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Supposed to be writing but I'm having a hard time with it as I don't really understand it very well, even after reading Wiki entries in the hope of finding it simplified. Oh well, it'll get done once I've had a cookie (there are white chocolate ones in the kitchen. Yum!).


Want to go out. Know I shouldn't but perhaps if I go out I'll be able to focus and finish this writing.

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First driving lesson today, but I have a question;


What do I have to show the guy, is he asked for "two bits of paper"? Cause all I have is my card, and a green and pink sheet.


I'm pretty sure I just showed him my provisional (the photocard not the counterpart). Can't think of anything else.

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^ Hadn't tried that until now but doesn't come up with what I needed.


Regardless, my introduction to my report is written, even if I feel like my brain has exploded due to information overload. Psycholinguistics is a complex subject to learn about let alone write so hopefully what I've done is ok. Just got to sort out results, do a discussion piece and an abstract and then finished but I'm going to leave that till Wednesday.

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I dislike everything I've heard from Pixie Lott.


I had a dream that she became a huge brand after only 2 singles, and was on adverts for everything. It was terrifying, and like one of those dreams that people say they have, but you don't believe them as it's so specific. But I did.

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Plus Little Boots has a better face close up.


In my morning lecture (well, the seminar part) I sat at the back out of the way when the lecturer told me to join a group so I did but then they had to collate what they got from their readings which I don't have to do so I just...sat there. Afternoon lecture I was dreading as it was listed as sports but turns out it was a basketball practical so I just had to take some data down and sit around and watch basketball, one of my favourite sports. Although the sports students were amusingly cliched. One complained about have to read eight pages for an assignment. They had to do some sprint exercise in 30 second intervals, timed with a whistle, and then after rest and take their pulse for 30 seconds while others did theres (again, to a whistle) and many of them said "how are we supposed to count the 30 seconds?" Bless :heh:


On my way home I ran into an old friend I hadn't seen in yeeeears. Reminds me of Ellmeister actually, except more bohemoian (bohemian emo). Anyway we both had time to kill so we wondered around (literally in a circle around some shops) chatting.


Oh and apparently I'm an uncle ::shrug: I know, who cares right?

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Did some work. Saw some friens tonight, one who came up from Norwich for the first time since going to uni, so that was nice. Now just catching up on comics/tv shows. Got a lot on tomorrow, getting bus pass, lunch in town with family, then a party at night held by a girl onm my course, to which I'm going to bring one of my best friends who's down for the weekend, after possibly meeting him in town.


In between that, I have (art) work to do.

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Went out for a social, ended up at a chavvy club. Social was alright I guess. I loved the club, mainly because i spent the majority of the time with my girlfriend :love: haha. Someone made her upset about something that didn't happen with a guy. She thought I would be bothered but she chose to go out with me when she didn't have to so I don't think anything is going on. I just took her downstairs, sat down, asked her what was wrong, cheered her up, wiped away her tears. I must have looked so good then! I just didn't like seeing her upset.


Everyone from the social saw her and said she's really pretty. Stayed round hers. It was fun. Felt like death for rest of day with oh so little amount of sleep, due to many factors. Some more obvious than others ;)


Gots to be up early tomorrow to be a tour guide for my open day. Then off to Cardiff with a mate driving up from home to see another mate at his uni and see Biffy Clyro!


See you in a few days N-Europe!


P.S Ashley, no-one is like me, I'm original and you shouldn't want it any other way!

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Went out for a social, ended up at a chavvy club. Social was alright I guess. I loved the club, mainly because i spent the majority of the time with my girlfriend :love: haha. Someone made her upset about something that didn't happen with a guy. She thought I would be bothered but she chose to go out with me when she didn't have to so I don't think anything is going on. I just took her downstairs, sat down, asked her what was wrong, cheered her up, wiped away her tears. I must have looked so good then! I just didn't like seeing her upset.


Everyone from the social saw her and said she's really pretty. Stayed round hers. It was fun. Felt like death for rest of day with oh so little amount of sleep, due to many factors. Some more obvious than others ;)


Gots to be up early tomorrow to be a tour guide for my open day. Then off to Cardiff with a mate driving up from home to see another mate at his uni and see Biffy Clyro!


See you in a few days N-Europe!


P.S Ashley, no-one is like me, I'm original and you shouldn't want it any other way!


Broadcast Yourself


As for my day, was last day of term.


Did some swimming which was fun and we had a Halloween party! Fun times indeed.


Nothing else to report feel drained but glad I have a week off have 3 semi dates with different girls set up next week to celebrate my holiday. Just to clarify I am not boasting at my ability to set up dates with girls (ask Moria at how bad I am) it just seems to be good times for some reason! I will give them an xpert report on how they do on the date obviously! Anyhow im dead tired and off to chillax!

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my day has been great success!


i drove well today in my lesson, got a hair cut and have sorted out a date with a lady i met via a dating site. been texting her all day, we seem pretty well matched, both a bit silly and random, dont take life too seriosuly.


bit of bad news did sour things. my mates dad has cancer, apparently nothing can be done. really is unfair, but when has cancer ever been fair?


still, theres not alot can be done, so just gotta be there for him, and enjoy the good stuff in life.

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Work was good because all the noobs think I'm a pr0, so treat me with +respect. Corrected the dab-hands a few times, and generally made my place known. Colleague owes me a pint due to bettage. (did accidentally turn up 20 mins late for work, but i skipped my break so it's all good)


Then a party - got a little lost with the trams, but made it in teh end. Had a big argument with a sheff uni enlgish student about pig penises (he owes me a corkscrew).


Was considering staying there then going straight to work in the morning, instead I joint-taxiid home, going to watch flashforward and wake up in time for an 8-hour shift, then par-tay, then sunday off. Good times. No need to cry, or get obsessed about the ex, right?

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no-one is like me, I'm original and you shouldn't want it any other way!


No one's really 'original' as such, 'unique' in appearance/behaviour maybe though... anyway, I don't wanna burst your bubble as you're happy Ell and you deserve to be :) I hope you have a good time seeing Biffy Clyro, I hear they are excellent live. :D

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Today has been me slowly writing a design document for concept class. I don't not enjoy writing (lol, I used a double negative while talking about writing), but it's a slow process when you're trying to make sure your lecturer won't think it's crap or get the wrong idea about it while reading the doc.


Also, it's a weekend, which means X Factor? While I'm working Facebook is a distraction and it's disappointing to be distracted by boring updates. I issued this update in advance of the onslaught: "Weasel Bumhole - Oh shit, it's the weekend. Which means I have to put up with constant status updates about some shit talent show? Please people, think twice about status updates: It can destroy lives. ...well, not lives, just my respect for you.".

Edited by Ashley
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I took my car in for an MOT today and it failed... pretty miserably. I had suspicions that the brakes were shot but it needs new brake drums and a few more fixes (rust is another small problem) - it's going to cost a fortune and I can't drive to work on Monday! And the buses have decided to go on strike. not really sure what I'm giong to do. Hopefully they'll fix it and get it through MOT quickly, free retest is good, but the service is going to cost me a fortune. Then car tax is due, followed shortly by my insurance. Pretty crappy really! I'm basically going to feel like I'm working for free for the next 6 weeks as every pay cheque goes into these bills/taxes etc..


Bought Borderlands in town to cheer myself up. That's the only time I'll ever buy a game in a high street store as it's always about £10 more than it is online...


Currently got last.fm playing me some reccomendations on my 360 though, which is nice :) and bought some fancy M&S food for tea. Basically whenever life gets me down I spend money on materialistic items to cheer myself up.

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