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^ have you got the beret to confirm it? :heh: all art students should have a beret. Every single one I've seen at Dundee has been woren one when I've been up that end of campus. Funny how that is one stereotype that seems to be slightly true.


I DO!!!


Its red and I sewed buttons on it.

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^ have you got the beret to confirm it? :heh: all art students should have a beret. Every single one I've seen at Dundee has been woren one when I've been up that end of campus. Funny how that is one stereotype that seems to be slightly true.


our art students didnt wear that.


one did wear blood on her face, a halloween mask all year round, metal claws on her hand, a strange huge jacket, white face powder and carry a kane. not just a goth, QUEEN FUCKING GOTH.


i hve fond memories of being sat on the same bus as her, it drove down a council estate, and we pass three men walking a dog and drinking special brew (9am i must add) the bus stops due to traffic. drinking man looks, squints, works out what hes seen and laughs pointing. bus pulls away only to stop again and be caught up by the same group of men, with the exact same reaction, the same pause, squint, recongition and laugh pointing.


happier time for me.

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Gah, updating DVD and Blu-ray players takes a long time. And the mick. I tell ya, just to update my Blu-ray involves a disk (can't get the phone line upstairs).


Anyway, its been an alright night. Got just about 1 level done on Tooie and been chilling with a chinese and a beer.

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Hmm, had a day of utter procrastination today. Got up about 10, did very little then went to one lecture, after about 10 minutes of which I realised it was more introductory than I had thought, but I stayed for the rest because it was still somewhat interesting, there were only about 8 people present, and I know the lecturer and wouldn't want to annoy him. Then spent the rest of the day trying to avoid revision in many ways, mostly by watching crap on iplayer and so forth. Then went for a walk with my girlfriend (who had by contrast been working like hell), which for some reason left me fairly exhausted, despite a total lack of any real exertion. Ah well, fun times. Must actually do some revision soon.

^ have you got the beret to confirm it? :heh: all art students should have a beret. Every single one I've seen at Dundee has been woren one when I've been up that end of campus. Funny how that is one stereotype that seems to be slightly true.

And I'm not even an art student. (not that it's my beret or looks good on me :heh:)

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I did it again. On facebook I posted "That's your mum, that is" and got the inevitable "my mum's dead." response.


He'll forgive me but still, I'm an idiot. If it's not cancer, it's mums, and if it's not mums it's AIDS.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I did it again. On facebook I posted "That's your mum, that is" and got the inevitable "my mum's dead." response.


He'll forgive me but still, I'm an idiot. If it's not cancer, it's mums, and if it's not mums it's AIDS.


That why I consider mum "jokes" to be off limits.

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Yeah. I know enough people who've lost a parent to stop doing it now. "That's your mum, that is" was a joke from an old tv show that I forget the name of, and I thought he'd appreciate the joke. Alas! He's forgiven me now.

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Guest Captain Falcon
you really don't want to hang out with my friends then. Frankly, things have been said between us we should be goddamn ashamed of:grin:


And yet the use of the word should clearly implies you aren't - so what does that say about you?


Yeah. I know enough people who've lost a parent to stop doing it now. "That's your mum, that is" was a joke from an old tv show that I forget the name of, and I thought he'd appreciate the joke. Alas! He's forgiven me now.


I know the joke "that's you that is", but not "that's your mum, that is".

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Wind blew probably over fifty bugs into my face on the way home, and when I come home I open the window and two bugs are fucking each other on the window and they fall off.





I swear my walk homes are like meandering through the Twilight Zone, theres always stupid weird lame stuff happenening.

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Im having a crisis of purchase


Original plan was to put money aside and get the DSi in a few weeks but im in a very comicy mood at the moment and want to get myself some new trades and considering I already have a DS phat im tempted to just put off the DSi longer

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Used with the right people your mum jokes are quite funny. It's not funny when you say it, without thinking, to a guy who loves his mum and doesn't take too well to those jokes. Physical harassment ensued. We were good mates but this I didn't expect. So now I know to not say it. Plus if the situation ever occurs I warn others to not say it to him.

My day. I go to IKEA to find the desk and legs I want are not in stock. I come back to check online and it'll cost £35 for delivery. Screw that. So I spent £70 on 4 CDs, 3 of them limited editions.

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Whenever someone tells me a "your mum"-joke, I lie and tell them my mum is dead. I love making people feel guilty.

i actually did that to a guy whose mum was actually dead. he got actually quite upset...

he was my ex-boyfriend.


...i dont feel too bad about it anymore...


my day's been good so far! i'm working 5 till 11.30 tonight then tomorrow jamba and i are off to his parents place for a long weekend! *joy!!*


yesterday i sold sushi to will young. O_o

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Re: your mum jokes, my friend's parents are dead, and his grandparents. I can't use your mum jokes anymore


My day is a day of rest! for the past 3 days i have been up at 5:30 working 12 hours T_T i'd get home and have to go to bed to wake up in time, NOT COOL.

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Best Psychology lesson ever. We sat there, and Miss got out masses of cakes, coke and sweets for us to eat, and then we talked for a bit before getting Ultimate Jenga out. Then, our old teacher turned up with her new baby (4 weeks) and was showing her off. She wouldn't wake up, so we "acidentally" knocked down the Jenga tower to do so, but it didn't work. Swear she was dead.

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Had just about every season of weather here today. Truly amazing place Scotland in how it manages to change seamlessly between the seasons with such ease. Was absolutely pissing it down and then suddenly stopped and the sun came out and it got really warm. It's crazy. ::shrug:


So eventually, when the rain stopped and in the interlude before the sun came out, I went out to the shops to give me something to do. I was intent on buying something when out and ended up with the new Bob Dylan album. :laughing: Was actually aiming to get some form of game to keep my attention away from revision for a bit but thought that that would be a bad idea and create too much distraction from my revision. Perhaps once the exams are out of the way I'll treat myself or just get my mother to get me what I want in two weeks for my birthday.


Going to find some movies to watch tonight. Haven't watched a movie in a couple of weeks so I feel it's time to sit down and watch something. Don't know what yet but I have a feeling that I'll probably end up watching Lost in Translation or something I've seen quite a lot.

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Had just about every season of weather here today. Truly amazing place Scotland in how it manages to change seamlessly between the seasons with such ease. Was absolutely pissing it down and then suddenly stopped and the sun came out and it got really warm. It's crazy. ::shrug:


Yeah, this morning here it was beaming sun, then during the day rained a fair amount, then really hot this afternoon and sunny again.


Finished my art exam. Definitely happy with my piece. I was the only one (I think) doing a portrait panting, and I have to say that it's actually pretty good. I have such a lack of confidence in my own abilities, but the Superman shirt I'm wearing in the painting is so brilliant. The symbol anyway. I want to touch it, to see if the folds are real. [/boast]


Seriously though, happy. Now the weekend to do my sketchbook. Uh oh.

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but just felt a bit limp.


You feel a bit limp.

Lol fair enough, its a little skimpy on the goods. Besides its got pictures, what more d'ya want.


I planned to do like....5 custom clix today and I've only managed one. Started painting all my outstanding ones though, so I've acheived a bit.


And written to Wolf-Man. Hopefully that'll be my 6th printed Kirkman letter. :0

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