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I don't get it.


see, on september 11th 2001 (8 years ago today) musslim extreemists hijacked 4 civilian jets. two of these jets were flown into the twin towers of the world trade center, one into the pentago and in the forth plan, the passengers resisted and the plane crashed before reacing its apparent desitnation of camp david, were the president would have been.


what the picture does is to subtaly parrody the greeting card culture of today, and blatently dissrguard the inherent tragedy of the event. the humour is mostly in its shock value, being so sick and twisted, and so outside of social conventions, it elicits a laugh from sheer wrongness.

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Will someone hit dan? I fear he's stuck on a loop.


In fact, fuck it, I'll hit him tonight. On the ass. While I pound him hard. Gay? LLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL.


So yeah I'm still drinking. Just went and bought twentyeffingfour cans of blackthorne. Going t'shorty's tonight to game-up with the nami and the Dare. Then work early tomorrow so I'm going to be fail and leave too early tonight, or stay too late and kill myself tomorrow.

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Doctors again today. Went alright. Was more awkward having a male doctor checking the lump on my leg than it was with the female doctor previously. Ended with him increasing my anti-biotic dosage and giving me an appointment for monday morning to check it and see if anything else needs doing but it's looking much better now. Well, it still looks horrible when changing the dressing but it's less swollen than it was. So it's all good.


Because of the doctors appointment, I couldn't go out and do anything else. But I'll make up for that tomorrow. Just need to decide where to go and what to do. Think maybe a cinema trip is in order.

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Whoooo back from Spain! I miss the sun already (and not just because it's night now). =(

Honestly the weather was pretty brilliant there; during the day it was pretty much always warmer than 25°, going up to 30° (and sometimes a bit more). Even in the evening it was still warm enough for shorts and a top. When we got to Belgium it was only 14°. D:



Anyway I had a pretty good time, even though I didn't do -anything- there haha. Finished three books (that Pullman trilogy) and played through Kirby Super Star Ultra. That's pretty much it. =P


It's good to be back though! =)

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Went out to meet friends. But as I'm 17 and they've changed the laws, I now can't get in anywhere, so we had ice cream in a cafe.


Then I waited with my friends as they queued to get into a club. Then I left when they were going in.


Fun being 17.

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Whoooo back from Spain! I miss the sun already (and not just because it's night now). =(

Honestly the weather was pretty brilliant there; during the day it was pretty much always warmer than 25°, going up to 30° (and sometimes a bit more). Even in the evening it was still warm enough for shorts and a top. When we got to Belgium it was only 14°. D:



Anyway I had a pretty good time, even though I didn't do -anything- there haha. Finished three books (that Pullman trilogy) and played through Kirby Super Star Ultra. That's pretty much it. =P


It's good to be back though! =)


Freezes?! 14 is a summers day in Scotland!

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Lately my mac has been slow and crashing regularly, so I figured it's about time I ordered a hard drive and backed up all my files. Eventually a 500gb seagate one arrives late from amazon, so I go to my mac to get to work with backing up. My mac won't turn on. FML


Seriously, I still prefer Mac to PCs but people forget that they fuck up just as often. So im pretty annoyed, grey screening and getting no further, urgh. Power + C means I can erase and reinstall OS X on trhe hard drive but Id lose everything, urgh. Using my tragically slow old desktop pc... a mighty 256mb of ram!!


In happier news, Uni in a week ^.^ Nervous and excited. Going uni shopping tomorrows, anyone suggest anything I should be getting?

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Using my tragically slow old desktop pc... a mighty 256gb of ram!!

Jesus. What do you use normally? A time machine to see it before it even loads?


Today was a fun and tiring day of movement. That sounds like a lazy sentence but the meaning behind it is not lazy.

A few weeks until Uni starts and I'm getting the same feeling I had last year; to play and complete some games I've put on hold for ages. Last time it was Half Life 2, this time... I don't know.

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Unbanned myself from NE.


Went swimming at school.


Chucked a kid out of the swings for telling another one to F off.


Then came home and listened to madness.

And am now so happy I have a lie in tom!


