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I'm in a mood. Too much adrenaline and not enough social care makes jayseven a cup of tea. AND BISCUITS. Don't forget the bisnitches. Racist?



You big hypocrite :p


But yes I suppose I could, but recently the only people able to come out are jonno, anna is either at work or with andy alot of the time these days, not something I blame her for! But it sucks regardless.


Which is why planning alton towers and seeing Lindsey are in my eyes. Oh yes ^_^


Bah I always remember stuff after sitting around for a while.


Off to my parents tomorrow, I truly hate that journey, I love seeing the parents etc etc, but getting there is such a pain. Really I should go by train, but its a toss up between driving over the snake pass and sitting next to some smelly business man..hmm.


I've also been listening to alot of the 90s stuff I grew up on, fun times ^_^

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I'm in a mood. Too much adrenaline and not enough social care makes jayseven a cup of tea. AND BISCUITS. Don't forget the bisnitches. Racist?



TBF there are plenty of people here in sheff to do things with, so all you have to do is totally ask people if they want to do stuff, then suggest what you want to do with them, then, like, do it.






I was going to reply to this in a sarcastic yet caring manner, but I couldn't find the words. I hope those sentiments get through anyway!


Was served by a well hot woman in Argos the other day and she totally flirted with me when I brought my nano. Good times get her number for me and I will supply you with cider and more cider!

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Had an interview which was kinda meh. Was with the regional manager and someone from recruiting, she was nice he (RM) was a typical RM; grumpy. He didn't say much but she asked if he had any questions to ask so he said "Why Disney [store]?" so I replied with some stuff and then he asked "What do you know about Disney?" which was annoyingly vague. What, do you want a plotted history of the studio, name of all the 7 dwarfs, a rendition of 'Hakuna Matatta?' Urgh, left it feeling kinda meh. Said they'd let me know by early next week.


So I went to go watch (500) Days of Summer which picked me up a bit and in the process made me re-evaluate everything again, always fun :p


Was rocking the 11th Doctor (/Ellen Degeneres) look today though; suit and converse (which I obviously changed for the interview). Just lacked emo glasses.

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My article on 3D gaming for RemedialWaste got approved on N4G which I'm chuffed about. I wrote it at work...so I kind of got paid for it. :D It was a bit rushed, but hey, I had real work to do at the same time.


I saw The Final Destination in 3D. It was abysmal. My sister and I were very disappointed.


It's my last day of work tomorrow and then I'm off to Egypt on Wednesday! :yay:


It's been fun being a Junior Designer. I might see if next time I can get the a job as an editor the next time they are hiring. I'm not sure I want to go back to the same company. They are great and all but I want variety (Yes, I am damn picky). I've told my friend to remind me to make sure I sort out a job for next summer. I want to work at an advertising agency, because they are evil and I like that idea.

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Basically all my friends are 18, or those that aren't, are girls, so they can get into places because of that.


I'm 18 when loads of people are away setting up for/at Uni, and suddenly, they changed the law in Scotland, so tonight, I was actually turned away from EVERYWHERE. Even the 2 famously easy-to-get-served-in bars that, last time i went, served me, sans i.d at the fucking bar.


Usually I get turned away, despite everyone saying "Oh, you'll get in! You look 25!" (a random guy argued with a bouncer tonight that I was 25, despite not knowing me). But tonight was ridiculous.


So yeah, was trailed around and then taken home so my friends could then go out.




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Basically all my friends are 18, or those that aren't, are girls, so they can get into places because of that.


I'm 18 when loads of people are away setting up for/at Uni, and suddenly, they changed the law in Scotland, so tonight, I was actually turned away from EVERYWHERE. Even the 2 famously easy-to-get-served-in bars that, last time i went, served me, sans i.d at the fucking bar.


Usually I get turned away, despite everyone saying "Oh, you'll get in! You look 25!" (a random guy argued with a bouncer tonight that I was 25, despite not knowing me). But tonight was ridiculous.


So yeah, was trailed around and then taken home so my friends could then go out.




TBF, I had the least fun possible at Opal. Everyone (all the girls, and Fred and Patrick) was really depressed for some reason, and they seemed to be pretending to be having fun. I bought 1 drink, then left.

Edited by Ashley
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Basically all my friends are 18, or those that aren't, are girls, so they can get into places because of that.


