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New PC day!


It's lovely. It's amazing.


It's also empty. I have untold gigabytes of raw data to switch between disparate drives and across digital divides. I've also lost my bookmarks and all that. Pain in the arse to sort out just because it's slow and tedious.


On the plus side, Ninjavideo works again and HD Youtube doesn't glitch or anything. Winner.

Driving lesson in about 2 minutes approx. I always detest the time running up to them, as though they're really horrible experiences.


I was always the exact same.




Basically he said I shouldn't go out in my own car cause we spend half the lesson undoing bad habits I pick up that way. Which is fair enough. He said I'm actually a really good driver once he gets rid of all the stuff I bring in from my own driving. Eh. I can't really imagine a time where driving will ever seem particularly calm for me...I'm constantly mentally screaming at the possiblity of touching parked cars.



Basically he said I shouldn't go out in my own car cause we spend half the lesson undoing bad habits I pick up that way. Which is fair enough. He said I'm actually a really good driver once he gets rid of all the stuff I bring in from my own driving. Eh. I can't really imagine a time where driving will ever seem particularly calm for me...I'm constantly mentally screaming at the possiblity of touching parked cars.


Think of all the really dumb people that can do it. Surely you're not dumber than all of those people? There are some real dummies out there.


It just comes naturally after a while. After you pass your test and you go out in a car on your own for the first time it's really scary, but then it just becomes something you do.


A bit like when you first start playing a game and can't believe how hard it is, then as the levels pass if you go back to the earlier stuff it's simple. That's driving ... simple.

Posted (edited)

Hope you feel better soon Nightwolf :)


And from the previous page; I did love NYC and would love to go back again, but I should visit other places. Otherwise I'd constantly holiday in NYC and Tokyo :p Would love to go to Rome, and give Paris a proper visit.


Went to see someone I've known for years today. Since she broke up with her last boyfriend six months ago I've seen her twice, and she lives down the road now. But she's changed so much (and I have too obviously, but her changes are much more...distinct). She's got herself a new boyfriend, who she met just after he got released from prison for rape. Which makes me...cautious but you know...anyway she has also taken up smoking and said she's considering voting for the BNP. I wanted to ask what the hell had happened to her, but meh. I can't be bothered any more really. We'll just drift further apart. It happens.


And I went round as she said she'd look at my portfolio. I've put it into a folder with a plastic wallet for each section at the moment (so arms has its own wallet, animals another etc). She looked at the front one of each and peaked inside the rest. Spent about 2 minutes looking at it...thanks.


I love how my hamster just came out of her house, used the bathroom and went back to bed, all the time with her eyes closed. Exactly what I do when I wake up in the early morning and its too bright.

Edited by Ashley
Went to see someone I've known for years today. Since she broke up with her last boyfriend six months ago I've seen her twice, and she lives down the road now. But she's changed so much (and I have too obviously, but her changes are much more...distinct). She's got herself a new boyfriend, who she met just after he got released from prison for rape. Which makes me...cautious but you know...anyway she has also taken up smoking and said she's considering voting for the BNP. I wanted to ask what the hell had happened to her, but meh. I can't be bothered any more really. We'll just drift further apart. It happens.




Didn't you point out that if the BNP were in power her lovely boyfriend wouldn't have gone to prison, but may have instead been put to death?


I really couldn't be bothered with her. The ironic thing is, from what I've met of her boyfriend (which was for about an hour but the closest we got to dialogue was a grunt) he'd probably vote for them too.


I've got a swollen lymph node in my neck.. went to the doctor, I have to suck it and see. Getting my bloods done on Monday, if they are abnormal or it doesn't clear up in 2 weeks, its something to worry about. :( my aunt only recently went into remission with her fucking lymph node cancer. My dermy did mention that I've got a higher risk of cancer and to be vigilant about checking all the usual spots (especially neck)


This swelling is pulling at my muscles down my neck and shoulders/back and its actually really annoying.. And i'm so freakin tired all of the time.


The doctor was useless. First she yapped at me for not checking my bloods (this was never communicated to me from either them/dermy/rhemy so I'm meant to mind read, and I was given a book for the results and they said just to get it filled in every month) She said it could be from psoriasis flaring in my scalp.. but i've had hundreds of scalp flare ups before and nothing like this. My scalp isn't even flaring up. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.


Soo bored of being sore and broken.


Aw, get better!


My step-Nephew (is that right?) has a swollen one too, they had to do some weird tests to see what it exactly was, etc.


He's fine though, he just sits and watches In The Night Garden while everyone looks at him worried.


Just getting ready for the Pop-bop tonight. I'm going as Womanizer.


I've been growing a beard, and I shaved the majority of it off, so I just have the tash bit, and the area at the bottom of my chin and underneath. I have no idea whether it looks good or not - it's one of those things which is really hard to judge, especially from your own POV. I might have to lose the tash.


Also just realised that on one of my socks, the heel isn't aligned properly with the toe, which was the most weird thing when I worked out why the sock was so uncomfortable to wear.

impractical. Tell him he has to chip in for the rent/bills - bills, at least, is only fair if he's going to be there for half a month.


