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would still mean getting from mine to yours on foot though. DEATH TRAP hoy.


It took me about 20 mins to get 5 mins down the road to my mates house. I saw three people fall over!


Party started off slow - but the host was staggered when we arrived. There was a sweepstakes going on how long she would last, but luckily she stopped drinking and worked on teh water. Saw a mate get stoned for the first time, and just generally had a chilled out drunkfest!


Heard about this awesome club on thursday nights -- basically all the girls wear burlesque/striptease clothing, but generally the guys are sooper hot/toned dudes so I need to work out in order to fit in. Sigh! I do generally want to lose teh flab, especially after seeing some old pictures of me as an 18 year old.


Got home at about 4:30am, woke up at about 3pm and I still feel drunk! Mega cool. Now it's time to chill out and watch bsg, smallville and supernatural before I delve back into house s4 and 24 s1 :)

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yeah no surprise man. Imagine that over a 35 min walk from mine on a good day. Super fail? oh yes.


umm.. my day? oh, yes. Watched BSG. Best show ever etc etc. Played some games aaaand, ooh, get this! I got an interview for the fraking civil service fast stream at the cabinet office next month. ooh-err.

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Today i went clothes shopping and actually found some things i liked :o I was amazed. Also the snow has all turned to slush and ice which is dissapointing :(


I'm going paintballing tomorrow and it's forecast to be -2 and misty at 9am (when it starts) so that's going to be fun. Anyone have any tips for paintballing? All i've heard is wear baggy clothes.


Make sure you're face is covered well.


I got one between my eyes once, even with a mask on, I got black eyes.

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Went out to my friends 20th last night, the union had free candyfloss and despite what my 'friend' said about it being quiet, it was noisy and there was alot of people around. Nearly ended up being dragged to a guys house, he was cute, but no ta.


Then headed back to my mates flat and then to get chicken..ended up talking to some blonde who look very much like my ex James (not jayseven!) I think his name was Luke..he offered me chips! ^_^


Got followed by two guys to a mates house party..weirdos..met up with jayseven and the gang and was extremely drunk. I've had about 4 hours sleep since then..I'm knackered, but I'd rather not sleep right now.


It was a big night for truths also..more things to mentally digest! Yay.

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Went out to my friends 20th last night, the union had free candyfloss and despite what my 'friend' said about it being quiet, it was noisy and there was alot of people around. Nearly ended up being dragged to a guys house, he was cute, but no ta.


Then headed back to my mates flat and then to get chicken..ended up talking to some blonde who look very much like my ex James (not jayseven!) I think his name was Luke..he offered me chips! ^_^


Got followed by two guys to a mates house party..weirdos..met up with jayseven and the gang and was extremely drunk. I've had about 4 hours sleep since then..I'm knackered, but I'd rather not sleep right now.


It was a big night for truths also..more things to mentally digest! Yay.


haha Nightwolf that's actually hilarious. You shouldve said that to him lol...'You're cute, but no ta!'. I mean, what a line, I'm gonna have to use that me thinks.

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my days been quite good. spend more time on halo wars, cant wait for it to come out. the rest of the time though been watching the sport and have had a lazy day. problay going to watch the return of the king in a bit which means most of my night will of gone seeing as its over 3 hours long. :)

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I've come to realise that I pretty much never rest during the day. I'm always doing something, then I get distracted by something else, then something else. Then I go search things on internet, getting distracted by links to other places.

Today was different though. I actually did work earlier... but then the same routine followed. Pretty much did it, but it took about 2 hours more than it would have id I'd have just done it.

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Today has been a pretty bleh day. Had to say goodbye to Flinky. Train ride home was horrible with two loud kids in front of me and a dad who couldn't control them. He even left one of the kids (a two year old) with me at one point so he could take the other one to the toilet. And then he asked me if I wanted to sit with them. No thanks.


Been home alone pretty much since I got back home at 6. Had leftover Chinese food from my birthday for dinner. Been playing De Blob for more than an hour (or two) and am currently eating a massive piece of my chocolate cake and drinking a glass of fruity cider to make me feel better, heh.

