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My day was better than I thought it would be!


It started off with a paper round in freezing temperatures, which was not nice, but the rest of the day was coool.

First lesson: science, the teacher was talking for most of it, so didn't have to do any work, French: our teacher wasn't there so we just watched youtube videos, then my English lesson was away so we had no lesson, so I basically had a free day! ONE DAY TIL HALF TERM, YAY :D

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Pretty okay day, better than some previous ones.


Bought a can of coke in school from the vending machine (90 cent), but found 50 cent in said machine and another 50 in another machine. Thus, free drink for me!

Also bought a yummy spaghetti in school. Mmmm.


Then our last class we were all waiting around for our lecturer to show up and we waited for 20 minutes but he didn't come. Most people had already left and we went to the other building to copy some stuff and he suddenly entered the building and went to talk to someone from the secretary place. I guess he missed his bus or something, poor guy. But no class for us!


On my way home I ran into my sister so we got to bike home together. Then in our street my sister suddenly goes: "Is that a cat?" And she pointed at a tiny ball of black fur sitting in front of a mailbox in our street. It was a tiny kitten and it looked kinda sick (eyes all teary and closed and a snotty nose) and it came running towards me. I picked it up and we took it home and then when dad got home the both of us went to the vet to get it checked and cleaned a bit (she did it for free!) and then we brought the kitten (only 5-6 weeks old, poor thing) to an animal shelter. Even though the kitten is still kinda sick (needs to be put on antibiotics), the people there said she would probably find a home. =3

Wanted to keep it myself (so did dad), but we already have four cats and a dog, plus mom isn't a big fan of cats to begin with. But yay, good deed done today. =D

(will post a picture in the user image gallery tonight, right now I'm gonna go running).


A approve of this. Lovely thing of you to do Eenuh.


My family did the same with a bird a few years ago. It was hobbling around our garden with an injured wing, so we caught it a box and took it to the nearest animal rescue where they fixed it up and released it a couple of weeks later.

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Today was good, and so was yesterday actually. Over here I can actually talk to real life people about games, back at my home town I don't know any gamers. Yesterday before class was going to start I was playing Zelda on my DS, and a girl who I befriended asked what I was playing, "The new Zelda game, got it yesterday". "Oooooh, Zelda! Awesome." I was astounded by the fact that people like that exist outside of the interwebs. Then another guy joined the conversation, we were all talking about how awesome Zelda is, etc. etc.


Today I also talked about games, about the Metroid Prime series in particular with the same guy.


And then I cleaned my place, studied, played lots of Zelda, bought water and diet coke from a brand which is not Coca-Cola, way cheaper.


Oh, and I have something to look forward to next week (besides Metroid Prime 3): "Freshmen Baptism", which is my rough translation of "Eerstejaarsstudentendoop". That's probably not even proper Dutch, that word seems too long... Anyway! This baptism thing is a party in which fresh and new students like me will have to survive certain ordeals. I don't know the details, maybe that's a good thing...


And today I discovered this thread, a thread that looks very similar to the MPoTD thread, but without the post+1 spam. I like it.

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Today was quite good, my boss wasn't in work today so i managed to do everything without her hassling me about the way i was doing the work.


Got home, went on X-Box live and beat a bunch of American gamers who were all giving it all on the head-set about how great they were.


Now browsing the net, while watching Number 23 which is creepy.

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day was goood!


started off by sleeping in (woot student life)

went to get practical work sorted (as technician was off last friday and we got the form signed thing today!) but the new technician didnt have the keys to let us in :( so we scrapped that and went and sat in the SU for about an hour and a half chatting

we then got hungry and decided to get a chinese! (gravy and chip for me!) and they didnt deliver our drinks.. hmm.. so we called them up and they said they would bring the drinks over, but they never showed :( jackasses


i am now sitting in the library at 11.03pm!

what a rebel i am

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couldnt sleep at all last night. got to about 5am when i gave up and drugged myself -- only to wake up dead on 10am (/ =___=)/ today i'm ill, revising complicated english grammar things for my upcoming interview (they're going to give me a test!) and watching ghibli movies...


on the plus side: wine get! kaos-pinkusagi17.gif

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Training was good, but my wrist is acting up again. May just be because i'm tired. Wanted to have a nap but a mate invited me out to lunch, and he helps me so much I couldn't really refuse. Spent the rest of the afternoon with Fire Emblem, then had to e-mail girl from bank (I really should find out her name) that she can't come over on saturday.


Also e-mailed Rachel (chinese teachers daughter and former 'aquiantance') that I'm heading into Beijing and would like to meet up. Might be able to make up for Saturday night's loss (she's at University in Beijing).


Just about to head out to the train station. Apparently its about 9 hours to Beijing, but they have beds on the train. Plus I've got my iPod and Hitchikers guide the galaxy to keep me company.

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Really, really rather crap. I had that sponsored walk thingymajig and we had to wait on the station platform for an hour intill the steam train arrived. Then when we arrived at the start point, we set off without a map (none were left).

Most the way (14.1 miles) I was insulted by one of my old mates that I don't get along with anymore, and basically everyone else who I was walking with. Most the time it's a joke, and it's funny insults, but this guy always takes it too far and I have to laugh along otherwise I'll get moaned at for not taking it as a joke. He only does it because he knows I'm not going to turn round and smack him, but I feel like I'm going to just crack at some point. (Though, I know doing something like that won't help, but when you get insulted all the time, for the past few years now, it starts to grate).


Also my EMA is messing up, and isn't being payed even though I'm at college, which is annoying.


(I just read my post back and laughed, I've moaned so much :D )

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Nice one rokhed. If you don't mind me asking, has anyone close to you had a bad reaction when you told them?


In other news, I've been filling in application forms all week to work for accounting firms after I finish my degree next May, and I got a call this afternoon from the firm I really want to work for and they want me to come in for an interview! I know I've still gotta get through the interview stage but it's a start anyway! The interview is on in 2 weeks, god I hate this nervous feeling that I'm going to have up until then..

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Nice one rokhed. If you don't mind me asking, has anyone close to you had a bad reaction when you told them?


Not yet, in real life the people I've opened up to have been very accepting, mind you they've all been women, I'm guessing most of my male friends wouldn't take it too well.

Men are bigger bitches than women could ever be.

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