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Ooo, Psychology was odd today. Got this talk from the author of all these point crime books. He was so patronising, the four of us just left (It was for year 8's, but we joined in because Miss thought it might be helpful). We went back to class, ate massive amounts of mini-eggs and caught up on "Gossip". It was ace. She hates the other group completely, but loves us (due to there only being 5 of us).


One girl in the other group (I've dubbed her "tramp"...I swear if I throw change at her, she'll put out) scares the rest of them by judging everyone, and stops anyone from raising their hand. It's shocking. Bitch.




Had my last exam today. Dear god, I'm so funking happy. I couldn't answer one question at all...something about dispersion graphs. Tosspots. It's a solid C at least...hopefully. If not, someones getting bitch slapped. With a C, I can average a B, which is fine. :D


Having a little party tomorrow, which should be nice. A large amount of vodka is needed to destroy the memorys of the exams/have fun embrassing myself. Haven't done that in sooooo long.

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A friend at work told me how many times its clicked affects it too? I'd be happy to click it a few (hundred) times if you like. :p


That would be awesome thanks!! But I heard it only counted one click per IP address.


Now if only everyone would do the same! (please please please!) :grin:


Are you learning to drive at the moment Letty?

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That would be awesome thanks!! But I heard it only counted one click per IP address.


Now if only everyone would do the same! (please please please!) :grin:


Are you learning to drive at the moment Letty?


Not sure if it'll help but I clicked it. =)

And it reminded me once again that I really need to learn to drive someday...


Today wasn't too bad. Feeling better than yesterday, though still not 100%. But at least I managed to go to school (it helped that I didn't have to go until the afternoon though). Even cycled there (missed my bus), something I haven't done since November I think, though I did feel a bit dizzy from that, heh.


Am now about to clean my room, so I can actually have my guest sleep in here tomorrow, haha. It's such a mess. X3

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Do civil engineering. Mechanical, medical and aerospace all involve electronics, whilst civil does not.


Can you actually give me a rundown of what the different types of Engineering involve, what you study, what you can do with them? Because I keep coming back to it as a possible Uni course but in all honesty I don't know much about it!

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Totally forgot that it's Superbowl weekend this weekend. Brother mentioned it earlier. Will have to get supplies tomorrow. SHould be an interesting match on Sunday. Interesting in the sense that the Steelers should walk away with it but I'm hoping the Cardinals win it. Always good to see the underdog do well.

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Can you actually give me a rundown of what the different types of Engineering involve, what you study, what you can do with them? Because I keep coming back to it as a possible Uni course but in all honesty I don't know much about it!


Well, at Surrey at least, Mechanical, Medical and Aerospace have identical first years, and Civil is similar with a few modules cut out (eg electronics, thermodynamics) and a few added (eg surveying, geology).


2nd year and upward, Medical takes in some biology, and focuses on medical equipment, such as sensors. Aerospace focuses on aerodynamics, as you would expect, whilst Mechanical is orientated towards the likes of engines and hydraulics. Civil engineering is the design and construction of pretty much any stationary construction (pipes, roads, railways, bridges, buildings/foundations, tunnels, etc, etc) and includes geology and surveying, amongst other things.


As for jobs, mechanical engineering can lead to the greatest variety of jobs, whilst civil is the most likely to land you a job, as people always need consultants & contractors.

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EDIT Dante, that's the third time in a day you've posted it, or something!


Only twice, posted one yesterday in post the media etc topic and today in this topic.



Dante, that is one of the funniest thing i've seen a while. Thanks for the laugh :D



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urgh, what a day.


wait in all day for a phone call from a prespective job, never got the call. doubt ive got it.


none of my mates are able to do owt, most of them are busy with girlfriends/work, group thats left is apparently to small tyo do owt.


tommorow seems like it'l be more of the same, then sunday is apparently newcastle v sunderland, which seems a big deal to my mates (geographical proximity seems to have an inverse relationship with hate in terms of football) so an all day sesh is planned. might go along. only two hours of footy to endure, and ina pub, were i can drink.


god i need somthig to happen, lest i die of bordom/missadventure caused my bordom.




he looks like hes just been hunting arnie in the jungle.

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I seriously hate where I'm working at the moment. :(


There's a load of new executive peoples moved in to our building. We are round the back and they are all located around the front, where the kitchen and toilets are. Think they've decided to take over... The kitchen looked like a BOMB had hit it... They are grotty pigs the whole lot of them!! Left all their stuff in the kitchen, boxes and boxes of it (its a very small kitchen to start with) and their dirty dishes are left lying all day.


The boss of the people that had moved in approached one of my colleagues and said "this isn't aimed at you guys, just to let you know I'm putting up a sign to keep the kitchen tidy" .... There's one already there... wtf?


And the boss also came in later today and said "whoever's tub of butter that was, by the way we've used it and we'll replace it tomorrow, hope that's ok."




*grumbles to self some more*

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I seriously hate where I'm working at the moment. :(


There's a load of new executive peoples moved in to our building. We are round the back and they are all located around the front, where the kitchen and toilets are. Think they've decided to take over... The kitchen looked like a BOMB had hit it... They are grotty pigs the whole lot of them!! Left all their stuff in the kitchen, boxes and boxes of it (its a very small kitchen to start with) and their dirty dishes are left lying all day.


The boss of the people that had moved in approached one of my colleagues and said "this isn't aimed at you guys, just to let you know I'm putting up a sign to keep the kitchen tidy" .... There's one already there... wtf?


And the boss also came in later today and said "whoever's tub of butter that was, by the way we've used it and we'll replace it tomorrow, hope that's ok."




*grumbles to self some more*


I think I stole this word from Flinky. But it's the best word ever, concerning hugs.



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