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Actually Haggis I had something like that before apart from it was 2 eyes. It was all red, a bit watery with no white and it annoyed me a lot. No idea what happened but after I had a decent sleep it was all gone. It wasn't lack of sleep that caused mine, no idea what it was.


Yeah, mines a little watery too. Awesome, thanks for the advice! I need to get up earlyish tomorrow, so I better do the sensible thing and try and get some sleep. Thanks for helping guys, it's really appreciated. :)


Also, Coolness I shall post those pics tomorrow. :D *If I remember!*

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Guest bluey

i know it's only 9am for me ~ but after a really tough day of training yesterday, and another one planned for today it was reeeeeally nice to have a chat with jamba this morning before going to work - also!!! i'm going to a penis festival on sunday.




no, you heard me right. penis festival. HELL YEAH!!

(rez, rez, i know ~ pics. it will happen. ^_^)

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Sorry to hear that Dante, sounds awful :(


My day, in classic format;


+ Went into Game and saw staff I like. Found out they replaced me with someone who is 'by the book' but was late. lols.

+ Saw some other friends while in town.

+ Got free drink at Nero.

+ Watched and analysed several Death Note eps.

+ Did houseworkey stuff.

+ Listened to happy music.

+ My horrorscope said I'm awesome.

- The one day I have felt like I could sleep in (rather than being unable to sleep) I had to get up.

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Haven't even started finishing up my computing coursework yet ¬_¬


Got to test the thing, evaluate it, and go back and change everything I need to and make sure things are there and shit.


Also staretd to cut the grass, but the lawn mower ran out of petrol, oh well. :)


Booking IGF tomorrow ^_^

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Day was really quite crappy but was just enlightened with this convo.


derick:that song is insane..even on hard

derick: i hate constant hammer ons

derick: that songs is one constant beat fest on the green notes

derick: then a huge splatter fest of hammer ons

*9milSneaky: hahaha.

*9milSneaky: oh my god.

*9milSneaky: i h a t e.

*9milSneaky: the super beat fest.

*9milSneaky: hammerons are ok.

*9milSneaky: but beat fests are awfull.

derick: haha

derick: its so crazy...

derick: but i got 3x, almost a 4x multiplyer so its alright

derick: but switching back and forth between the splatter and beat fests is the hardest part

*9milSneaky: hahaha

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I'm pretty depressed lately, and i don't really know why. Even the sun can't make me happy. Maybe im on my male period or something, but i'm just feeling pretty meh about everything. Work is stressful at the moment, my team-mate is away on holiday so its boring, and i just can't bring myself to be social with anyone.


I hope it's just a phase.

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My condolences Dante



My day started pretty good, managed to drag myself out of bed at a reasonable time, which means I had more than 10 minutes to get ready before catching the bus.

Narrowly escaped the dreaded truckers and their protesting and just found out I got into the Age Of Conan tech test.

pretty good start I say!

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Nothing like a bit of justice to cheer you up a bit. On the Halo3Forum .co.uk theres this guy (very well known as a top UK H3 player, was on TV this week on Pulse, seeded top 8 FFA at XL4 etc...) anyway, and I said someone had an April fool (which he fell for) and he absolutely ripped into me and said "Go get some medals, moron, newb" and then told me to "Go write on your mom with a green crayon" which was funny, anyway I dont know if its because of that or how long for but hes been banned from the site. Epic lulz.


Added funny is when Claire saw him on TV she said "What a chav" before I told he who he was. Heh heh heh. What a dick.

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Nothing like a bit of justice to cheer you up a bit. On the Halo3Forum .co.uk theres this guy (very well known as a top UK H3 player, was on TV this week on Pulse, seeded top 8 FFA at XL4 etc...) anyway, and I said someone had an April fool (which he fell for) and he absolutely ripped into me and said "Go get some medals, moron, newb" and then told me to "Go write on your mom with a green crayon" which was funny, anyway I dont know if its because of that or how long for but hes been banned from the site. Epic lulz.


Added funny is when Claire saw him on TV she said "What a chav" before I told he who he was. Heh heh heh. What a dick.


lulz the flamer got pwned[/13yearold]


Just got up a few hours ago and i was watching this movie about a ten year old in a catholic school and allways asked very phillosophical questions to the nuns and preachers about the existance of god.

Then i came on here...a pretty productive day so far eh?

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Operation Thursday: Read Heart of Darkness and The Moonstone by 9pm. Only 648 pages. Theoretically it should be manageable with a bit of page-skimming... but I need to take notes, too, so I imagine I'll get 1/3rd through Moonstone before 9. FINGERS CROSSED PLZ. Lend me your time!

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Guest Stefkov

Shit. I booked my interview and now I need a portfolio for it.

I best get some work done for this years course shan't I. It's not that I don't want to get a lot of work done, I need to to pass this year, it's just lugging a big folder there and back =(

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I found out today that my father has been sick near over year by the body attacking itself. :hmm::sad:


I'm so sorry to hear about this Dante. =(






I need a bit of advice. I have this callus spot on my little finger, which I've actually had for a couple of years now due to all the drawing I do (guess I do something wrong or whatever, since I've never met anyone with a callus on that spot).

Since I've been drawing so much again recently, it's started to hurt again, currently preventing me from doing more work. Does anyone know what I could do to get rid of it (unlikely) or prevent it from hurting or whatever? =/




You can barely see it in these pictures but it's a pretty obvious spot in real life (and ugly too).



Today hasn't been too productive yet. Helped my sister with cutting out a ton of invitations for a musical. Will start on school work soon, then go running later today.

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Since this morning, my inbox has been getting some immense Japanese spam attacks. When I woke up, about 60 came through at once, then they keep coming in every half hour in segments of 20 emails. Is there anything I can do to just stop this getting to me in the first place?

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I'm heading round to a mates house for a chinese and a movie, plenty of alcohol will be consumed tonight and i have a strange feeling about it as well, tonight that is, and i can't put my finger on it.


Having a good day so far, boss is not in so can do techically what i want as long as the work gets done, which it is all done right now.

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Eenuh; if you're doing a lot of drawing perhaps try and track down some padding/cushion protection like this to try and reduce the pressure/rubbing. My old shoes made some weird calluses arise on the joint on the tip of my big toes. DIdn't hurt, was just weird. New shoes that fitted better did the trick.


SO yeah - you're going to be exposing your finger to that sort of experience a lot, you need to protect it and perhaps look a little silly while doing so :)


Once when I was younger I cut my hand open and a small stone got stuck in it (or at least my 5-year-old memory tells me), and now in that same spot I've got this weird callus on the palm of my hand. I'm pretty used to it but I can imagine it looks weird.. PIX LATAR!


Er, yeah :) Read 10 pages! Miles behind schedule!

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