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I'm feeling amazingly guilty for my night out last night, considering I have an exam tomorrow. But...it was so much fucking fun. I didn't expect to have much fun at all, considering the people I was going out with aren't really who I'd choose to go on a night out with. Managed to get utterly drunk without having any money on me, which in retrospect is brilliant.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Ell; me and twozz are/were still up on teh chat. You fail at patience.


I've been up all night... Watched a few TV shows to pass the time. Now considering staying up 'til 10pm to re-set the regular pattern-sleep-thing... but then also just... not too bothered. Although! Theoretically I'm supposed to be catching a flight to germany in like 4 days so i really ought to sort my sleeping pattern out, and book some tickets.




Also; with the chat room; don't treat it like some entertainment animal you can just poke to be shown fun. If you enter and then leave after three minutes, you'll not get anything out of anyone.


*looks at ellmeister and eddage*


Don't be afraid to just leave the page open and idle. You can flick back to it every 15 mins rather than re-logging in every 15. Just think that if everyone does what you do (and signs in then quits dramatically quickly) then nobody would ever have a good chat.


Having said that, I would say that typically the best, most active time to log on is 'after tea', with increased activity up 'til, usually, about 2/3am I guess. I am keeping an eye out for people, so don't be shy.


Aye, that was a really good last night/ this morning - I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did.


Got a bit much for me when it went all philosophical but yeah, it was good to chat like that - especially you Jay and Grunchy.


Not heard anything today so far, but I'm not going to bother to text her, I know that much. It suddenly dawned on me about something she said in one of her messages and it's something she brings up time and again when we have the arguments.


I'm thinking it really is the jealousy card Jay like you suggested. Whenever I tell her I have an attraction to someone, she totally weirds out on me and starts accusing me of everything... just like yesterday. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut about it.

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Dear Jayseven,


I am sorry. Please forgive me, I shall treat the chatroom with the utmost respect from here on out.


Yours lovingly,

Ellmeister. :)



I'm awake again, took me a few hours to nod off I think because of the pro plus. A pack of 24 between the three of us helped stay up. I'm glad I stayed up to go get some breakfast because I am famished and sitting right in front of me are pan au chocolats! Need to do some washing. That will be my day's activities :)

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Hayfever is kicking my ass. Urgh. I hate it.


Had my last big exam on friday (biologys) which went ok, not sure if I've done well enough for uni but we'll see. One more weird paper left on wednesday.


Since then been doing very little. Sorted out my hard drive, general tidying, sitting round in a half post exam state, half one left to go before I can celebrate. Made myself a new sig / av combo, as I thought my old one was abit glum and black and white. Thoughts?


Went out to a party last night, first party I haven't drank anything at... watching drunk / high people stumbling around = more amusing than I'd have thought.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Not heard anything today so far, but I'm not going to bother to text her, I know that much. It suddenly dawned on me about something she said in one of her messages and it's something she brings up time and again when we have the arguments.


I'm thinking it really is the jealousy card Jay like you suggested. Whenever I tell her I have an attraction to someone, she totally weirds out on me and starts accusing me of everything... just like yesterday. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut about it.


Not heard anything all day but then i see I got an email in Facebook from her basically saying she hasn't got what she wanted and so she's unhappy and will make others unhappy around her. And she's removed herself from my friend list.


So i sent her a text asking just what was it she wanted from me but she's give her phone to her cousin...



This probably doesn't make much sense to most, but some will know what I'm on about.

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I would have helped with the chatroom resurrection if I was around but I was having far too much fun elsewhere. Sorry. :wink: But I've tried in the past and failed miserably annoyingly. It just doesn't catch on.


HWMD? Good times have been had. Had the most expensive breakfast of my life earlier at £16, but my god it was worth it.


Tomorrow shall be awesome; Thorpe Park time with my buddies. Truly can't wait.

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Went to bed later than I would normally as I was on the chat thing with people and considering when I did go, 2am which isn't bad considering I really don't stay up that late when I'm getting up at 8 every morning, I'm not too tired even though I only had like 5 hours of sleep and it was really warm. Chat thing was interesting. Learned some disturbing stuff from being in there.


Elsewhere, today has been spent playing Klonoa and Grand Slam Tennis on Wii, trying to get them out of the way quickish so I can move on to the rest of the stuff I have to work through. Still waiting to hear about a possible early get of The Conduit but hopefully I'll hear something tomorrow.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Not heard anything all day but then i see I got an email in Facebook from her basically saying she hasn't got what she wanted and so she's unhappy and will make others unhappy around her. And she's removed herself from my friend list.


So i sent her a text asking just what was it she wanted from me but she's give her phone to her cousin...



This probably doesn't make much sense to most, but some will know what I'm on about.


And done - it's over.


I've just lost my closest "friend" and I've never felt so relieved.

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My day was okay, went to Meadowhall and spent a lot of money. Although I was told at the Apple store the Mac Mini with the iPod Touch does, despite what the website claimed, entitle you to a rebate of £145. So... iPod Touch for £20... nice. Got home and I can't do the rebate, so I'm off back tomorrow. So yeah... happy and then annoyed when I was at home. Started to play Mirror's Edge (which I also picked up today) and got angry. Got angry and snapped my headphones... agh. But I think some of the anger was rebate anger.

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On facebook somebody wrote on one of my friend's wal:


wtf! i neva new u was pregnant. bloodyhel hus the father if u dnt mind me asking ,, and good luck!:)


How chavvy is that? Since when is the identity of the father a closely guarded secret? He may as well have just asked if she knew whose it was.

Edited by MoogleViper
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Elsewhere, today has been spent playing Klonoa and Grand Slam Tennis on Wii, trying to get them out of the way quickish so I can move on to the rest of the stuff I have to work through. Still waiting to hear about a possible early get of The Conduit but hopefully I'll hear something tomorrow.


At the rate you seem to be working through stuff and churning out reviews, I'm really not surprised you're losing your gaming passion. Take it a bit easier dude, especially if you're not being paid.

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That's the younger generation for you. In 25 years the English language will have been anihalated and replaced with 'txt spk.' Even in schools. I guarentee it.. :(


which is precisely why I explode when people say "would of" instead of "would've" sometimes.

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You're right - it was more aimed at the 'in 25 years the language will be rubbish'. People think spelling things the way they sound is acceptible -- but they're not. I sent supergrunch an example, hopefully he'll remember where it was and put it here to show you what i mean.

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You're right - it was more aimed at the 'in 25 years the language will be rubbish'. People think spelling things the way they sound is acceptible -- but they're not. I sent supergrunch an example, hopefully he'll remember where it was and put it here to show you what i mean.


It is a shame to see the language get a raping. Also, the word "like", how it gets used so, so much. Even I do it, and I hate myself for eeeet. I try to stop myself, but it fucking comes out. I blame it on years of watching Friends.

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