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like thai beads but with added "AAARGHHHHKOHMYGODWHATTHEFUCKBARBEQUE!!!!" ??


Something like that, I couldn't actually find it on the website to confirm it for you, just because I was the same when I saw it in the shop and immediately asked my knowledgeable friend about it! ::shrug:

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Ummm topic relevance?


Anyway yeah bumping into exes and then feelings rushing back, never good. But try and remember why they are an ex (even if they dumped you there's got to be some good to be found...hopefully...)


One of my friends has just broken up with his boyfriend and turning to me to help him through and I dunno...awkward. Can't explain it and I really can't offer more than platitudes.

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Ummm topic relevance?


There a certain staisfaction...in a little bit of pain. I can see you understand me. Tell me you're the same...?!


If you're afraid, then rise above; I only hurt the ones I love.







[My mind was drifting around the idea of S+M, with all the mention of sex toys and such]

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Ummm topic relevance?


Is there ever really any with him?


Anyway yeah bumping into exes and then feelings rushing back, never good. But try and remember why they are an ex (even if they dumped you there's got to be some good to be found...hopefully...)


One of my friends has just broken up with his boyfriend and turning to me to help him through and I dunno...awkward. Can't explain it and I really can't offer more than platitudes.


Yeah I hate the fact for a split second you feel really shit, and then you just remember what lead to it, and then feel a lot better. It does get you thinking though.

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Is there ever really any with him?


Yeah I hate the fact for a split second you feel really shit, and then you just remember what lead to it, and then feel a lot better. It does get you thinking though.




It does become a bit rose tinted but you need to remember that relationships suck :p Nah umm less cynical...that you broke up for a reason. Of course it can lead to a nice friendship as well. I tend to be friends with my exes. But then, nobody can resist my silky smooth charm.

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on the subject, an unrequinted love for years past, which tunred into a fairly bitter falling out and a gradual back to friends is going on. she was asleep in the back of my mates car, i turned round to chat with outher guy just as she woke up, she looked at me and gave an unbelivable smile, slight, but with genuine affection in it, for a second, i was the same love struck 17 year old.

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Ummm topic relevance?


Anyway yeah bumping into exes and then feelings rushing back, never good. But try and remember why they are an ex (even if they dumped you there's got to be some good to be found...hopefully...)


One of my friends has just broken up with his boyfriend and turning to me to help him through and I dunno...awkward. Can't explain it and I really can't offer more than platitudes.


I've only run into my ex once, and that was at a club, so I don't think she even saw me. At the time, it wasn't very long we had been apart, and I did feel pretty shit.


There's also someone else I had a fling with, which didn't last. I've seen her a few times since she moved away, and I guess I did feel resentment and anger towards her, the first few times anyway. Now, I look at what I have, and how this is so much better and nicer than what I had with her, or ever could have had.

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I don't get this feelings come flooding back thing. I just feel hatred. But then again I never really had strong feelings in the first place.


I get scared when I agree with Moogle. haha (PS get back to xpert you git!)

Maybe hatred is to strong a word but there are to many hot women about to waste your time wishing for one to come back. Unless you were married or in a long term thing.

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I get scared when I agree with Moogle. haha (PS get back to xpert you git!)

Maybe hatred is to strong a word but there are to many hot women about to waste your time wishing for one to come back. Unless you were married or in a long term thing.



This is correct. Not that I happen to see many Exes around, but I often like to think of me being Dexter and them the next evil serial killer who needs to be taught a lesson.

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A bit of a non story from me. It could just have easily gone in the how was your day thread, but meh, it spans a few days so here it goes.


There's a girl who comes into work a lot who clearly has a boyfriend. I recognise her now since she stands out a bit (only person ever to show ID without being asked, shows up in boyfriends awesome car). The other night, her and her boyfriend show up out of a taxi, bit drunk. They both stumble up to the counter and she says "we have to stop meeting like this" in quite a flirty way. Bear in mind the boyfriend is stood right next to her. It was a bit uncomfortable, but he was laughing about it too, so it wasn't too bad. Then she asks my name. They both stumble off into the night, but she stops in the middle of the forecourt and do what can only be described as a danceflail before yelling "this ones for you Luke!". I thought nothing of it and jokingly told workmates that she clearly wants me.


She came back to the shop last night and not only can she remember my name despite being wasted, but she also commented on how she spotted me in town when I wasn't working. I think I've only served her 5 or so times, not enough to be recognised on the street surely?



So yeah, in the words of Superbad: "She wants to fuck me! She wants my dick in and around her mouth!"*




*I realise she probably doesn't, just thought it would make a semi interesting story.

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A bit of a non story from me. It could just have easily gone in the how was your day thread, but meh, it spans a few days so here it goes.


There's a girl who comes into work a lot who clearly has a boyfriend. I recognise her now since she stands out a bit (only person ever to show ID without being asked, shows up in boyfriends awesome car). The other night, her and her boyfriend show up out of a taxi, bit drunk. They both stumble up to the counter and she says "we have to stop meeting like this" in quite a flirty way. Bear in mind the boyfriend is stood right next to her. It was a bit uncomfortable, but he was laughing about it too, so it wasn't too bad. Then she asks my name. They both stumble off into the night, but she stops in the middle of the forecourt and do what can only be described as a danceflail before yelling "this ones for you Luke!". I thought nothing of it and jokingly told workmates that she clearly wants me.


She came back to the shop last night and not only can she remember my name despite being wasted, but she also commented on how she spotted me in town when I wasn't working. I think I've only served her 5 or so times, not enough to be recognised on the street surely?



So yeah, in the words of Superbad: "She wants to fuck me! She wants my dick in and around her mouth!"*




*I realise she probably doesn't, just thought it would make a semi interesting story.


In the words of The Girl Next Door, "Fuck her for me Matt, Fuck her for me".

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People are fucking stupid. I have to agree with some of the YouTube comments. As a group of African Americans, you might think that tolerance might be slightly more relevant to them with respect to contemporary history.


Whatever the case, I stand by my point, people are stupid.

You've obviously know not much about America - unfortunately for the "innocent" all I seem to notice is the hatred and racism that comes from "Black" Americans a lot of the time.

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