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I've been debating whether or not to join a gym to help shed my excess pounds, in a way i think it will benefit me a lot as at the moment i am doing enough to not actually put a pound or kilo on but not enough to get rid of same. Think more walking will help in a way as well, i do like my walking and now that summer is on the way more will be be on the cards.


Had a good night last night, also discovered that someone gets in a strop if they are not out with me on a pub night. Went out on Tuesday with my mate Dave, and lo and behold none of us invited Linz out so she was in a strop with both of us on Wednesday and is still stroppy with Dave but not with me now. Childish i think.

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Guest Jordan

I just did some internal bug testing here at work, not something i usually do.


Head of Q&A seemed impressed... which is good since i want to work in Q&A. Tonnes more money and far more exciting than sitting listening to **** customers. I think i'll talk to the boss about it in a couple of months time when i've been here for a year.

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Final chapter in the nonsense, overlooked saga of esasyass!

EsasyAss. E-Sassy Ass. PRON!LOLetc.


Finished on 4,012 words. Basically decided not to use many quotes at all and concentrate on interpreting and explaining my story. Would anyone like to read it? It's not perfect as it was written with a wordcount in mind. I want to know what bits are boring.

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Last night was rather good - went out for a meal for a friend's 18th (she got *slightly* drunk...), most of us went to the pub afterwards, and then back to a friends house for wine, as well as the champagne I got her as a prezzie (I was rather pleased with my choice), and got back here at about quarter to 1 to find my council is now under the Lib Dems, which is nice. :smile:


Oh, and I have the day off school today. :D

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Final chapter in the nonsense, overlooked saga of esasyass!

EsasyAss. E-Sassy Ass. PRON!LOLetc.


Finished on 4,012 words. Basically decided not to use many quotes at all and concentrate on interpreting and explaining my story. Would anyone like to read it? It's not perfect as it was written with a wordcount in mind. I want to know what bits are boring.


what's it on?


you're a creative writer type, aye? wouldn't mind swapping some material with you as i need a 2nd eye over my drafts as my module marks are so far up shit creek that they're about to make a remake of that film about horiffic hillbilly rape.

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*Warning - massive rant ahead.*


I fucking hate my college. If I could burn it down, I would.


Since last year when I was assulted/threatened by a group of chavs with a knife I've developed a fear of being in a big crowd of people. So since novemeber I've been dodging assembly at college because I just can't sit down in that large of a room with that many people without feeling like I'm going to have a panic attack. Anyhoo, I was outside near the swimming pool at college when the group of Chavs happen to wonder over and start throwing rocks at me. I run off home and explain what happened to my parents to then get a call from college saying they don't know where I am and they "understand he's beeing not attending assembly for some unknown reason".


My parents have been told that If I don't "buck my ideas up" the college will be forced to suspend me. I mean, WTF?! I attend every single one of my fricking lessons - I get good grades and yet because of missing assembly they want to suspend me?


Lets see, over the past year I've been:

Assulted, Threatend with a knife 9 times, Had two good friends die, one being less than 2 weeks ago, Been attacked twice by my bitch of a sister who was sent to prison a couple of weeks back.


I know I shouldn't have lied about where I was during those 15 minutes every friday (I just sit outside until it's over) but I felt so embarassed about not being able to sit in an assembly with my friends for 15 minutes that I felt lying about it was my only option.


I'm so angry. I mean, I get old "we've been doing everything for you these past few months and you throw it back in our face". YOU'VE DONE NOTHING. My parents had to make an official complaint against the college a few months back, and they got a warning from the education board because they were doing nothing - so screw that.


/massive rant.

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Xscape is an indoor ski centre which has real snow. :heh:


I've never actually seen that bit of it so it doesn't count as actually existing :) Although in a few weeks i will since my little brother is having a sledging party there and i have to look after small children :P

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Final chapter in the nonsense, overlooked saga of esasyass!

EsasyAss. E-Sassy Ass. PRON!LOLetc.


Finished on 4,012 words. Basically decided not to use many quotes at all and concentrate on interpreting and explaining my story. Would anyone like to read it? It's not perfect as it was written with a wordcount in mind. I want to know what bits are boring.

