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I think the best result would be if it goes up.


Hahahaha. Dude, you're a genius.


Go for the cheeky kiss. If it fails, laugh it off and pretend that he's the fool. "dude, what are yooou dooooing? Trying to kiss me...sheesh" whilst making your way to the nearest exit.


If it wins, then....wohoo! Sexings for you.

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----- NEW TOPIC! -----

('cause until chair decides whether or not to jump this guy we've got some spare time~*)


safewords: do you have one? do you USE it? and how the hell are you supposed to use it when you're gagged, exactly?? O_o should we have some kind of N-E safeword for when reZ is telling too many "jokes"?


mine is "OW!"



no, seriously - i dont actually have one.. never needed it ~ if you're hurting me i'll let you know about it... and you'll probably come off worse than me ^_^ or i just don't do things i dont think i could candle. handle.


*do it! do it! do it!

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Some of you have seriously never heard of a safety word? I think it's even mentioned in Desperate Housewives once, so I thought it was a pretty common thing to know about (maybe not to have though).


But yeah don't have one myself, heh. Don't really have a use for it. If it hurts too much, I'll just say so. =P

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Reminds me of Eurotrip when he goes to that nasty German sex club and cant say the safe word because its stupidly long and foreign. Hilarious :D


I dont have a safe word, but it sounds like a good idea. Save anyone getting offended or ruining the mood.

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Seeing as it's become so huge in America, I'm sure some of you must have read about the Miss America gay marriage debate?


Miss California said, when asked a question by Perez Hilton during the broadcast, that marriage should only ever be between "opposites" (Lol) and that gays should not be allowed to marry. She reportedly only gained second place because of her opinion.


Since then, Perez and Miss California have appeared on so many talk shows and news channels debating this. Then, to further it, Celebs such as Britney and Miley have suddenly come out in support of marriage between the same sex.


Larry King Debate - I love that the guy has to bring in the fact two men shouldn't raise a child. We're talking about marriage, not raising a child. Douche.



Then, just for fun. Gay rights activist appears on Fox. The presenter needs to be shot.





Personally, I think anyone that says no to equality doesn't deserve to have an opinion. I hate it when they go down the "marriage is traditional" route. *sighs*

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My main point of annoyance in that debate is how the church seems to take patent on marriage. Uh, hello? Marriage existed long before you guys. Why should you have the right to decide who should be able to get married?


That being said, I know a lot of Christians who fully supports gay marriage, so luckily not all of them are like that.


Besides, I simply can't see why a gay couple can't be as great parents as any heterosexual couple. Hell, I know gays who are WAY more qualified than some heterosexuals.

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My main point of annoyance in that debate is how the church seems to take patent on marriage. Uh, hello? Marriage existed long before you guys. Why should you have the right to decide who should be able to get married?


That being said, I know a lot of Christians who fully supports gay marriage, so luckily not all of them are like that.


Besides, I simply can't see why a gay couple can't be as great parents as any heterosexual couple. Hell, I know gays who are WAY more qualified than some heterosexuals.


Thankyou, I totally agree with you. Like Perez was saying, same-sex couples just want the same rights straight couples get from a marriage. It doesn't need to be a religious one, just a plain and simple Civil Marriage. If people have a problem with that, then there has to some underlying homophobic reason for it. I see no valid reason why same-sex couples should be denied it.


When the guy said "I don't want to have to ask my kids when they're 7 if they are going to marry a boy or a girl"....Who the hell would do that? By allowing gay marriage, you aren't going to suddenly make every child gay. Allowing gay marriage will not suddenly make every child in America confused about their sexuality.

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Thankyou, I totally agree with you. Like Perez was saying, same-sex couples just want the same rights straight couples get from a marriage. It doesn't need to be a religious one, just a plain and simple Civil Marriage. If people have a problem with that, then there has to some underlying homophobic reason for it. I see no valid reason why same-sex couples should be denied it.


When the guy said "I don't want to have to ask my kids when they're 7 if they are going to marry a boy or a girl"....Who the hell would do that? By allowing gay marriage, you aren't going to suddenly make every child gay.

I think you're right. Maybe not necessarily homophobia, but some aversion to homosexuality. Maybe because many still perceive it as "unnatural" and therefore "wrong". Sexuality still has strong taboos.

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Well if she was raised to believe that, then fair enough in my opinion. Gay marriages don't particually bother me in the slightest, but i'm not 100% convinced that it's 'right'. I meen why is it 'right'? We've just been told to believe it's right by all the political correctness rubbish, these opinions should be expected.

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