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I'm back for a month, weird holidays =]


Coming up to your Uni on Thursday, staying the night and leaving early the next day. Might be able to say hi?


Your back already? damn, we leave on easter friday :o in like 3 weeks =[


when you arriving thursday, i'mma free after 1 :P

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I forgot to call my mum yesterday. I FEEL BAD!


Bunked the quiz, too, which I kinda feel bad for but I think I had a legitimate reason.


And ex-related issues = "lol, wtf am I doing?!"


Now to watch more Friday Night Lights and hopefully Resi5 laterr...

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Me and Ashley have started blogging! oorah!


it's work in progress still, but things are taking shape. More soon.


link link link link link.


i may be in a bit of trouble at work... i MIGHT have tipped off a guy (he was a ghibli fan... he recognized my tattoo.....) who wanted to order loads of business cards that we're having a buy one get one free offer NEXT month so he should wait like, a week to order them...


buuuuuuuut i'll only be in trouble if anyone finds out :grin: nye-heh!

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Guest Captain Falcon
as you asked!




it's rough as funk atm- but the words are good.



also, massive props to the lovely Bluey for the banner. we need to poke it more to make it prettier :)


I wouldn't call it rough. I'd just say it's lacking personality from visual stand point but you've got to start somewhere - the words are good, like you said.


And the banner is nice, but the blue text doesn't contrast enough and isn't friendly to the eyes, especially the "...is keeping you posted." part.


But from humble acorns do mighty oaks grow.

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And the banner is nice, but the blue text doesn't contrast enough and isn't friendly to the eyes, especially the "...is keeping you posted." part.

I was about to say the exact same thing. Unless it's meant to say "i eeing yo osted", then we've just made ourselves look well silly.

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I wouldn't call it rough. I'd just say it's lacking personality from visual stand point but you've got to start somewhere - the words are good, like you said.


And the banner is nice, but the blue text doesn't contrast enough and isn't friendly to the eyes, especially the "...is keeping you posted." part.


But from humble acorns do mighty oaks grow.


Yeah the blue text is temporary. Once we pimp it with Photoshop, the text will be integrated with the watchtower image. The blue text there now is an overlay, and will soon be history.

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Temporarily reworked Bluey's excellent design. The subtitle thing itself is still naff but im bored of photoshopping at present and will come back to it. Or if we bother to pay for CSS then it can be whatever size.


(this is mostly a note to Dan)

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Had a 9am Genetics lecture which was alright and had an English lecture on Modern Drama but none of the people I hang about with came so was all on my lonesome :weep::heh:


Enjoying the weather again, although today it's been really blustery which is strange considering how strong the sun was and how few clouds are in the sky. So I'm now sat here in the sun in my room. Trying to decide on whether or not to move out in the summer/after the summer and move to my Uni city to cut out all of the train journeys because it'd be more helpful to me academically and socially. Will look tomorrow at whether there is still student accommodation left for next year, which there should be, and I'll run the idea passed my parents, who'll probably tell me to F-off even though it's a logical move.

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was posting a book and saw a mother hit her daughter in the face witha car door (accidentaly). thank god the door was at its limit so just tapped the child.

i am thankful the child was not hurt, but more thankfull i wasnt found to be laughing at an injured child. anouther inch and id be seen as a monster.

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Temporarily reworked Bluey's excellent design. The subtitle thing itself is still naff but im bored of photoshopping at present and will come back to it. Or if we bother to pay for CSS then it can be whatever size.


(this is mostly a note to Dan)

nyaaaaaaaa.... for some reason i assumed the banner i was doing was a sorta standalone thingy ~ is this the layout you'll be using?? want me to do something a bit more...fitting?

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was posting a book and saw a mother hit her daughter in the face witha car door (accidentaly). thank god the door was at its limit so just tapped the child.

i am thankful the child was not hurt, but more thankfull i wasnt found to be laughing at an injured child. anouther inch and id be seen as a monster.


Dan - Amazing.


Chris - Children hurting themselves is the most hilarious thing I ever see. Falling over and crying. Fantastic.

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Hmm well I've remixed your banner and changed it again now that we've forked out for custom CSS and if its fine with you (the reworking) then I'm happy with how it is now (which is different from when I previously posted so refresh).

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Looks good so far! just need some more words :)


Well Dan announced it earlier. The bastard! I've never liked that name :heh:

(FYI my middle name is Daniel)


Added my Benjamin Button review and will post something about Big Love tomorrow. Also going to try and do a BSG thing, just need to decide whether to do two seperate ones or something combined.


Working on the CSS and just getting the colours more inline. Will probably change all the blue to a different colour (im a fan of red) but need to check with Dan first.


And I seem to be doing this rather than my dissertation...although I sent my new methodological thing to my marker this morning and she said its a lot better and I'm back on track.


Spent most of my day avoiding work to be fair. Me and my housemate spent about 15 minutes looking out the window at the people painting a wall that has gone in front of some old burnt out buildings earlier trying to guess what it would be. Figured maybe Tescos as it was blue but then saw the back of some guy's jacket saying Sainsburys...thats how much I've not worked today.

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My week shall be something like this:


Work, eat, work, sleep, lectures, work, exam, work, work, eat, work, sleep (at gf's), lecture, work, pick up friend from station, eat, drink, club (& drink), sleep, walk friend back to station, lectures, work, lectures, work, gf's subject's society ball (yay, tux time!), sleep (at gf's), snuggle before she goes home for Easter, lectures, weekend.


I'm feeling worn out already, and there's too much work, not enough Empire Total War for my liking. Oh, and I'm off to Torquay on Monday for a week for a geology field trip. Sleepy...

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