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Basically, she's also a good friend of mine, and I feel that I'll end up ruining the friendship if I tell her. :(


I see what you mean. Well at the end of the day life is a risk. Sometimes you just got to gamble. Try to find out how she feels about you, then if the feeling isn't mutual you're probably doing the right thing.


Keep me posted: peace:

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I see what you mean. Well at the end of the day life is a risk. Sometimes you just got to gamble. Try to find out how she feels about you, then if the feeling isn't mutual you're probably doing the right thing.


Keep me posted: peace:

Well, one other problem. Lot's of the kids from her village enjoy making my life a nightmare when a disfortune happens to me in that area... :(
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Triforce, let it slip to a friend that you like her and he'll "accidently" tell one of her friends who in turn will tell her (because all girls are gossiping bitches). Then you don't have to do anything and as far as you're concerned its exactly the same as it was before.

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Triforce, let it slip to a friend that you like her and he'll "accidently" tell one of her friends who in turn will tell her (because all girls are gossiping bitches). Then you don't have to do anything and as far as you're concerned its exactly the same as it was before.
Tried that already. Failed more than comunism.


Not quite following you here. What exactly do they do? Why does this effect your relationship with her.
It's not an effect on our relationship exactly... Basically, these guys take advantage of any shit that happens to me to make me feel even shittier, and if she rejects me, and they discover....
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... I actually found that an interesting read..!


BILL BAILEY! Yah, show rocked. We were indeed quite teh close. I managed to sort of trip over a bag while trying to let friends back to their seats - i was trying to lean on a part of the chair that collapses when you lean on it, so my arm pretty much went straight through it. And because the seat in question was at the end of a row and perpendicular to an entire block of seats, about several hundred people saw me do so. Luckily I was holding the remainder of my cider pint at the time, and clearly managed to retain some Cool-Dude points buy failing to spill more than three drops.



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Now im not sure whether or not to scive off a) morning lecture or b) both or c) any tomorrow. As its 2.30, I have an assignment to do and if I don't scive off a lecture I'm not going to get a day off until mid-December.


This sounds like a decision for future Ashley. Bed me thinks.

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Now im not sure whether or not to scive off a) morning lecture or b) both or c) any tomorrow. As its 2.30, I have an assignment to do and if I don't scive off a lecture I'm not going to get a day off until mid-December.


This sounds like a decision for future Ashley. Bed me thinks.

Do it mate, I took a day off from uni today, as it was all just getting too much and i will deal with the issues of being behind another day :P

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Now im not sure whether or not to scive off a) morning lecture or b) both or c) any tomorrow. As its 2.30, I have an assignment to do and if I don't scive off a lecture I'm not going to get a day off until mid-December.


This sounds like a decision for future Ashley. Bed me thinks.


No matter how fun your day off is, there's not worse than playing "Catch up".

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No matter how fun your day off is, there's not worse than playing "Catch up".


They watched The Firm. Not much to catch up on.


(not that I will)


But yeah I scived. Got my assignment done and played a bit of Mario. Went to my afternoon lecture which was alright until the lecturer said we are expected to do 10 hours work per week for each module. Which means I am supposed to work 80 hours a week -_-


But he gave us an hour and a half break so I got some fresh air and relaxed.

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Was back at college today, finally. Had a good day. I, and a mate ended up missing Philosophy and Ethics last lesson because our usual room was changed and we couldn't find the new one. We looked all over but had no luck, so we just went home siing as it was last.


Geography trip round York tomorrow. Fun, fun, fun. :heh:

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