Good times

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Whoooo my laptop is finally fixed! For ages I couldn't connect to the internet in my room and in other places in the house, and we couldn't figure out why. Even the people at the Apple store said it worked fine when we took it in for repairs. All their suggestions failed. So dad put on his angry face, talked to the manager, and got them to fix my internet (for free as it was still under warranty, though barely). Whoooo! =D



We also went to pick up our dog again from the place she stayed at during our holiday. She is still as energetic as ever haha. Love her muchly. =)

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Whoooo my laptop is finally fixed! For ages I couldn't connect to the internet in my room and in other places in the house, and we couldn't figure out why. Even the people at the Apple store said it worked fine when we took it in for repairs. All their suggestions failed. So dad put on his angry face, talked to the manager, and got them to fix my internet (for free as it was still under warranty, though barely). Whoooo! =D



We also went to pick up our dog again from the place she stayed at during our holiday. She is still as energetic as ever haha. Love her muchly. =)


Does this mean you can now use it in your room, again? Wohoooooo.


Also, say hi to Fabel for me. Fabelzilla.

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Good weekend.


Came back to Sheffield just for the weekend to help my friend from the isle of man to get her stuff out of storage. It was on the other side of town so a car was definately needed. Got free lunch out of it and we did abit of shopping. Supposed to be going to hers in abit to do some drinking, she wants to go out after that but I think I may leave her with the housemate and let them have time together etc, I'm knackered anyway and Im driving home tomorrow early doors!


Fun times though, can't wait to be back in Sheffield properly.

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Been a really nice day up here. Think it was the local Gala event or something because the large grassed area close the house had marques and stuff on it and loads of people. I didn't investigate to see what was going on because... well it was a nice day and I just wanted to enjoy it by sitting and taking it all in. ::shrug: Did go out at one point and was supposed to get something but I've clearly forgotten what that was as I didn't buy anything other than lunch. Losing my memory in this old age :p Leg is considerably better. Swelling has gone down drastically and while it may not look great because of the scar thats there, I can at least walk properly now although it's still rather difficult as I've been used to not walking normally so it feels strange.

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My card got cloned.


Bad times.


But they only used it to buy a £30 top up for a phone before I cancelled it. My bank said thats what they do to test to see if the card works.....


Culprits of where my card got done are either:


Pizza Hut (likely)

3 different ATMs (possible)

Play.com (doubtful)

Paypal (doubtful)

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My card got cloned.


Bad times.


But they only used it to buy a £30 top up for a phone before I cancelled it. My bank said thats what they do to test to see if the card works.....


Culprits of where my card got done are either:


Pizza Hut (likely)

3 different ATMs (possible)

Play.com (doubtful)

Paypal (doubtful)


I found out that the £50 spent was in a london store, after three calls and a signed form I did get the money back, took alot longer than it should have done though.

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Had such a busy day at work. They decided to shove me on making/cooking every order that came through for the first time...on the busiest day of the week. At one point there were 7 orders on, and I was desperate for a wizz. Fail. Money = Yay though.


Mum just came home, with her incredibly annoying friend. I don't think I've ever met a more irresponsible 40-something woman in my entire life. Her excuse for being so usually consists of "I'm only 40, I'm not that old!" or "Give me a break, It's hard having a job and taking care of the kids." SHOULD HAVE WORN A FUCKING CONDOM THEN SHOULDN'T YOU. Twat. I just loathe the effect she has on mum. Already had a massive rant at her before, but she seems to totally ignore anything I say to her. I hate feeling uncomfortable in my own home.

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I picked up a list of places looking to hire at Ocean Terminal, the shopping mall near my house, my college and the sea.


Basically the only place I could really do would be Fat Face or as bar staff in the big food hall bit. I'm not ACTUALLY 18 yet, so that's annoying. By the time I get appications together, I guess I will be.

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Other than a bit of gardening, grammar/spelling studying and laying in the grass listening to Daft Punk I've spent most of my day investigating my sinister British connection (AD reference). Trying to track down my 'uncle'. During dinner managed to find out some details which shall be relevant (birth names, dates etc). Although worryingly my bio-grandad's surname is the same as a girl I used to (and still kinda) have a mega crush on.

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Went for a walk today and bought 6 cartons of apple juice for 3 pound.

Started working through a book I bought and was having much fun doing it. So much so I smiled at the progressive outcome. I've not felt like that since I followed my first photoshop tutorial 5 years ago to make fire.

I had maltesers for dinner and watched a few things on iplayer. It's great that you don't need a TV Licence for it.

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