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Coolio mendoza.


It's just that I can't imagine my A-Level English teachers being members of N-Europe! You could bring a youthful spark to the subject.


I bring a sense of idiocy to education. I think so anyway.


That reminds me, we had a new english teacher for gcse yr 11, as long as they come (25..) he opened his lesson by rapping shakespeare and mildly concussing himself on the light above him as he jumped shouting lines from hamlet.


He sounds like a right laugh. How was the rapping? Was he white? If he was, it must have been shocking.



Oooo, controversy!

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Bleh, my tutor sending me all that extra info telling me he doesn't need my assignment till Monday at the earliest has taken all the wind out of my sails. I was flowing along quite nicely and hoping to have it finished by now, but my mind has now totally rebelled and gone on strike today. (=_=)


Blah, I'm going for a soak in the tub.

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You loved eet really.


I love having my tits played with.


You sure you want to invite me to your birthday shindigs :p


We got our first bill since moving here today :o! Electricity bill. £72 for three months. Not bad. Figured it out as just under £12 each per month.


Captain Awesome (housemate's boyfriend. I know too many Nicholases so he got renamed Captain Awesome) text me asking if I knew how you posted assignments and I said "no, but can send it me if you like" so im handing in his and his girlfriend's assignments on Monday.


Speaking of. Feeling okay about my folklore one after at about 2am realising its in A WEEK TODAY! but it should be fine. My screenwriting one I hit a stroke of win; looking through an old notebook I found a load of old notes (fancy that!) which show development really well so that should be super beneficial.


Got myself all planned out for tomorrow. :D Oh and I've rented three films from work; Lust Caution (tomorrow as it has to be back Sunday), Gozu and Mirrormask. A nice mix I believe :p


And im oddly giddy considering its 0:20.

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On the topic of awesomely bizzarre teachers. How strange is this.


On my history teachers 58th birthday today, he said the following:

"Unlike my birthday, I don't only come once a year.." Cue laughter and then an uncomfortable moment across the class.


This teacher is a brilliant 58 year old gay welshman if that helps to improve the scene at all. It was quite classic.

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Managed to oversleep a bit again today. Wanted to get up at 8, but it ended up being 10. But then again, I didn't go to bed until 4:30 last night/this morning, so I guess I can be forgiven, haha.


Going to be doing more studying today, and maybe write out the theory for my Composition assignment (even though I have no idea where to start with that one).

Also have a big family reunion to go to from mom's side of the family. There's going to be a lot of people again, since her family is huuuuuuuge. But yay, food! Will be Spanish food even, hopefully it's good!


Also, even though I'm not a huge fan of snow, today is looking lovely outside. The sky is a nice blue, the sun is shining, and everything is white, even all the tree branches (from all the frost I guess). It's quite beautiful to look at. And there's kids playing with a sledge outside, makes me want to join them, haha. =P



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Lovely picture, I have a similar view from my window. It's cold as hell though. Well, not really, since hell is supposed to be a hot place, but you know what I mean.


In other news: I just laid down some pure pwnage on my Japanese grammar exam!


Haha yeah, it's super cold! Apparently they measured a temperature of -20,7°C in our neighbouring city this week; I don't remember it ever being this cold! X3


And whooo for pwnage! How many exams do you have left?

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Haha yeah, it's super cold! Apparently they measured a temperature of -20,7°C in our neighbouring city this week; I don't remember it ever being this cold! X3


And whooo for pwnage! How many exams do you have left?


Too many. Still 7 left. I wanna go hooooooome. I bought two game this week and I have to wait three more weeks until I get to play them, aaaggrrhrhggrh.

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Too many. Still 7 left. I wanna go hooooooome. I bought two game this week and I have to wait three more weeks until I get to play them, aaaggrrhrhggrh.


Haha shit, that's a lot of exams! Hope they go well for you!

And don't worry, I'm sure those games will be well worth the wait! =)

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Lovely picture, I have a similar view from my window. It's cold as hell though. Well, not really, since hell is supposed to be a hot place, but you know what I mean.


In other news: I just laid down some pure pwnage on my Japanese grammar exam!


actually, According to Dante's Inferno, the deepest circle of Hell in which Satan dwells and the souls of the worst of the worst sinners (people who talk at the cinema) are kept is made of frozen iron I believe.

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actually, According to Dante's Inferno, the deepest circle of Hell in which Satan dwells and the souls of the worst of the worst sinners (people who talk at the cinema) are kept is made of frozen iron I believe.


Shepherd Book reference?


Went to go print off my screenwriting work thus far and the ink has died! Curse it. Trying to decide whether to go to uni and pay the £3.50 its going to come to to print all this or hope I can find a cheap ink cartridge in town for about £10. Plus that way we can print our dissertations here...

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Last night ended up being cut short because of fights, not great really. 12:30am is early for the Measure to be closed on a Friday night, its only ever shut early if there are no people there.


First of the 2 bells rang, i went to get a last drink and staff said inc the manager "Not serving anymore, sorry" in between sorting commotion out. Just about to leave and a guy on the table next to us gets up goes to the bar and gets a round of drinks in. Pretty miffed now, i go to a barman i know and ask why he got served and not me. Was going to get into a row myself with the staff about why i couldn't get a drink but he can, but it wasn't worth it really.


Heading out, nearly get smacked by someone who thought i was chatting up his g/f, he got diffused quickly. Same barman comes up to me and says he'll have a word to the manager so the same thing about the drinks doesn't happen again.


And now for today. Just went onto ZU, the other forum i go on often as well as N-E and just had a message on there saying a Moderator will be previewing all my posts before posting. Don't have a clue why, me being a 5 year veteran on there shouldn't need post checks.

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My 10 year old motherboard (that my server used) just kicked the bucket. Ironically on the day my new stuff for it came, nice timing.


So i'll be buying a Motherboard with a dual core 1.6ghz Intel Atom and a gig of ram later.


Yay, less money! :D

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Just went onto ZU, the other forum i go on often as well as N-E and just had a message on there saying a Moderator will be previewing all my posts before posting. Don't have a clue why, me being a 5 year veteran on there shouldn't need post checks.


Hmm, could be due to an epic-thread-style incident, and they've locked everyone down?

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Back in Sheffield.


Left my parents about ten minutes ago, miss them alot already. Only got to see my dad for a day only to disappear! Sucks.


Hopefully my mate will be round later for xbox session and then head to his with ice cream ^_^. Luckily nobody is back yet, so loud music!

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Went to town and couldn't find any cheap ink. Did find an orange bath robe which I wanted but it was for a 7 year old and I don't think it would have covered the essentials so alas I didn't buy. Went to uni and printed stuff off and bumped into a classmate so chatted to them for a while and now im back here and trying to do a textual analysis of an episode of Sugar Rush for screenwriting but the disk seems to be damaged >_<


Phoned my mother up earlier. She went from "thinking about moving house but the cost may be a bit too much" yesterday to informing me she's moving on Wednesday. At least I'll have somewhere to go now when I need to be back home (ish) for things.

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