them seemed pretty nice though and it was good to get a bit of social interaction I guess... *shrugs*


After about 3am when everyone had pretty much gone their seperate ways me and my bro just ended up wandering the pretty much desolate streets until about 5am and then waited around almost another hour for a bus, managed to use my 'return' ticket which I bought the night before which was a bonus, just handed it too the driver and he was none the wiser, or maybe he just didn't care... all good though :D then we got home around 6am, I slept from about then til ten, got up, watched the video to 'Smooth Criminal' on some music channel, got a cup of tea and some cereal and here I am, posting about eet.


also realised im a huge failure, which put a dampner on things to a certain extent.


*hugs Chris* don't worry, we still 'wuv joo :) plus if it's any consolation I don't think you're a failure, I empathise with that kind of feeling though as I've kinda felt like that myself at times, going out last night though kinda made me realise that I'm not really as 'fail' as I might think sometimes, in fact I think it's better to think of how 'awesome' you are and by that I don't mean assuming that you're 'gods gift' or w/e but it's better to think of the things that you can do and are good at rather than what you can't Imo.

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Bloody hell, not posted in here in about a month. This is what working and commuting does to you, I don't even get paid which sucks. Anyway I'm sat here thinking I should have got Glastonbury tickets even if I couldn't afford them. Still, I'm off to see Neil Young tonight down London way so I'll be getting a taster. Hope everybody here is well, I can't be bothered to trawl through a months worth of posts to actually find out.

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Yeeees. :(


Luckily, my second reply was barely a minute after the other one, so I think I managed to rectify it. And, she was on the phone anyway, so luckily didn't read the message, burst into tears, and then read my other one.


She said it was ok, and her and the family are just trying to cope. But...fuck.


I know the feeling, my friend has been through the same thing with somebody, so I'm as unsure as you, doesn't help their over in a couple of hours.


All you can do is be there for her, it sucks ass.


My day's weird, I've just moved back into halls until wednesday so I can move into the rented house. Gotta go pick the keys up at two, grab some shopping and then come back, re-clean my flat and pick up a friend at 8.


Overall not a bad day, but y'know the above kinda sucks.

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I almost spun the car just now :D Got oversteer on a small roundabout, the road was wet and I think we aquaplaned on a puddle on the inside. Sorta snaked a little as I corrected it, it almost went the other way, and then I caught it and straightened it up. Was quite exciting!

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Having few friends that live near me sucks, especially when they're busy/not picking up the phone. Kinda bored.


I feel your pain. I won't be seeing my friends all summer really. One of them even said "see you again in September!" when we left. So hooray, lonely boring summer, again.


Been really bored lately. Nothing to do at all but sit around at home on the internet (where there's nothing to do) or watching tv (where there is nothing interesting on) or playing games (which gets a bit bleh after a while). =/

Home alone again tonight so I'll have to figure out something to do before I completely lose my mind through boredom.

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So, after the news about my friend yesterday, I went to sleep pretty late. Then, woke up this morning to a text message. She said "Just woke up and something clicked, just want to be clear that my sister didn't actually die! I think we were a bit confused last night!"


This was one of those moments where I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. It seems as if our messages had been a bit vague maybe, and I think my friend was tired so didn't realise her choice of words when speaking to me.


The problem was in the original message, she missed off that vital word "try."


Then, I replied back to my friend a few times, and asked "if she did try or did it." To which she replied "yeah, she did."


What I think she meant was "yes, she did try to kill herself" rather than what I thought she meant which was "yes, she did kill herself."


So...she's ok, but it was a lucky escape. Fucking hell. Talk about relief.

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Not been on here too much lately, heh. Been feeling a bit meh lately, bored and lonely. Trying to deal with it all, but not easy when you're stuck at home all the time.


Anyway, called the doctor today and luckily the results from the bone they removed showed it was just ordinary, harmless bacteria like they suspected. So I can just continue with my antibiotics.


Also had to go to school for my diploma today, as I finished my Bachelor degree. I passed on everything, even got a "cum laude" on my diploma, which basically means "with honour" or "with praise". Only student in Graphic Design (my department) to get that, heh. Means you finish with 70%, though they cheated a bit as I had 69.17% or something. Oh well. =P

I am still giggling. Sorry.

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I got to play with kittens. Then I had fantastic, massive lunch. Then I played with kittens some more. Then I had a haircut. Sadly, I have no more kittens to play with.


where did you aquire these kittehs! i demand to know!


I almost got laid last night....i got some pretty heavy sexual contact to compensate though, so yeay me!

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