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What would you have surgically attached to your forehead?

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Probably glasses that are actually mini computers. Things like HUD displays pilots wear, just it'd have satellite connection to the net and people on the other side wouldn't be able to see it. Also, it's be see through when needed, correct my vision when see-through, turn black for some sunglasses, and be waterproof.

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A long proboscis like an elephant. Why? Well because I'd be able to smell better, but also if I went blind or if it were dark I'd be able to feel my way and I'd be able to use it like an extra arm. I also just wanted to use the word proboscis in a sentence as it doesn't occur very often and it's a quality word.

A large letter H, just so I can instantly tell who has a good sense of humour. It would also work as a great conersation starter.



I like your style mr chris.

can you actually refer to elephant trunks as a probiscus? i thought it was only limited to things like bugs!

Speaking of bugs, maybe it'd be cool to have a really realistic looking fake spider there, not a real one though, I hate spiders!


A network of ultrabright leds under the skin surface that you can program with messages like "NO !", and "Fuck off !" so every time a chav approachs me to ask for a cigarette or money with that old classic line:

"I've lost my buspass/money, can you spare us 10p ?".


This way I can answer them over a long distance without them needing to approach me.: peace:

A speaker, just so i could beat the chavs with better music than they blast out on their phones.


I would have a full surround sound speaker system with a subwoofer so that I could play better music than both you and the chavs.

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