I'm 18 when loads of people are away setting up for/at Uni, and suddenly, they changed the law in Scotland, so tonight, I was actually turned away from EVERYWHERE. Even the 2 famously easy-to-get-served-in bars that, last time i went, served me, sans i.d at the fucking bar.


Usually I get turned away, despite everyone saying "Oh, you'll get in! You look 25!" (a random guy argued with a bouncer tonight that I was 25, despite not knowing me). But tonight was ridiculous.


So yeah, was trailed around and then taken home so my friends could then go out.




This was what happened with a mate and I at college. Thus we missed out on shit loads of stuff. Worst thing ever.

Edited by Ashley
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Well I waas referring more to bars/clubs. I've never been ID'd in shops, and only once at a cinema (years ago).


Then you get to 18 and it all goes down hill from there!


I was in such a rush to be 18, couldn't wait, now I want to be able to stay 18 forever, alas I'm now 19. Boo at the world.

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OMG, snap dude, welcome to the big goose family :D


Cheers pal. Would you like a bag with that? Have a nice day.


I'm starting to say the same things to different people. Like, if people are buying their babies some toys I'll say something like "in a few years this'll be an xbox and an ipod" and they chuckle and smile, just like the other 20 customers I said that to. It will drive me crazy eventually.

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Today was meh, I had a blood test first thing in the morning, college enrolment was a bit of a bore, then i had to go back to the doctors and now I'm home I only have loads of crap to sort out :/

I'm sad the holidays are almost over ;_;

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Mum offered me a job at her work for two weeks, for £50 a day! Thats awesome, means I get £500 for two weeks worth, but I'm now stuck because I need to take my blockbuster stuff back wednesday. Think the nearest time I can go back is the weekend, any idea how much they charge for each day a game and boxset are away?


I'm excited though, means money for me finally and its pretty easy work. But now I'm bored stiff haha.

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Went to Mecca Bingo for the first time last night, and had a few b33rs. As such I had two dynamite fits. Mega knackered but going to go to work anyway, and I daresay if he finds out he'll send me home. But as long as he pays me I'm not that fussed.

Even though I went to work anyways I made sure the boss found out indirectly, as such he sent me home. Which on reflection is probably for the best as I'm absolutely shattered.

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Schools have started up again, which means that the majority of my friends from uni are now starting their teaching jobs, whereas me and a handful of others are left looking on. The facebook status updates are the worst. I love my new job, waaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Damn you Wales and your lack of new positions for teachers!


I've spent most of the day photocopying some documents and sending them off to some supply teaching agencies. They seem pretty eager to get me out working, so everything should be in place. Now, I just have to wait for some teachers to..fall ill, or become pregnant. Fingers crossed, heh. :p


Also sent off a request for an application for another teaching job. Still waiting to hear back from the one I sent off recently too, so the waiting game commences, again.


Had a lovely steak for tea, and knackered myself out from the gym. My upper arms are pretty tired out now! If anyone is willing to give me a massage...;) Now, I'm sat with a cuppa tea and watching Ghost! :D

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ok, quick update of my life and times. got a car, did i mention? well im picking it up tommorow, no licence yet but i'll practice a bit more in it.


had a hair cut today, look nice again. signed on to a charity cos the girl doing all that was pretty. i wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her how truly beautiful she was. ive had to settle for storing her face in my memory for a wank later.

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Seriously nasty cold right now coinciding with starting a new job means I'm giving off a shit impression at work and I seem to be the fall guy at the moment.





Hope N-Europe is still surviving in my work-filled absence..


The day has been tiring and very cold also my family have got a female kitten a week back and we still haven't given it a name yet


Call it Fuckmuppet.

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Hahahahaahha. This guy on Mafia Wars about a week ago, he robbed me and raped all my buildings and stole all my cash. So since then I've been attacking him, sucker punching him and trying to rob him everyday.


He just sent me a message! LOL!


My friend, you may be the single most tenacious and/or vindictive human being in the Mafia Wars world. Sheez, who have I crossed? I have to say, I was getting bored, but you added excitement back in the game.


My reply.


Hahah, glad theres no hard feelings. You totally destroyed all my buildings! And stole loads of money! I had to do it. Its getting a bit unfair now though, as we're not similar levels now. :)
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