Post in in creative and/or send it to interested people. (myself included)


Anyway, today was alrightish so far. I overslept, and am still failing to work out what my alarm did - it wasn't going when I woke up, and I had taped down the turn off alarm switch, and the tape was still in place, and the alarm symbol still on. I've subjected it to various tests, and the alarm doesn't seem to turn off, so something odd's going on. Either way, I missed my single lecture, which doesn't matter greatly as I can read up on it, but I opened my email inbox to find that they'd decided to spring a surprise practical on us all, so went to that, and it was actually quite fun. Not so much a practical as a lecture with lots of interesting videos of cell division.


So after that, I decided 'twas high time to hoover my room, and I had the unmissable experience of using a Henry for the first time. (sorry Dyson, but you just don't match up) My carpet is a strange one, it seems to be covered in a layer of hair (mostly not mine), that never really comes off entirely, whatever you do to it. I tried my damndest, and got somewhere by alternating rubbing with hoovering, but I fear a few odd bits of MYSTERY HAIR still remain. (Note to pedants: I am aware that Henry vacuum cleaners are not manufactured by the Hoover company, but really don't care)


Anyway, on to work, with perhaps an elegant side dish of work with lime dressing. Game theory first I suppose.

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I run off home and explain what happened to my parents to then get a call from college saying they don't know where I am and they "understand he's beeing not attending assembly for some unknown reason".


My parents have been told that If I don't "buck my ideas up" the college will be forced to suspend me. I mean, WTF?! I attend every single one of my fricking lessons - I get good grades and yet because of missing assembly they want to suspend me?


Lets see, over the past year I've been:

Assulted, Threatend with a knife 9 times, Had two good friends die, one being less than 2 weeks ago, Been attacked twice by my bitch of a sister who was sent to prison a couple of weeks back.


I know I shouldn't have lied about where I was during those 15 minutes every friday (I just sit outside until it's over) but I felt so embarassed about not being able to sit in an assembly with my friends for 15 minutes that I felt lying about it was my only option.


Your best bet is to come clean - to an extent. Tell your collage (preferably your head of house/year/whatever you have) that you have, as you said, a fear of crowds, and if he, she, or it doesn't understand why, explain to them why. Explain to them that you would go in (even if in reality you find it so boring it makes performing brain surgery on yourself look fun), but you will have a panic attack if you do. Tell them that you'll happily spend the time doing work in a classroom somewhere, and even show the it afterwards.


You need to get them to understand that you want to comply as best you can, and to do well, but you emotionally cannot do this one, educationally-wise tangential, activity.

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Your best bet is to come clean - to an extent. Tell your collage (preferably your head of house/year/whatever you have) that you have, as you said, a fear of crowds, and if he, she, or it doesn't understand why, explain to them why. Explain to them that you would go in (even if in reality you find it so boring it makes performing brain surgery on yourself look fun), but you will have a panic attack if you do. Tell them that you'll happily spend the time doing work in a classroom somewhere, and even show the it afterwards.


You need to get them to understand that you want to comply as best you can, and to do well, but you emotionally cannot do this one, educationally-wise tangential, activity.


I would. Gladly. That 15 minutes would really help with doing coursework, hard as that may seem. They know this, they know I work hard and yet they seem to always assume that worst about me and I'm sick of it. They know I try damn hard, it was hard enough attending college at all when the threatening was happening, they offered to let me learn at home for a few weeks but I refused because I wanted to be in college.


My parents have called up the college as asked and explained exactly whats going on and about my fear of large crowds and why I didn't tell them, but all this had to be said to a receptionist because my head of year was "too busy". Wonderful.

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Sounds like you need to report them to somebody else, sounds as bad as my college, but then I have a week left thank god.


Not much today, got some part of an assignment in, ate food and went to the doctors to pick up a perscription. Smartie sized tablets whoopie..


Make me want to throw up, but four day weekend and I get to see my mate over the weekend. =] win win.

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Guest Stefkov

Had my final 3 hours of one of my exams. I'm gonna have to stay behind next week, every night and get a shed load of work done.

Work piling up ~fuuuuuu~


On way hom mum went into Tesco, I sat in the car listening to Classic FM. Now I'm here, where I can waste my time away and no-one cares.

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Had a pretty piss-about end of school, because my science teacher (who happens to be the least PC person in the world) "couldn't be bothered". We just stuck Youtube up on the big board and watched Britain's Got Talent clips for the remaining half-an-hour.

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Last lecture of the year. Wii Fit. Bit of town. Hanging out with friends. Ringing landlords to find out pyscho's contract has been renewed so we're homeless. Joy joy joy!


Renew yours, and then have a restraining order put on him? Harsh, but it serves him right.

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