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Weekend's been fun. Out for a lovely dinner/drinks on saturday night and then Bruno today. ReZ's friend is hilarious, in the middle of conversation he says ''So, are you single?''. I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like him.

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Parents are home, awesome. No seriously.


CF - keep the necklace until you find somebody who will want it, I still believe it was a boyfriend thing with that situation, but then I don't wear jewellery so I wouldn't know anything about that (except my grans but thats different.)


Spent most of the day reading and cleaning, going to start packing pretty soon and hopefully wrapping my dad's presents for tomorrow.


I hope he decides we should leave early to get to sheffield, I'm itching to get back, lock myself in my room and then be called whenever jayseven decides we should go to the pub.

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Last month I brought a necklace as a present for someones birthday and then gave it to them when I went to visit them. A couple of days later, they came back to me and said they can't accept it - the reason escapes me at the moment...


I wonder if someone made her think she shouldn't accept it?


Anyway.. pics? Not that I'm in a position to be buying £55 necklaces but interested to see what it looks like!


I can understand what you mean not wanting to give it to someone else when you had bought it especially for her. Ebay is probably a good bet, if you bought it from a brand name store make sure you put it in the listing title as there's so much jewellery on ebay it's the only way anyone will find it.

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i need some ideas how to promote the function room in the bar i work. hopefully i can make a decent system, get a job and then sell it to them, as it stands id be doing it for free.


Well depending on the sitch etc ;


Wii + Big TV + Advertising game nights, like Rock Band/etc. They do it somewhere here and its popular apparently.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Parents are home, awesome. No seriously.


CF - keep the necklace until you find somebody who will want it, I still believe it was a boyfriend thing with that situation, but then I don't wear jewellery so I wouldn't know anything about that (except my grans but thats different.)


She said it was something to do with skin tone being different around her neck... ::shrug:


I wonder if someone made her think she shouldn't accept it?


Anyway.. pics? Not that I'm in a position to be buying £55 necklaces but interested to see what it looks like!


I can understand what you mean not wanting to give it to someone else when you had bought it especially for her. Ebay is probably a good bet, if you bought it from a brand name store make sure you put it in the listing title as there's so much jewellery on ebay it's the only way anyone will find it.


That's the offending item Katie.




I'm crap at picking stuff like this but I just saw it and thought it looked nice so I got it.

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She said it was something to do with skin tone being different around her neck... ::shrug:




That's the offending item Katie.




I'm crap at picking stuff like this but I just saw it and thought it looked nice so I got it.


I don't really wear necklaces, but that one looks really nice I think. =)



I just found a tiiiiiiny salamander in our pool! Well I'm pretty sure it was a salamander, don't think we really have lizards around here. Anyway, saved it by lifting it out of the water with one of my crutches, then dad took it from me and put it at the edge of the "pond" thingie in the field behind our house. A much better place for a salamander to live than in a pool heh. =P

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Well depending on the sitch etc ;


Wii + Big TV + Advertising game nights, like Rock Band/etc. They do it somewhere here and its popular apparently.


hum, thats an idea, i'll run it by greg on tuesday while i do finances (yes, seriosuly, the unpaid temp is doing finances) its not really what i was looking to do (raise awareness of the function room) but i suppose all publicisty is good publicity. its a bit of an oap pub mind.



I just found a tiiiiiiny salamander in our pool! Well I'm pretty sure it was a salamander, don't think we really have lizards around here. Anyway, saved it by lifting it out of the water with one of my crutches, then dad took it from me and put it at the edge of the "pond" thingie in the field behind our house. A much better place for a salamander to live than in a pool heh. =P


as far as i know, slamandas are amphibious, so the pond would be good. i dont think the chlorine in the pool would have been good for him. i award you my young lifesavers badge!


edit. while i rember, i have a cut on the bottom on my second to little toe on my right foot. no idea how.


edit 2.


gah i cant stand my mam some times. got called through to tell them what id done witht he jackson funeral concert. i said i had done nothing, and it was, infact there, just under a different name.


she deleted primeval from then v+ box, saying "i thought we only had 75 mins left, not 75 hours" i had two episodes to go. it might be shite but its my guilty pleasure! she then says "well you deleted the wire!" yes, I did. we hadent watched a single episode and had around 30 hours of it on the V= box. ontop of that, we had missed a load, so it wasn't like we were missing out on a complete serise. all she said was "well, ive done it now, tough, dosent matter"


i'm in charge of the V+ for a reason, i know what im doing. i can't help but feel she did it to get me back. she is that childish.

Edited by Chris the great
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Damn you Dan. I am the administrator of that image. You have no right to post it!

new plan:


1. Find babe.


2. Give necklace to babe.

Look in your nearest abattoir.

Today I finished off the two new schemes and finally posted Nihon Go! #1.


Also played Pokemon. Oh what a life I'm living eh? :p

A most sexy one by the sounds of it.




There's too much depressing things happening here, have some quality George Takei action taking on fake Arnie:


Including the best reaction to someone being in a POW camp. Ever.



EDIT: Sweet sexyness... I'm back on pr0 XP, sadly it seems I'm going to be stuck with the new/wank MSN and for some reason my mouse wheel is mega fast no matter what I set it in the control panel, but at least I know where everything is and what it should be doing. :D

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So I drove my car to sheffield. It was pretty easy except the OMFGWTFCARGO! when it came to some of the hills, its a 1250cc engine and it just can't handle those massive hills like my dads jeep.


Also the GETOFFMYBIGFATASSGRANDAD my dad was wondering why i was mouthing off. Oops?


Going to relax and then go and do some food shopping, go to the further away sainsburies so its not so expensive, hur hur.

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Me and my friend went off-roading yesterday >.< Went around some awesome cliffs and fields. However, once I got back on the road my clutch sounded like it was about to fall off or something and I was all 'OSHI'. But luckily it seemed to fix its self as I drove back into town....


Also disposed of some pond snails.

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Cos it's fun!




Because she has accidents when she's on the road.


And this.




But really, we just thought it would be fun. And it was! Except some bits which were too steep, and we had to precariously 3 point turn. Damn my poor judgement. And the big stones.

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So I drove my car to sheffield. It was pretty easy except the OMFGWTFCARGO! when it came to some of the hills, its a 1250cc engine and it just can't handle those massive hills like my dads jeep.


Also the GETOFFMYBIGFATASSGRANDAD my dad was wondering why i was mouthing off. Oops?


Going to relax and then go and do some food shopping, go to the further away sainsburies so its not so expensive, hur hur.




Where's your new house again?

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And this.




But really, we just thought it would be fun. And it was! Except some bits which were too steep, and we had to precariously 3 point turn. Damn my poor judgement. And the big stones.



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