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Oh great, I forgot that the power in my village is being switched off today from 9am until 4pm. This laptop battery is only going to last another 50 minutes!

Why's that?


Also, is there not a chance you could change the power settings to give you extra pr0 power?

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Why's that?


Also, is there not a chance you could change the power settings to give you extra pr0 power?


They have turned the power off so some company can come and trim a load of the trees that are growing into the power lines, one of them is in my front garden.


As for my power settings I probably can tweak them a bit but it wouldnt give me much longer as its a very cheap battery.


I just wish I had remembered last night so I would have charged my DS. Its got power now but I dont know how much.

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Hate whenever uni breaks up for a holiday because I have this conversation with everyone:


Them: "So, you heading back home over Easter?"

Me: "No."

Them: "You're staying?"

Me: "Yeah."

Them: "Why?"

Me: "I have nowhere to go."

Them: "Oh."


I even quietly said it to a friend in lecture this morning and my lecturer asked me to repeat (not in a moody teacher way, I think he thought I was making a point) so the whole class knows I have nowhere to go. But still, two weeks to get some work done, relax, enjoy my own company etc etc etc.

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Today has been pointless for many reasons. One reason is explained in the Sexuality Thread because I have a feeling it'll get ripped from here. So it's there if anyone gives a toss. The other main reason for today sucking was that we did nothing in my English tutorial due to the two people in attendance, myself and a girl, having not read the play and so we finished after 30 mins of just talking about crap. Seems like a waste of money on train fares to go in just for that.


So I'm not in a happy place at the moment. I did a little retail therapy and it's slightly alleviated my mood but it'll take more than that to perk up again. Need a drink badly so will go out and buy some beers for later. Lose myself in the alcohol and forget about things for awhile.


The only plus side is that I'm now technically on my summer holidays (only need to go in tiwice during May for two exams), but that's also the downer. I've got stuff to sort out for Uni after the summer and I need to get a job but nowhere is hiring so while many would relish the opportunity of staying at home doing very little for a couple of months before Uni starts again, I don't and need something to do. I suppose I could keep my job at the website I'm working for but I really don't want to be playing games during the summer.

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Whooo, I'm being productive today!


I picked up my new credit card today, after they had to cancel my last one due to fraud. After that I just sorta cycled around through tons of streets for fun, did that for about 35 to 40 minutes just to enjoy the sun, heh.


Today I've written about 350 words on my paper, which isn't too much, but still something. Took me a lot of research too though. X3

And am now going to try and finish another smaller assignment, yay.


Just happy that I won't have to be in school for two weeks, even though I need to finish all my work for the end of April, heh. Stresssss! XD

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Oh they didn't die or anything, sorry, bit misleadingly wrote. He just moved away. He was an utter legend.


Ugh....I think thats the biggest value I've ever read out to a client. 2.5 million. Jealous.


Jeez it gets worse....since the beginning of this month, his plan has increased in value by double my salary. DEPRESSING>

Edited by ReZourceman
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All-night bender from pub to mate's house. Met a guy called "Crazy Tom" who... is definitely crazy. Did some fire stuff, came home to an immensely clean flat. I've only just remembered that one of the flatties has a parental visitation today. The temptation to cook in the nude is overwhelming.


THEY HID MY ASHTRAY! In my drunken state last night/5am this morning, I couldn't find it for ages.


So today I nurse my hangover, perhaps with some dog hair.

Got an email this morning saying someone started following me on Twitter... I felt popular. Then I checked out their profile to see just who the hell it is and if its someone I know... and lo and behold, their account is suspended. Not a genuine follower/ fan then, boo.

LOL I READ IT! ... I hate twitter. not been on there in weeks.

I got an interview today :)


It's a job with, of all people, the DWP. The irony overwhelms me, forum. I'm surrounded. I don't think I'd mind the work, and the money is good for a while.

Good day to get it in the post too- I quit my volunteering thing today. I wanted to last week but my mum flipped out and I conceeded to stay on for a while. I just couldn't face going in today though. I've been so bored there it's unbelievable. I don't grudge giving my time for a good cause (and it is. A very good one) but I could feel my brain cells leaping out of windows every time I sat on reception there. I'm not going to do something that makes me miserable when I have more I could do here like work on my blog or something.

DWP? *shrugs* Congratz on leaving the voluntary thing. Spoke to nightwolf last night - she said she's got a 'volunteering' job that's paying her £7 p/h! wtf! I picked up an application form for wetherspoons, and Andy is seriously making me a chef. More wtf's.


woke up with blood coming out my nose. lots of blood. to much to block, so i stood over the toilet. then a sneezing fit started. i must of lost a half a pint and covered the world in blood. it wouldent stop for anything. :(


If it keeps happening... watch out! A few years ago my dad would have spontanious, sporadic and spmental nosebleeds. Like, copious amounts of blood would start pouring out of his nose. It turned out to be a polyp in his nose (wiki for ew pictures) that basically needed burning... So, uh... if it keeps happening then... get it checked! It's not fun.

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On my accomo form for sheffield, I've chosen ensuite as my preffered room. But, then there's a question saying "Would you be happy sharing communal facilities like a bathroom and a kitchen with men/women?". If I choose yes, would that not contradict my accomo choice?

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It depends on allocation - I guess they try and give everyone what they want. Shared facilities aren't that bad at all, but if you really want your own loo then don't tick that box :)


I ticked it, I figured it was probably there to say "If we can't get you an ensuite, would you be okay with a shared one?". I'd rather tick it than not tick it, and then not get allocated anything. Thanks for the advice anways. :)

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Who here types in n-europe.com by default when they first come on the computer? I didn't even want to come here, i have important stuff to check, but my mind just types it in on auto-pilot!!!


I am shocked that it isn't your homepage, to be honest!

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Man, shaving cuts are terrible. I've only cut small patches, but this one is the worst one i've had.




I was in a rush as sorts, it hurts a bit and a dibstick (blood stop pens) ain't working.


Apart from that, the day ain't been too bad. Just watched the Wrestlemania X match between Owen and Bret, had dinner and now getting ready to go out.

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Most awkward day ever. I was in the study room with my best mate and....my faux best mate (He's a bit of a wanker, but thinks I like him masses). They've been randomly having dirrty conversations on facebook and acting like the have the desperate need to rip each others clothes off (More so her than him. He acts as though he thinks she's a "total munter", and then does this) Thing is, he treats women like dogs...even though he's never actually managed to get 'any'. She hates him, but can't seem to help herself.


In the study room we were sat at the computer, and those two were very close to each other, and I was on the opposing side of the table. Apparently, he thinks I'm either utterly dense, or blind. He was OBVIOUSLY randomly feeling her up...I was trying not to laugh, but the fact he was...enjoying it a little too much was HILARIOUS.


I asked her to come with me to go and get some lunch, and as soon as we left the room we looked at each other and literally collapsed with laughter. God, the women I know at college are thick. I hate that when it all goes tits up, I'll have to listen to her moaning/crying/screaming about him for weeks. Plus the fact we're going on a holiday in 3 months, so when it all fucks up, the holiday will end up being filled with arguments. Fun.


...Is it me, or did that sound like an abysmal episode of Hollyoaks?

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