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Guest Captain Falcon

Well, fortunately, there wasn't a situation at work today concerning the payments and we've come up with a solution to prevent it happening again.


Had to do a bit of system testing today to check the compatibility of certain updates and I came to the conclusion that the system doesn't work with them. If that was introduced tomorrow, our entire department would be screwed. And the system was so slow it was excruciating.


The afternoon was bit better though and I got to speak to a lovely girl on my way out the building so it couldn't have ended better.

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I got told off by my other boss tonight because of my email to their bosses. They're purposely giving me less hours and still state the rate on the government website is wrong, despite the fact the payslips now have the proper minimum wage.


Sarcy comment coming Friday.

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I have about 36 hours until my two Psych exams and I am in panic mode. I did a couple of exams online earlier, and I did well in one and then completely fucked up the other...even though they are both the same exam, just different questions. Obviously there are huge holes in my revision. :eek:


Someone hold/have their way with me. Whatever.




On a lighter note, today was so much fun. I swear, without Han, I would go batshit crazy. Literally every moment I spend with her we're in fits of laughter. We went on a journey to the vender for some mid-revision snacks and I literally couldn't stand up because of something she said. Then, we were sat on the computer looking up tickets for some concert, I said something about her chewing her fist which developed into some "These fists are made for chewing" song, which had me laughing for so freaking long. Everyone else was amazingly silent. It was one of those awkward moments you get in comedy movies where a guy thinks he's hilarious, but no one else does. We're that guy.

Edited by Slaggis
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Bored. Got work I need to crack on with but I'm not in the mind frame for doing it. Granted, I haven't tried to sit down with it and decide what to do but I know that even before I do I just won't get anything done. Which is pretty bad given that I should be doing loads of work for the english exam on tuesday and that english is the degree I'm trying to change to (the advisor I've spoken to is being a bit remise about it). ::shrug: Need to do some of it today because I'm not working tomorrow seeing as it's my birthday (:yay: and :nono:) and will be going out on saturday. I'll try and get stuck in later.


In the mean time, I'm set to do nothing. Giving my ears a rest from listening to music as I've been listening non-stop for the last few days and they are a little sore and there is supposed to be a considerable amount of new cds coming for me tomorrow, if my mother has actually bothered to buy them. Don't want to play games to pass the time but will probably end up doing so. Think it's time I resumed Okami again. :D

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You know what, im really not having the best of days today so far.


Was planning on going into town for a few hours, maybe pick up some comics and a couple of boxsets. But of course I woke up this morning with a dodgy stomach and a really bad back ache. So I figured id just have to leave it today and stay at home, mess about on the net.


Of course my internet is still fucking crap!


Since September last year we have been with the Post Office for our internet and we should be getting a speed of around 1.6 megs. Problem is our speed can range from 1.6 meg to 200k, which is what im currently connected at! Everytime we ring up to get it sorted we get the same reply, "we'll monitor your line" and still nothing has happened. Weve had an engineer out from BT who confirmed it was nothing wrong at our end (although he messed about with the wires and now everytime the phone rings we get logged off!).


Its driving me crazy!

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Rahhhhhh so nervousssss. I have my jury in 30 minutes and apparently it's really not fun and they ask stupid questions about typography and all that (and I suck at typography). One of my friends, probably the best in our class, came back with tears in her eyes.




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lol. Digestivus biffidem (should be Biffidus digestivum though). Don't know how Activia/Danone got away with the piece of false advertising unscathed. Ridiculous really.


@ Eenuh - Just go in there and be confident about what you're showing. I've never really understood the whole crying thing with this type of presentation. If you're confident in your work then there's no reason to come out of it as such (not a diss at your friend as I'm sure she did the very best she could). I'm sure you'll do well. As flinky would say 'You can do eeeeeeeeeeettttt!' :D

Edited by Ganepark32
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finnished off the simulator at diriving lessons, that was fun, apent ht elast hour 20 doing road practice, got a hand break turn off. it was fun.


got my hair cut, best hair dresser ever, me and him were talking about how robocop is one of the best movies ever. he earned that pound tip.


picked up some new shoies for going out, and a strange man asked me if i remebered a strange type of trousers from the 80's i said no. he insited that i must, and was supprised to learn im only 22, he thought i was way older.

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Spent most the day revising/freaking out about my Psych exams tomorrow. Ended up sitting under a table in the study room having Han shout random facts at me...and oddly, it's worked. My previous headmaster obviously wasn't as retarded as I'd assumed.


The actual Psych lesson was cancelled because of fecking revision for year 12's, so Chan and I just spent the afternoon pissing about whilst attempting to revise. We were so bored, the presence of empty money bags got us a little too excited.


I need this day to never end. I cannot face my exams tomorrow afternoon, it'll be the most important 3 hours of my college life. If I fuck it up, I'm..well, fucked.

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I had today off sixth form, mainly because i couldn't be arsed, however I did have a genuine reason anyway, taking my brother to work (Okay, a bit of a petty reason, but for a day off i'll take it) :D Basically my day has involved driving people around to car auctions, shopping and work... not at all interesting really /yawn.


Ooooh and in the past couple of hours, i have actually started some revision! :o

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A stunning day of no lessons. Triple 3 finished my lovely To The Lighthouse essay. 3 weeks later but they'll deal with it.


Then went to art and asked him to look at my portfolio. He gave my pointers bal blah which I'll do tomorrow/the weekend, in time for my next interview at Leith School Of Art on Monday.


Then, as English was cancelled, sat in the lovely sunny lawn outside the Donaldson's Building (part of the school, but the nice bit) with the rest fo the playable characters. Played Duck Duck Goose. Was immense. Epicly feel just before I got back to my space.


After school went to the Cerulean meeting (Cerulean in the arts magazine we're doing) to toss around ideas and take photos. Stunning double period. The girl who lives me just fucked off instead of coming. I tried to actually be nice to her today, and she's just being a cunt, probably on her period or something.


Despite fucking of early, I still had to wait 10 minutes for her to come and open the door at home.

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Orgasms @ Artwork for the comic I'm writing. So my day was just made great.


Going out later....hmmm. The place I'm going I tend to not have a huge amount of fun at...cos' its shit, but its like...two friends birthdays. Rather just see Star Trek again tbf.

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@ Eenuh - Just go in there and be confident about what you're showing. I've never really understood the whole crying thing with this type of presentation. If you're confident in your work then there's no reason to come out of it as such (not a diss at your friend as I'm sure she did the very best she could). I'm sure you'll do well. As flinky would say 'You can do eeeeeeeeeeettttt!' :D


Thing is that she did fiiiiiine, it's just that some of these teachers ask really crappy questions that you have no answer to. And she wasn't the only one to cry, heh...


My presentation went okay I guess, I explained the story and what I tried to do and also got crappy questions asked by teachers who have no clue about illustration (they're advertising and graphic design people) and it's just raaaah. I tried to talk myself through it all. But in the end they just all started walking around in the room and looking at other things. They didn't even check my sketchbook. =/


I was so freakishly nervous and got my typical "body blushing" again, where my entire neck/chest/arms turn bright red. Bah. And when I finally got out and my friends asked how it went, I just started crying too... Because of all the stress. Because my stuff was good (got some good comments on some stuff), but it's just all that stress and nervousness and in the end you just need to let it all out. I was crying and laughing at the same time and couldn't control it, haha.


Not looking forward to my other jury days now, that's for sure. =P

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