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My day was epic boredom. Friday the 13th is out to get me. I lost my nose thing when i was sleepin, and had to get my nose re-pierced, was painful. :(


Also got another piercing which is now hurting. Desperately trying to not touch it! I sometimes wonder why I put myself through it. :heh:


6 days in a row working, rough one buttons. You'll enjoy your time off more when you get it tho, surely :D

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I'm totally spaced out today...


I barely got any sleep last night and I've been walking around like a zombie all day drifting in and out of conciousness. :heh:


The week has caught up with me! (it sometimes does :))


School was good as we just watched movies and stuff. Also I don't have to go in for Open day tomorrow which is great! :grin:


Tonight I have been unsure what to do. I filled out a job application form for somewhere to work in the summer which took ages. >_____<


Then I have been trying to watch anime but kept falling alseep and so now I'm going to given and go to bed. :D

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Day was good (ie full of nothingness) but it took a nose-dive toward the end. Got a text off my dad from saying he knows my mom was having an affair. I replied with (in longer words) hes being a fucking idiot for believing my brother as his only source of intel being his manipulative cheaing finacee (as hes in jail and she has turned him against my parents in the search for his inheritance money). And then later as I was returning home I text my friend and his boyfriend replied with "stop trying to steal my boyfriend or I'll fucking punch your face in". He's always been hostile toward me for no real reason so I facebooked him saying "sorry if I caused you offense, I didn't mean it. I wanted distraction. But if you'd rather I fucked off and left you to it then fine. Frankly I've tried to be friends with you but you've only been hostile. Whatever."


And I've decided my brother's girlfriend will be my next target (and as I said a few days ago, everyone it seems to have pissed me off has suffered. yay karma). The first portof call is her dog who she's dumped with her dad. I always see ruin people's lives as a three strand effect. Her dog is one. I just need to figure a way to ruin her work and her relationship.


As Brand New say; I have desperate desires and unadmirable plans.

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Ashley, you are a man after my own heart. :)

At least a couple years ago you would have been. Now I don't find anyone is worth the effort. :blank:


Me and you Daft, we can make sweet 80s babys!


Don't give up though. You are a charming, kind and attractive person. You just need to find someone who shares the personality traits with the kind of person I want; someone who takes orders :p


Failing that. You live in London eh? I should be there over the summer :P

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lol, love the sound of that.


I have plenty of friends that take orders. I think I need someone who is a bit of a challenge and who I can also respect (i.e. the impossible). :indeed:


Indeed I do live in London though you'll probably find the reality of me rather less spectacular than the ethereal image I attempt to project on the forum. :heh:

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Well what can I say? I like short shorts :P


But nah. I agree. I need someone who challenges me. Someone who I can have an out of control awful relationship with. The drama. The epicness. "lives ruined, spanning years and continents, bloodshed. epic."

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Politics? I think. See Haver, it's not all bad, some random interneter (me!) cares enough about you to possibly have remembered what you're doing at uni.


Odders, your attention is a comfort in these dark times.


Yeah, it's Politics. My interest petered out in Year 12 but I gave it a shot. I thought I would become Kafka or something. Maybe the undergrad spirit would grasp me by the knackers and wrench me skyward? Who knows.




-- Card is cancelled.

-- Dad called, which is nice.

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Well what can I say? I like short shorts :P


But nah. I agree. I need someone who challenges me. Someone who I can have an out of control awful relationship with. The drama. The epicness. "lives ruined, spanning years and continents, bloodshed. epic."


At least I know what to wear! :p

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Guest Stefkov

Went to work at 6. The Ukis started drinking right away of course. At about 9 or 10 I was forced to join in. Had about....at least 10 double shots of Nemiroff. Possibly less, I may be overexagerating partially because I don't remember how many. I'm not pissed, I know what I'm doing I just feel drunk. That's what is great about Ukis. Get drunk with a shit load of food so they can go through 15 bottles of Soyuz (40% 70CL) in a night and be as pissed as an English cock after a few pints. I'm just really warm so I'm sat here in underwear.

I think I'll take a bottle of Nemiroff and Menoff to the pary on Friday night. Uki vodka is the shit.

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Had the most amazing night out, met up with my really close friends at this nice little S&M club in Walthamstow. Also met loads of new people, including this pro Domme who runs a network of PPV websites, she was really taken with me. Had plenty of play, probably about 2 hours worth, until I wore out all my Domme friends. Got photographed by the club photographer a few times, so they'll be up on the website soon, and we took a load of photos outside the club at the end of the night, should be getting those emailed to me tomorrow. All in all it was the best birthday I've ever had.

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Had the most amazing night out, met up with my really close friends at this nice little S&M club in Walthamstow. Also met loads of new people, including this pro Domme who runs a network of PPV websites, she was really taken with me. Had plenty of play, probably about 2 hours worth, until I wore out all my Domme friends. Got photographed by the club photographer a few times, so they'll be up on the website soon, and we took a load of photos outside the club at the end of the night, should be getting those emailed to me tomorrow. All in all it was the best birthday I've ever had.


Good for you, babe!


Yesterday was an interesting day.


I have a few major problems at the apartment which the Landlady has told me to go **** myself about. The sink is loose from its housing in the bathroom, the dining chairs are all falling apart, kitchen door needed fixing before I even arrived here and she never bothered.


Spoke to her recently married to"husband" (this was a woman who was up until about 3 months ago pestering me for a date) and he told me in very nice and friendly terms to... go get ****ed.


I actually prefer it when people are honest, so her approach is better. But I'm going to give them a suitable call back on this. It's three months til the contract is up for renewal, I told them I'd take it again. Plan is to wait til the 11th hour to sign (so they have no replacement) and then tell them I'm not interested.


Anyone else got a suitable revenge lay?


AAaaaaand: my band has a massive performance Sunday in one of the most expensive and desirable bars in Shanghai - add to that I am singing on number entirely in Japanese, and you have a recipe for stress. So we had a rehearsal yesterday and the police made us come and stop, I had an eyeball-contest with the fuzz and won. Probably silly thing to do.

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... Staring contests with the police, vengance schemes, wet ceilings and the usual bondage? Regular day at N-E I guess.


I'm up at this ungodly hour, and have been since 7, because my curtains are too thin and I've got taht hangover which doesn't let you sleep at all. Mask party was fairly fun last night, pictures later hopefully. Up to episode 136 of Bleach (boo fillers), and have Broken Sword 2 to play today. Good weather, so maybe some drinks in the park if I survive the 10am hangover kick-in.

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Oh god. Oh god.


Last night was, eventful. It was all good, me and two other guys were the only vaguely sober ones at one point. But then, people passed me drinks and I got very, very wasted. I remember being outside and being sick in the courtyard, then leaning over the toilet for about half an hour. Then I felt awesome again and sung on the karaoke shouting along to "What a Feeling".


I got walked home at one point, but then bumped into people I know, and wondered back. Also, friends don't let friends dial drunk! I said things I shouldn't have done and no I'm regretting it.


I ended up falling asleep on the college field at 5am, and then huddling in a phonebox to keep walm until it was late enough to go home. God, I'm so embaressed at being sick. Thats the only the second time it's happened, but when it does...it happens alot. :heh:

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Last night I was in the pub with a couple of friends, and this crazy Australian guy in a suit sat down with us and started telling us his life story. Then he tried to claim he liked to pretend to be dumb, but it didn't really work.


Ah, random drunk people...

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My ear piercing hurts like hell, but a bit of warm salty water seemed to calm it a little. I know, I know, brought it on myself :heh:


Can't decide on what colour to dye my hair next, and its starting to look a bit meh with the roots coming out.



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