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Done nothing today.


My new aim for February is to find someone who will go to a parkour beginners class with me...and go, obviously.










Really this shouldn't be too hard to actually sort out. I did Scottish Country Dancing and that was not as cool an idea as this. Close, but not quite.

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One dude from a camp in America phoned me today. I think I did alright but you can never tell in these interviews that when they go "Oook" after answering seach question if they're feeling it or not.




This is the camp. In Conneticut, apparently 2 hours drive to New York. Seems a nice place to go. I'm excited they were interested in me, but I'm not sure I want to commit fully lest another camp becomes interestings in me.

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Camp close to New York? Sounds awesome!





Feeling a bit better than this morning, though still not great. Spent all day in bed, constantly waking up and falling back asleep. Took some medicine, which I think helped quite a bit (might take some more soon).


I know mom is going to be annoyed that I didn't go to school, but bleh to her. I'm not gonna go in when I feel shit, because then I won't do any work anyway. Plus I actually finished two sketches today (for the ear poem) and sent them in, so it's not like I didn't do anything. >.>;

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Done nothing today.


My new aim for February is to find someone who will go to a parkour beginners class with me...and go, obviously.










Really this shouldn't be too hard to actually sort out. I did Scottish Country Dancing and that was not as cool an idea as this. Close, but not quite.


Didn't you hate Mirror's Edge?:p

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Done nothing today.


My new aim for February is to find someone who will go to a parkour beginners class with me...and go, obviously.










Really this shouldn't be too hard to actually sort out. I did Scottish Country Dancing and that was not as cool an idea as this. Close, but not quite.


I've been thinking about doing this too, but doubt anyone I know would be up for it.

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Didn't you hate Mirror's Edge?:p


Mirror's Edge is to parkour what Tetris is to building.


I've been thinking about doing this too, but doubt anyone I know would be up for it.


Well if you're in London then...yeah, that's not going to work. :heh:


If I'm still as enthusiastic for it on Monday I might just go by myself. None of my friends in London are very sporty...well two are but one has broken their foot and the other their arm.


That can't be many places in the country that run courses though can there?


In London so I'm pretty much sorted. Plus I found that there are classes a lot closer to me, my local tube station actually, but they aren't beginners classes like the other ones I found. Maybe if I do this whole thing and get used to it I'll be able to go to the one near by.


Saying it and doing it are two different things though so I'd really like to do it with someone.


I'm determined.

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I'd give it a go but yeah. London.


Just checked the module guides for my modules next semester. Gotta do a freakin' group presentation. In my third year. They having a laugh? My grades shouldn't be compromised by someone else. Also they are showing us Demons. How lame. At least the assignments look like they can be over and done with quite quickly, nothing too taxing.


Also. Should work on my CV...


Got myself all sorted for tomorrow though; meeting someone to discuss website, hair appointment, meeting a friend for a leaving drink and then someone else for a meal. Cram in as much of my hometown as I can so I don't have to go back there frequently.

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Last night was awesome. Bowling fun was had, it was Girls 1-1 Boys in the end, although I beat ReZ and spenno182 in both games, just saying :p. I'm not too competitive at all. Then drinks and general lols, followed by a few tears because...


Today is our friend's last day, she's moving to New Zealand for two years, it's muchly sad.


i'm actually gutted now


will miss her so....

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So tired. They really should sort out the lecture times for psychology at my Uni as having a lecture at 4pm till 5pm is ridiculous, especially when there are quite a lot of people who are commuting from outside Dundee. Lecture was ok though. Nothing overly interesting but kept me awake. Learning about memories and stuff and it's one of the things I've been looking forward to.


Besides that, I've not done anything else. Just got home a few minutes ago and turned the laptop and tv on. And first thing that appears on the Scottish news on BBC 1 was brilliant. A little news story about my town being voted the most dismal town in Scotland. Score! :heh: I have to agree though. It's pretty damn depressing around here. Nothing to do for kids as they shut the cinema years ago and turned it into a bingo hall and a club. Seem to be more interested in building more houses, even though the town doesn't need them, than giving us some decent services. Oh well, it's funny.

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Got up at 7 for a 9:15 lesson which involved...


watching videos on youtube.

I then went to Sainsbury's and bought milk and batteries.

Now I can eat Coco Pops as I play my Kurohige Hard Gay, whilst it makes noises everytime I stab it, thus leading it to make HG's catchphrase 'Fuuuuu~~' when he pops up.

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