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What, whip it out? :heh:


Also Mr Elliemysterio, I've come to notice that both myself and you happen to not only go through relationship shit at the same time but also post about it at very similar times. What's up with that? :heh:

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Just did a fun essay. Fun mostly because the whole point of it was to write about whatever the fuck you wanted. Speaking of fuck, my housemate was just rocking the ceiling pretty hard. I did, infact, need to reach for the pillow...


Next time you see them, tell them that, in future, you'll take being able to hear them as if you were in the room as an invitation to join in - that'll either freak them out and you'll get more sleep, or you'll find yourself with a open invitation to a threesome... :indeed:

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What, whip it out? :heh:


Also Mr Elliemysterio, I've come to notice that both myself and you happen to not only go through relationship shit at the same time but also post about it at very similar times. What's up with that? :heh:


Twins O.o Or something, I couldn't think of an explanation quickly. Have to tidy my room like a bitch because the mother is visiting! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. She couldn't have come later >_>


Erm, my ex is being weird again, she was the friend who came up after having a fight. It was all going well until we did the humpy bump. Then I told her this didn't change anything, I always have liked her but we just aren't good in a relationship at the moment. I think she was hoping that she was sooooooo good that I'd want her back for good sex. No.


Still the girl I actually like was wasted on webcam last night. Was funny watching her keep spilling food. Then her sister randomly came in and started eating food. At like 2:30ish am! Whats that about???

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Yesterday I watched 12 hours of 24... finished series 3. I just watched the first episode of series 4 now, just to see what has changed, etc, etc. And Jesus... how can I not watch the next episode?! SO SO SO GOOD. AGH!

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I'd say this helps answer Dyson's question as well.


Age old wisdom that can be used for everything indeed.


Oh god, reminds me of my old geography teacher. He had his own saying. WWW. Whip it in. Whip it out. Wipe it off *shudder*


Yes, i said geography teacher. He was a filthy old paedo. Funny though :p

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So tired. Went to bed so late on Friday night/saturday morning as I was up all night watching movies. My fault really, although the films should have been placed earlier on the schedules than they were. Ended up going to bed early last night (12am) to try and recoup some of the missed sleep. So far this weekend, all I've done is revision. I understand most of it fine just worried about all the radioactivity crap and not being able to either answer questions or do calculations on that come the exam on tuesday. Not overly agitated about the exam. Think it'll go fine. Will do a last spot of revision tomorrow before leaving it at that.


Just finished watching Shipwrecked 2009 finale so now just lounging. Need something to do but can't think of anything. ::shrug: Guess I'll stick the headphones on and listen to some music.

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I'm torn between 'wry chuckle' and 'call the fucking po-lice'


Haha, yeah. He was harmless though really. Just liked to think he was a lot younger than he was, tryna be cool with the kids. Didn't really work, but we appreciated the effort :p


In other slightly wrong and perverted news, i went to a strip club last night, with my g/fs dad of all people! God it sounds wrong when its put like that! He's getting married in a few weeks so it was his stag do with the fellas of the familly. I've only ever been to one strip club ever, that was like 6 years ago in Australia, so it was a bit weird going to one again.


I mean, i see why people are against them, and in a way i am too. But at the same time, i know these girls in this country choose to do it, and they make damn good money out of it. They rip us off and they get the last laugh, so in a way i think fair play to them. Plus, with a 52 yr old stag, theres lots of fun to be had!!! So we made the most of the opportunity.


It got really annoying having girls come up to us all night though. And you just have to say, look, im not interested. You know it doesnt hurt their feelings because, well, what do they care, they just move on, but it still feels bad to do it. Three of the girls in there were drop dead gorgeous though and totally my type. Mic got me a dance with each one and it was heaven. Torture not being able to touch, but heaven all the same! Danni was one, she told me where she works in the day at this hairdressers so i might go there just so she can touch me! I joke... well, sort of. I like good-looking hairdressers :p


In all seriousness though, it was a good once in a lifetime night. Nearly gave the stag a heart attack from pleasure and generally had a fun night all round. I think he spent close to £500 though as he was buying dances for us as well! Ouch. Told you they have last laugh.

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Hmm, got an Amazon parcel addressed to me containing The Housekeeper + The Professor by Yoko Ogawa today, which was quite cool. I imagine it's some kind of annoymous birthday present, though the choice of title and form my address was written in gives me a clue who it was. Will have to enquire further... :p


Other than that, I spent most of today sleeping, watching Channel 4 catchup (yay for the Inbetweeners), and doing linguistics reading. Going out for a meal with some friends tonight, should be good.

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Weekend has been awesome as such, picked up my package from the sorting office early Saturday morning, recorded them onto my MP3 player for the BBQ i had that afternoon with a few mates. Was a good un to be fair, plenty of booze and burgers to fill a regiment to be honest.


Practically stayed in from 7pm onwards watching classic wrestling matches and Men Behaving Badly until about 2am.


Today, tidied up from yesterday and chilling out before pool tonight, first game in a fortnight again.

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Tomorrow I'm finally sending away my Catcher In the Rye complementary study, That is, if I get get this draft finished. And that's just part 2. Knowing me, I'll go through everything he told me to, and it'll be 1000 words over the limit.


Plus part 1 hasn't been touched in ages. Pretty sure he told me it wasn't great as well.

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i had a good day!

i was talking with jamba on the bus about how i thought 'will buying some of his ebay stuff and asking for collection in person was a clever way of getting jamba to finally meet him for a drink... and this guy on the bus kept looking at me, getting more and more amused and kinda looking like he was trying to catch my eye... O_o


was it you 'will?!

or just some dude being creepy?!

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Didn't do too much today. Woke up at 10 but kept falling back asleep for almost an hour. Checked the internet and finally replied to some emails.


Had yummy lunch (a croissant and a chocolate donut were included) and then gave mom her presents for Mother's Day. She got a lovely bouquet from dad, as well as a new clock and breadbox thing for in our new kitchen. And we got her Wii Fit, which mom and I tried out. Seems my weight/BMI are pretty good (ideal range), so hooray!


Went to work for a few hours to earn monies. Came home and did some more Wii Fit and had dinner. That's it!

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This weekend I have spent about 10 hours making cupcakes! Lots and lots of cupcakes! Only eaten a few, the rest are for the uni jumble sale tomorrow. I also completed my challenge;




Three layers of sponge cake, with chocolate orange buttercream between each and topped with icing and springles. Wasn't as sickly as I imagined actually.


Oh and sorted out more for my trip. But yeah that's been about it. As happy as I am to have more time to myself I do find myself wondering around lost sometimes.

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Seems to be the perfect plate for a schizophrenic as well :D


Had a truly lazy sunday myself. Drinking, smoking, sport and Guitar Hero. Sweet!


Still not heard back about the job yet. Tomorrow is it, then. Fingers crossed..

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I made the mistake of putting BSG season 3 on earlier, I've now watched 6 in a row and I can't stop. ReZ, if I'm not at work tomorrow...:heh:


God you're slow, Molly.


But at least you're back on the BSG train! (Were you ever off?)


I'm contemplating just buying the £25 final season, despite it being a rip-off. I'll enjoy it immensely, plus my dad gave me £10 toward it.

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