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I did a bit of digging tonight (based on my mothers vague information) about my eye condition. Apparently I have something called Wikipedia reference-linkStrabismus which is when the eyes aren't aligned properly.



If a person's two eyes are not aligned (strabismic) three different things can happen:


1. the patient will see double because the two eyes are not aimed at the same point;


2. one of the eyes can suppress or turn off (in the brain) to avoid double vision (technically called diplopia). This condition is called suppression.;


3. the brain can develop a new match with each eye so that fusion occurs even though the eyes are not aimed at the same spot. This last phenomenon is known as anomalous retinal correspondence. It occurs early in life and will almost never occur if the strabismus develops after four years of age.



Bolded is the one that happens to me.


I always wonder why I was seemingly never coordinated in sports n suchlike. Explains a lot really! I have pretty much NO depth perception. And I get weird episodes where everything looks really close or really far away.. Like being on drugs. x(


I always thought it was just a basic squint... But then three operations is a bit overkill for just a squint! And apparently the squintyness can come back in later years :(

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Fear not, R_A! I had surgery that gave me that precise condition :) Well -- sorta precise. Used to give me cry to the face squared, but nowadays I reflect on it as a different outlook on life. LOLS!


As such, you should join me and embrace the nerdiness - wither shy of physical exertion! That's the spirit.



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Fear not, R_A! I had surgery that gave me that precise condition :) Well -- sorta precise. Used to give me cry to the face squared, but nowadays I reflect on it as a different outlook on life. LOLS!


As such, you should join me and embrace the nerdiness - wither shy of physical exertion! That's the spirit.




*high five eye buddy!* Cry to the face squared... lol :D I think I had surgery (3 times of which i cant remember thankfully!) because of it. Oh, and patches when I was about 2/3 years old.. My dad used to draw pictures on it.... The. Shame. XD


Jeez Raining, is there no end to your suffering? You seem to have so many medical problems :( Well done for taking them all in your stride like that, it must be tough!


Awk neh, I'm not dead yet. Rawwwwwwwwr. :bouncy:


I'm in the process of turning my life around. I'm trying to get fit by going to the gym and that should help strengthen my body a little.


I get pitied and sympathised a lot.. Always have. But at the end of the day all you can do is make the best with what you've got.


Not that I don't have my bad days. I was severely depressed before I came to this forum. Now I have (some) friends.. and I'm considerably happier with myself. Old habits die hard... but i'm still fighting.





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Well, I ain't been sober since 11am :D


Went to an ale festival. It was brilliant. Some proper nice ales there, and the building it was hosted in was beautiful.


EDIT: I also realised one of the girls of the RAACS looks kinda like Letty but with shorter hair.

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I feel so useless. The past few days I haven't met up with friends or anything. All I did was play Fallout 3 (great game). I'm not one to go out much, but really, it's never been this bad. I just didn't feel like doing anything about it. Oh well, my break from Uni is over on Monday, I foresee lots of consumption of beer ahead of me, something to look forward to.

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txt my mates, no one was free tonight, and no one is free tommrow. havent seen any of em in a week. most most in 2. im so bored and lonely. i just want to hang out for a couple of hours, maybe grab a beer.


my mam is taking pity on me, wanting to do stuff, but to be honest, my parents arnt my friends. its not like he can just piss about and talk about mate stuff.


scored a purple lizzy (£20) of grandparents for helping make a plith for the fridge. wasnt necicary, i didnt get to do anything as my dad did it all. i tried to dissuade them, but its due to decline a gift so i took it.


aunty and uncle popped round with my cousins baby for a bit. i love him to bits, hes so gentle and sweet. sat and played cars with him, he always gives me high 5s, which is the best thing ever.


play have finaly dispached chrono trigger. i expect it mid next week. useless wankers. packing for 48 hours? its a ds box, how lng could it take to pack?


umbrella chronicles came in the post from love film. enjoying it actualy, speeding through but a nice bit of mindless shooting never hurt any one.


all in all, this has been my worst week in months, but atleast its coming to a close.

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