Yes, that would be helpful, but given he looks after his brother (and has no job) and gets money from the government for doing so, I'd rather just threaten him with that instead.


Given he can't exactly look after him when he's here all the time. Alas I'm now too ill/tired to care today.


Ashley: Thankyou!


Going into uni for four odd hours was a bad idea, although I got some work done, its made me unable to focus and my eyes feel like I've been punched. Nicht gut. I'll be ringing work tomorrow and then getting my anitbiotics.


Why do I only get ill in sheffield. Boo.


My day was good. :D


Okay so you can use a tortise/tortoises for:


1. Breaking Into Peoples Houses. Their shell can crack the glass and yet the turtle is saved. Also if you are caught in the middle of a burglary you can be like "Sorry I accidently hurled my tortise through the window and went into get him."


2. A Slow Get Away. If you manage to pull of your evil plan (whatever it may be) and you have to much time on your hands left at the end you can add to the victory by riding a giant tortise to flee the scene while sipping on a refreshing drink of your choice.


3. Ear Tennis. Strap two tortoises to the side of your face acting as ears and proceed to play a bizzare game of tennis with them...not sure how that would exactly work though. So failing that just use the strapped Tortises to knock passing cyclists off their bikes.


4. Defy Gravity. Stick Glue onto it's feet and watch it climb slowly up a wall and onto the ceiling. I could watch that easily for 3 hours. Buy another 20 of them and have them going in all different directions about your room. mesmerising.


5. Rotating Belt. Strap some tortoises together and put them onto an electrical rotating device (whatever that is, make one up) and watch them rotate around you in a comical fashion. Walk around town as if you had penguins around your waist to further confuse people. Add in a Turtle for maximum confusion. Warning: Tortoises may get dizzy and sick.


6. Tearing. Stick a tortoise on one end of the item you want to rip in half with its teeth and then stick another tortoise at the opposite end. Preferably one that the other tortoise has a vendetta against or just finds plain annoying for maximum ripping potential. If you find that the tortoises in fact love each other then you have gone wrong and created a love nest for the turtles. If this happens throw your item away, dirty tortoise sex is never pretty. To rip from various angles add more turtles into the fray and you can get the job done from all positions this further increases ripping potential. If this step goes wrong again then you will just be witnessing a tortoise orgy from all positions.


7. Tortoise Rockets. Stick mentos + coke inside a tortoise and shake it. Wait a second and watch all chaos let loose as your Tortoise smacks into the unwary victim. One problem is that the pressure of the bottle may result in dead tortoise which we do not condone and it is unsure whether you will hit the desired target. In fact it is better if you do more of a tamed down tortoise water display and place them gently on a sprinkler and watch it get slightly wet. much nicer.


8. A Mini Cake Holder. Insert a rod into three Tortoises shell/underside and make a 3 tiered mini tortoise table. You can use the uneven surface of each shell to place an assorted array of cakes. Not only that but since they are all still alive you can use the bottom tortoise to walk over and offer cakes to the guests. The middle Tortoise will have an additional whimsical sign in it's head that say's "I hope you enjoy your cakes today, I baked them myself =]" which will make your guests squeal with cuteness regardless of who they are and the highest Tortoise is slightly cheeky and so will begin eating the piece of cake while the guest is still in a state of excessive love from the middle tortoise.


9. A re-enactment of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Accept it will be a 4 hour play where we watch 7 Tortoises (All with extremely different personalities that are in no way stereotypical) dressed up in drag discussing the political ideals of Finland through the medium of spinning. Make sure you put extra wax on their shell before the start of the play otherwise they will stop spinning halfway through and the whole performance will be RUINED.


10. Flying to the Heavens. An elderly wise Tortoise is rare but essential for this journey for they are the only ones that know the true path. It is said that only 37 remain in the wild today. If you are fortunate enough to acquire one of this then tap the top of its shell. Wings from ages past will unfurl before you. This is where you have to act quickly because they will fly away almost instantly. Grab on to their epic moustache that will have grown so long over the years that you can fashion them into make shift handles. Do not pull on them to hard though as the tortoise will become disgruntled and either throw you off or dive into the sea, leaving you helpless. If all goes smoothly then you will be flown into the heavens and it will be a glorious site. Few who go there return and if they do they only speak in the language of the tortoises. It is said that once you arrive in Heaven your eyes will fall upon a creature that no man has witnessed before. THE GOLDEN TORTOISE. (note the tortoise is not actually golden but instead the colour of your choice) the name was created by man in order for it to sound more majestic as we are pathetic and materialistic. The uses for this particular tortoise is far greater than that of an ordinary tortoise that is why only a few return because you are only limited by your imagination.


Or in other words... I have a lot of time on my hands this evening. :p


Coolness I worry about your sanity at times.


But mostly, I just wish I could be you.


At the moment my feelings are perfectly summed up by Robin Sherbatsky:


"Have you ever had one of those days where nothing all that monumental happens, but by the end of it you have no idea who you are or what the hell you are doing with your life?"


Although I wish I had the bottle-sized glass of red wine she had in her hand when she said that.


