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My days been quite good. Had business studies this morning which was boring as usual, but not bad.


Had a driving lesson which i thought i did quite well in, justs some general driving around and stuff today.


Also my brothers in the Lincoln paper Here (He's not the druggy guy pic, the second one)


Is he the one that rescued the girl? Horray for him :yay:

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My days been quite good. Had business studies this morning which was boring as usual, but not bad.


Had a driving lesson which i thought i did quite well in, justs some general driving around and stuff today.


Also my brothers in the Lincoln paper Here (He's not the druggy guy pic, the second one)

Hehe, nice quote from his girlfriend: "I couldn't believe it when he told me what happened, I was just wondering what had happened to my chips." Cool though.


Anyway, I slept until 5pm today. ...and I'm still tired, even though I went to bed at 3am.

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mega lolz...

(hehe i r teh new rez)


i find myself watching the brit awards with my mum.. someone from take that just said a big thank you to all the riggers for their live shows....

mum was like "WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?!?!?!"


.........hearing aids all round!! :indeed:

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mega lolz...

(hehe i r teh new rez)


i find myself watching the brit awards with my mum.. someone from take that just said a big thank you to all the riggers for their live shows....

mum was like "WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?!?!?!"


.........hearing aids all round!! :indeed:


I post in regular green! Regulllaaaaarrrrrr!!!!!

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Work was okay. Assistant manager was a bit down, so I bought him red bull and one of those automatical airplane shooter things but still didn't seem to work much. Lunch with a friend. Sexual double choc frappe. Drinks and The Ex with friends, and then light conversation.


So all in all pretty good (oh other than feeling sick for a few hours), except the boy's facebook status is 'wishing someone would want to be with him'...friday is gonna be fun -_-

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Wow, didn't know there was actually an eclipse happening. =O




And yay, my first sale on RedBubble is now official! =D

So if anyone else feels like buying a high quality card (for yourself or someone else), you know where to go. =P


*eats breakfast*

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Somebody save me -.-


What's wrong?






I think something is wrong with me. My throat feels like it's sort of being closed off on one side, or being crushed or something. It's really painful and making me feel kinda nauseus. And the pain extends to my ear and my shoulder. First had it on the left and a minute later on the right (still have it now). Plus I keep smelling something weird while no one else does.



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I went to the videostore yesterday and said, "Can I take out The Elephantman."

The store owner replyed, "Nah he's not your type."

"Alright," I said "how about Batman Forever."

He replyed "you'll have to bring him back by Tuesday."


Got my driving test today at 12:15. I'm really nervous, but I'm jst goign to constantly think to myself "mirror!" and I should pass.

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