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I can't sleep. Calling Shef in about 6 hours to hopefully find out whether I'm being given a place or not. Never been so worried in my entire life, I can literally feel my heart beating about three times as fast everytime I think about it.


I thought this year's A-level results came out on Thursday, that's what my friends in the year below think, anyway... Are you sure you can ring Sheffield tomorrow (well, today) and find out? Three of my afformentioned friends all have offers there, so it would be most handy to know.


Oh, and caffeine is a bitch, I wanna sleep!

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you know that super awkward, super manufactured bit on programs were people are voted off? the long pauses, the non commiting speeches, the general hiking up of tension?


i had that today, in real life. finding out i was one of the lucky 50% who gets to keep my job. i'll explain. see, half the staff on the swine line had to go, so small groups were brought to a side room and told if they made the cut or not.


id already accepted what ever happened was my karma, but most of the people in my room were nervous about the job, it would have been better to just say straight off, rather then keep us guessing.


a few of my friends werent so lucky. if youd had a day off sick, you were fired, if your been late once, you were fired. an annoying, loud girl who actualy asked a caller who'd been booted out of big brother, and has been caught sleeping on the job twice is still employed. a guy who was ill, loses his job, a girl who swapped shifts and the system didnt register it properly, may have lost hers.

That sounds like rubbish. :( Well, not that you got to keep your job, but the way the others were judged. It doesn't seem fair at all.

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That sounds like rubbish. :( Well, not that you got to keep your job, but the way the others were judged. It doesn't seem fair at all.


Well that's the NHS for ya, they're all a bunch of fascist cunts. (Well, not you Chris or Raining, I mean the dicks right at the top!)

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You know what'd be great. The same currency across the world. So that I won't get charged 1.50 just for Halifax to convert an already large sum of money into a different currency. Basterds.

Other than now being charged an extra 1.50 I woke up only an hour and a half ago. I shall be trotting off to work in a few minutes.

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You know what'd be great. The same currency across the world. So that I won't get charged 1.50 just for Halifax to convert an already large sum of money into a different currency. Basterds.

Other than now being charged an extra 1.50 I woke up only an hour and a half ago. I shall be trotting off to work in a few minutes.

That's what you get for not cha-cha'ing real smooth down to the Post Office.

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I can't sleep. Calling Shef in about 6 hours to hopefully find out whether I'm being given a place or not. Never been so worried in my entire life, I can literally feel my heart beating about three times as fast everytime I think about it.


Journalism right? You might see me around...:o


Good luck!

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I thought the results were tomorrow?


I'm not scared, but then I've so relaxed about things sometimes, it's to a fault. Fact is, I need these results to be semi-decent, since I have reapply to a different art school after this year (which I already have a place on).


I have always got top marks in English exams so far, but I never felt confident. Not one of those pussies who KNOW they're gonna get an A, I honestly was shocked everytime I got an A. I usually make stuff up in the exam cause I never know the exact answer to the question. But I dunno how long my luck can go on. It'll be a shame to get B/C/Fail after all this time.


Art I assume I got an A...I'll cry if I didn't. He effectively told me I did (my teacher) anyway.


Design Tech...lord, help the person who had to mark that exam.

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Jeux sans frontiéres.


You know what'd be great. The same currency across the world. So that I won't get charged 1.50 just for Halifax to convert an already large sum of money into a different currency. Basterds.

Other than now being charged an extra 1.50 I woke up only an hour and a half ago. I shall be trotting off to work in a few minutes.


Nationwide don't charge for overseas withdrawals.

Edited by MoogleViper
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That sounds like rubbish. :( Well, not that you got to keep your job, but the way the others were judged. It doesn't seem fair at all.


i was pleased to find a guy im mates with didnt lose his job after all. and a couple of girls who annoy me are gone, so silver linings and all that.


Well that's the NHS for ya, they're all a bunch of fascist cunts. (Well, not you Chris or Raining, I mean the dicks right at the top!)


in fairness, im no less of a cunt, i just dont have the power.


hopefully i will get changed to the early shift, it means i gotta be out the door at 6am, but at least i can get transport then.

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I've kept my job for over 4 years, surely that makes me an absolutely dominatrix super bitch whore?? =P


the trusts are known well (by the insiders anyway) to treat their temps/underlings like utter shit.


My bosses bosses boss (lol) stands on pretty much everyone. She used to be a band 3 when she started here 5 years ago, now she's a 7. That's a helluva lot of jumps in such a short time.

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urgh... been feeling like crap the last few days and don't seem to be getting any better. :nono: Sleepless nights, sore shoulders, and generally feeling ill. It's going well :indeed:


Got 3 weeks left until Uni starts again and they still haven't sent me my matricuation stuff. Don't know who or where I'm supposed to go and don't know whether or not my course transfer was put through. It's stressing me out big time as I have to apply for my tuition fees thing and if it's not done by the 11th of Sept, I'll have to pay a fine for late payment which comes out of my own pocket. Takes 2 weeks to sort which is kinda why I need my matriculation stuff now. Postie still hasn't been yet and it's nearly 2 o'clock. Absolute disgrace as I'm waiting on several things.


Lack of TV is doing my head in as well. Got hold of the spare TV but it doesn't work. ::shrug: So I have work to do that requires me to use a TV but there isn't one I can use. All this damned stress and I haven't even had my first lecture of the new semester yet. I'm going to be dead by the xmas me thinks.

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Me: "Why has the direct debit for my card that I set up two months ago not started? You're charging me because of your mistake."

Lloyds TSB: "You have not set up a direct debit."

Me: "I paid part of the fees over the phone on the same day I set it up."

Lloyds TSB: "You did not call us on that day."

Me: "Then why was the payment successful?"

Lloyds TSB: "Erm...You did not call us on that day."


Lying, thieving bastards.

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Well theres your problem.

I know, but I can't be bothered to change. Hassle of moving then, not sure if true, having to change the card details on all of the websites I buy stuff from... tis a lot.

Day = working out money troubles. Figured out how much a week I have to spend at Uni. Also yesterday made a big promise to myself.

Come this December I shall hopefully have done something useful in my life.

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WAIT: I lied. Just found out the details. Everyone calm down.


He just didn't turn up for work today. He has been heard from. People just don't know where he is, but is probably with a friend from work who also didn't turn up, but I know, and it makes sense.


I feel like I've broadcasted this pointlessly now.

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Went to go see the wedding photographer I know for a catch up as it had been a while. He said if I do stick around the area I can be his second photographer and earn myself some extra money on weekends. Then met my nan in town and did some stuff there before going back to hers and hanging in the garden for a while. Then back to town again to meet a friend I haven't seen in a year for a catch up coffee. Then began my long way home.


That company that charged me for a demo are still dicking around. Last week they said "as you haven't replied to our correspondence in 4 days we've closed this enquiry" so I replied saying "I never got a correspondence!" now they've said "as you haven't replied..." again so once again I said "no correspondence, you've given me nothing to reply to!" then they said as there is an active dispute with PayPal they can't issue a refund. I said the dispute with paypal was closed BEFORE I contacted yourselves, its what prompted me to contact you. It took them a few minutes to reply saying about paypal, but now its been a lot longer. Dicks.


Also gave my hamster a bath. She really did not enjoy it. Kept trying to escape and I was trying to hold her in place and she kept running up my arm, but as I was stood up I was worried she'd fall. Her claws were really digging into me, she was obviously stressed. Towelled her off a bit but more panic so I put her in her cage (looking a bit like Sonic) and she's dry now. Poor thing.


And recieved a phone call from Jodie which lasted 45 minutes and she talked about nothing but herself, and her desire to work at Front. Women -_-

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