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Actually, I did go to a school where I'm pretty sure they'd have expelled someone who did that. But that school was insane, they thought it was still the 50s. Incidentally, a guy at my dad's school actually did get expelling for calling a teacher a **** (c-word). My dad says it was probably justified. :heh:

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Twas a joke =]


Seriously, I can't believe you did that Haggis. seems a bit harsh that you belittled your teacher in front of the class like that. Although you did say she was annoying so maybe she did really deserve it. Maybe you should try and sayit in a nicer way next time or just walk out =]


Lol! Well, she does the same to us, and she was doing the same to me during the "argument". So, I stood up for myself. As I said in the music thread (Coolness!) I've got a new attitude of not letting people walk all over me so she deserved it, basically. She's just so stuck-up, it's unbeliveable, telling her pupil that they are going to fail a subject and that they shouldn't be in college in down right wrong.


*Will try and control his temper next time (Unless they deserve it, obviously :p)

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It was a shop called Playtime in th Merrion Centre. It wasn't a dedicated import store, but there were import games for sale there.


Today me and Jordan are going to a butterfly garden :D

I've also played DJ max portable 2 all morning.


ah yea that's right next to my lecture rooms and the mighty Zaidens take away :) They are quite cheap in there too :)

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I have a trip coming up for sociology. It's optional and I have chosen to give it a miss considering I the last one was terrible, and I'm missing important lessons if I go. I tell my teacher this, and she lectures me infront of the class saying "Well, you're going to fail the subject, you might aswell not be in college if you have an attitude like that". I told her "I'm really sorry Miss, but I don't care about this subject as much as my others. I'm not carrying this on, I'm at a pass level at the moment so therefore I see no need to waste my time being lectured when I could be doing more important work thats going to help me get on my uni course".


She then told me to get out the room! I flipped (I really need to control my voicebox, I get myself into so much trouble), told her to "Fuck off Miss, you're totally contradicting yourself by sending me out the room - I'm not going to be forced to do anything, especially by a condescending bitch such as yourself".


I used those exact words! It was beyond awesome, I've hated her for so long, as have the rest of my year. Everyone was laughing at how peeved she looked. It was brill.


I was in the right, right? Apart from the being a little rude, I did have a point didn't I?


Rude, but unfair, it's not high school after all and she shouldn't be shouting at you for not wanting to go on one trip.


There's alot I'd like to say to some of my tutors after not turning up AGAIN today, then they'll have the cheek to ask me why i've not done any work. Drives me and I'm pretty sure the rest of my class insane. Because it's just not fiar that they cannot be bothered showing for our lessons when we waited four hours today for a teacher and nobody bothered replacing her, nobody bothers marking the work during holidays and we still haven't got our iva's back which we need to complete within 5 weeks.


I'm annoyed though, the first iva I didn't even manage to pass, apprently very few did! So hopefully we get that back. Otherwise no uni for me. I mean I can get away with having a pass in that iva as long as I have at least a few distinctions in my other subjects and a merit/distinction in my second iva, which I will definately be getting back...argh it's all such a struggle.

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My day almost turned from good into amazing. Logged on and had an email from national lottery website. All it said was we have good news about your ticket log in to see.


I rushed to the site in a hot sweat to look at my account balance and it said...... £2.... Yes I won £2 for getting the first number on dream number which I wasnt even meant to do when buying my lottery ticket on saturday....


for a moment I was getting ready to celebrate hero style, alais it wasn't to be :(

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Work today was good, my boss got a telling off for throwing a file at my head making contact as well, it hurt a lot as well by the way.


She did apologize, but i look at her a little differently now and am more cautious when around her.


Still wish i didn't go into work, wasn't too well earlier but now am fine. Will be better later once i get some food inside of me.

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Work today was good, my boss got a telling off for throwing a file at my head making contact as well, it hurt a lot as well by the way.


She did apologize, but i look at her a little differently now and am more cautious when around her.


Still wish i didn't go into work, wasn't too well earlier but now am fine. Will be better later once i get some food inside of me.


You can NEVER trust management. That the best advice I was ever given.


My manager used to be one of us and now hes all into the rules and company goal etc etc.


When he was down with us he did less work than we did :indeed:

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Guest Stefkov

It's wierd how you dread going back to college, you want just one more day off. But when you're there, everything is just normal and not like you had 2 weeks off. The only change is you get asked the question how was your holiday. Then the rest is the same.

I can't say anything exciting happened today so I'll bore you with a bus story. My bus didn't come so I had to wait for the next one which didn't come for 20 minutes. Not only is it a bitch waiting in the cold at that time (some of you will complain about buses coming once a day I know but I'm complaining here) but also this bus makes me late by 3 goddamn minutes. Once I swiped my card and it just changed from 8:40 to 41...hate it.

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Otherwise no uni for me.


Don't forget clearing, a mate went into clearing, and he got a place at a much better university then he applied for.


Currently, it looks like i'll be going into clearing, I'm sooo far behind on pretty much everything apart from Decision Maths 2 >_<

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Don't forget clearing, a mate went into clearing, and he got a place at a much better university then he applied for.


Currently, it looks like i'll be going into clearing, I'm sooo far behind on pretty much everything apart from Decision Maths 2 >_<


I'd shoot myself (obviously not literally) if I have to leave it til clearing, it's a popular course and I want in the harder way.


Sigh, I'm starting to feel down, yay! >_>

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So I'm STILL up. It's been a very, very strange day. A girl tried to give me a box of roses and I simply had to decline. Beat people at chess and go, and drank about 6 pints. Went to MacDonalds and dropped my coke on the floor - went to the front to tell him there was a spillage and all he would do would offer me a new drink. "But I just spilled ice and coke all over the floor! get someone to clear it up!" "but sir, you need a new drink! was it regular or large? Coke or sprite?" "Dude, I don't want a drink, just make sure nobody slips..." "But sir! You MUST drink! WE MUST GIVE YOU THINGS FOR NO REASON!"




Had deep philosophical conversation. I believe I have converted another.


Realised the girl I have texting me naughties is a nurse. She has a uniform. I smiled a little.


Bought Sopranos season 1, nearly bought season 2 of x-files but friend says I ought to have it on thursday which would be MEGA AWESOME. Also bought parts 2 and 3 of steve-o's don't try this at home, despite already seeing half of it, just so that I could have a complete collection.


Now I must watch nonsense in order to continue this ridiculous lack-of-sleep slo-mo montage of death. Please feel free to insert coin.




there's a playtime in sheffield. it's a pretty good store.




EDIT: And woooah yeah that's amotherfuckingbig picture. Spot the weird shit in my room GO!

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i baggsy being your first guinea pig or something


the amount of times ive procrastinated doing something with my hair :heh:


Woooo :heh: Most certainly. =D


I like experimenting with my hair, I think its time to put it into some formal kind of training. =)


-badass big image-


Salsa lid collection?


All I can say is god love your teeth boy. Thats a LOT of coke.

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