I dunno. In a meh mood. Maybe I should watch New York I Love You. Some visual porn could be nice.


Times like this I wish I was in a relationship, purely because I could do with someone to rant at. Which probably explains why I'm never in one :heh:


Feeling a bit weird. Dad went to a concert this week with an uncle and family of that uncle. On his way back home, it was snowing quite badly and the road was slippery. On the highway they noticed a car that had slipped and ended up upside down. They stopped, as no one was there yet. One woman managed to climb out of the car but another one was still in there, strapped to her seat with her seatbelt. They couldn't get her out themselves, and she didn't react. They took the other woman in their car as she was in shock. The firemen and ambulance came eventually and managed to get the other woman out. Dad saw them trying to reanimate her in the ambulance. He came home not knowing how it all ended.


Now tonight he found out she died. =(

This just feels weird. I wasn't even there, but I can tell it's really affecting dad.


i set my self a goal for the day. to fill an empty caprison (its like a foil pounch of juice for our oversea readers) with my own saliva. i managed! when i was done i was kinda lost of what i should do, so i emptied it into a glass to see what 200ml of spit looks like. it looks exactly like you'd imagine.


i did learn in the process that chewing gum is the quickest was to make you salavate though.


also got a couple of messages through on fish for love, one of them seems like it could lead some where. i didnt mention the caprison thing to her.


Going into town bright and early tomorrow to start my record collection by rifling through record/charity shops. I'll work on getting a working record player some other time. :p


Also got some big art and rock event thing I helped set up (I.e physically set up the wood and shit) at some point...the college kids can't decide on a time to go.

Feeling a bit weird. Dad went to a concert this week with an uncle and family of that uncle. On his way back home, it was snowing quite badly and the road was slippery. On the highway they noticed a car that had slipped and ended up upside down. They stopped, as no one was there yet. One woman managed to climb out of the car but another one was still in there, strapped to her seat with her seatbelt. They couldn't get her out themselves, and she didn't react. They took the other woman in their car as she was in shock. The firemen and ambulance came eventually and managed to get the other woman out. Dad saw them trying to reanimate her in the ambulance. He came home not knowing how it all ended.


Now tonight he found out she died. =(

This just feels weird. I wasn't even there, but I can tell it's really affecting dad.


I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope your Dad will be ok.


My day has been ok. Got a phonecall at 8 o'clock this morning asking if I fancied working in a Nursery in Cardiff. The woman said that the person who normally deals with me (Charlotte) mentioned that I am a hard worker and that I'm pretty good when it comes to being flexible travel wise (wohoo). But, she also said that I'm mainly Primary School trained, so that she wouldn't be too gutted if I turned this work down. Because of my early start yesterday, I was catching up on some sleep and I woke up with a thumping headache. Had I already been up, I probably would have taken the work, but I declined. Mainly because it's out of my comfort zone, and mainly because I felt like arse this morning.


Got another call later giving me work for Monday. So, I've got Monday and Tuesday work already sorted, which is quite a good feeling. Hopefully more will come in next week. :)


Today, my Dad said that he was talking to a Jamaican woman who apparantly has seen me around the town. She mentioned that I had a distinguishable walk. My reply was "whaaaaaaaaat?" People have mentioned it in the past, but they say different things. My brother says I walk with my "arms", meaning that they're swinging from side to side, military-esque. Somebody else mentioned that I walked like a monkey. Haha. I want a sexy waaaalk.


Got my hair cut, and the bloke cutting my hair asked if I was Italian. Then he asked if I was new around town. I told him that I lived 2 streets away, but he may know my brothers. I mentioned their names and he looked quite shocked. He knew my brothers and my family very well, but hadn't met me before, because I've only been living back home for half a year. It was quite funny. We had a little chat and a chuckle about that. I went to the gym after that, and I'm knackered now. Watching Top Gun on telly!



Today, my Dad said that he was talking to a Jamaican woman who apparantly has seen me around the town. She mentioned that I had a distinguishable walk. My reply was "whaaaaaaaaat?" People have mentioned it in the past, but they say different things. My brother says I walk with my "arms", meaning that they're swinging from side to side, military-esque. Somebody else mentioned that I walked like a monkey. Haha. I want a sexy waaaalk.


I was saying to Slaggis some time ago that the way someone walks can be a turn off. Some are just really...unattractive. But I think I'm weird. There's someone around uni that was in one of my classes and he walked as if he was trying to break the speed barrier and swung his arms so violently he'd knock over an elephant if it crossed him...it's not you is it?

I was saying to Slaggis some time ago that the way someone walks can be a turn off. Some are just really...unattractive. But I think I'm weird. There's someone around uni that was in one of my classes and he walked as if he was trying to break the speed barrier and swung his arms so violently he'd knock over an elephant if it crossed him...it's not you is it?


Haha, I don't walk as crazy as that. I try to slow down when I'm walking now, as I used to walk at a fast pace before. A friend of mine saw me get off the bus once (from the other side of the street) and he said that I was looking up at the buildings, then behind me, then everywhere else, as if I thought I was being watched or something. Heehee.

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